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Observations placeholder

Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani - Irshad al-‘awamm - Darkness and Light



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani – Irshad al-‘awamm [translated by  Henry Corbin and Nancy Pearson]

When it is said that Paradise is in Heaven and Gehenna is in the Earth, that is because the human being has two dimensions; a dimension of light and a dimension of darkness.  His dimension of light is the Heaven of his being; his dimension of darkness is the Earth of his being.  Every faithful act a man does is done through his dimension of light.  Then he is wholly luminous, celestial, subtle.  Conversely, his betrayals and denials come from his dimension of darkness; he is then wholly dark, earthly, dense and opaque.  If then it is said that Paradise is in heaven, it is because it is the dimension of light and of good, the dimension of approach to the Divine; conversely, Hell is in the Earth, because it is the dimension of Darkness and of evil, the dimension of utmost remoteness from the Divine.

The source of the experience

Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani

Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


