Spiritual concepts
Function and the synonymous names Activity or System are types of action, something that is done, a type of activity. It is thus a classification of actual activity. A function is a class because if exactly the same ‘inputs’ [occurrences or things] are fed into that function exactly the same ‘outputs’[things] will result.
Functions are performed on or by Entities – types of thing. Verbs essentially that work on classes of things.
If someone tells me a good joke [input], then it is probable that I will laugh [output laughter].
Thus water as a class has defined functions, carbon has defined functions, sand has defined functions. We have defined functions too – we can laugh, cry, be angry, be joyful, be happy or sad, be tired or energetic and we can experience the function of ‘pain’.
Every physical thing has functions. They enable it to operate.
David Foster
If we examine an apparently purposeful thing such as a watch, then …. there must be a watchmaker. But trees also evidence meaningful function, more complex and technical than a watch....
For more details of the interactions between these functions of the universe – see Function dependencies
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – The correspondence in the details of structure in animals otherwise entirely disconnected
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – The lop-sided view of the physicist
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Jawami al-kalim - Behind them the barzakh until the day when they will be raised up
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Kitab Sharh al-Ziyara - The 'Fall'
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Kitab Sharh al-Ziyara - Zayd
- Aitken, Professor Alexander - Perception recall examples
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 09 The soul as a mean of understanding God
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 10 The Intelligence hierarchy
- Alain Danielou – Gods of Love and Ecstasy: The Traditions of Shiva and Dionysus – Living in harmony with the systems of the universe
- Anni Dixon
- Aristotle - History of Animals - Tree of Life
- Aristotle - Physics - Motion
- Asclepius - Classes and forms
- Asclepius - Hermes Trismegistus - Spirit
- Asclepius - The class persists, begetting copies of itself
- Ashtavakra Gita - 01 Instruction on Self-Realization
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - Symbols
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - The evolving ego
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - A soul carrying a corpse
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Perceptions
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - The ordered universe
- AwoFa'lokun Fatunmbi - Making rain and lightning
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
- Bailey, Philip James - from Universal Hymn 01
- Bailey, Philip James - from Universal Hymn 02
- Balzac, Honoré de - Louis Lambert - 01 Energy
- Balzac, Honoré de - Louis Lambert - The Laws of the Universe
- Barker, Cicely Mary - The Daisy Fairy
- Barker, Cicely Mary - The Scarlet Pimpernel fairy
- Barker, Cicely Mary - The Winter Aconite Fairy
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - Aggregates and perception
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - Atoms and functions
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - The cyclical nature of Perceptions
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - The systems of the universe
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - Why we have the senses
- Bergson, Henri - Time and Free Will - Atoms and prophecy
- Bergson, Henri - Time and Free Will - Emotional Intensity
- Bernard, Professor Claude - The Great Work
- Bertalanffy, Ludwig von - Function dependencies
- Bertalanffy, Ludwig von - System decomposition
- Bertrand Russell - On Pure Mathematics - Function as spirit
- Beuys, Joseph - Backrest
- Bhagavad Gita - Strung like pearls on a thread
- Bhagavad Gita - The silence of secret things
- Bhagavad Gita - Vasuki and the Ocean of Milk
- Blake, William - Does the whale worship at thy footsteps as the hungry dog?
- Blake, William - From every one of the four regions of human majesty
- Blake, William - One curse, one weight, one measure One king, one God, one Law
- Blake, William - So sang a Fairy mocking as he sat on a streaked Tulip
- Blithe spirit - The vast moving sheet
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - All the powers which are in nature proceed from God
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - All whatsoever that hath been mentioned above is called quality
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Celestial music and songlines
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Holy spirit and Holy Ghost
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Intelligences
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - The nature of God
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - The Word
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - Even things which are believed to be inanimate also desire
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - This world would never have coalesced into one form
- Bohm, David - Wholeness and The Implicate Order - Energy and spirit
- Bohm, David - Wholeness and The Implicate Order - Systems of the Universe
- Bohr, Niels - When it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry
- Book of Enoch-69
- Book of Enoch-69
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - from Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda 02
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - from Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda 03
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - from Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda 04
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - from Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda 05
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - The correlation between stimuli, emotion and illness
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - The unity of the universe
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - Plants and perceptions
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - Plants and perceptions - response to environment
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - Plants and perceptions - sensitivity
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - The common functions of plants and humans
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - The common functions of plants and humans - pulsation
- Brennan, Barbara - Hands of Light - UEF
- Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad – The Creation myth – 03 Verses 1.4.7 to 1.4.8
- Browning, Robert - Reverie - All is effect of cause
- Bruce Chatwin – On instinct and aggression
- Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - 01 The Second Dialogue
- Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - 03 The Second Dialogue
- Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - 07 The Third Dialogue
- Bruno, Giordano – On Magic - On aggregates and functions
- Bruno, Giordano – On Magic - On out of body experiences
- Bruno, Giordano – On Magic - Spirit
- Bruno, Giordano – On Magic - The Humours and rhubarb
- Bryson, Bill - On chromosomes and DNA
- Bryson, Bill - On galaxies
- Bryson, Bill - On increments, reuse and functions
- Bryson, Bill - The sea, the sea
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 05 The Ultimate Principle of Reality
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - Extract: Created things are like dreams
- Buddha - Heart sutra - Full text
- Buddha - Mahāmudrā tradition - The seed
- Burt, Sir Cyril - The universe as system
- Byron, Lord - from Don Juan
- Carlyle, Thomas - Misc quote - The All of Things is an infinite conjugation of the verb To Do
- Chandogya Upanishad
- Chandra X Ray Observatory site - Dark matter
- Charles Fort - 0 Concepts - Continuous nexus
- Charles Fort - 0 Concepts - Contrast and Free will
- Charles Fort - 0 Concepts - The Forces of attraction and repulsion
- Charles Fort - Artefacts embedded in coal and rocks
- Cheyne, George - A mystic conversion and the healing path
- Church, Richard Thomas - Over the Bridge - Time and space are deceivers
- Coehlo, Paulo - The Alchemist - Metals
- Coehlo, Paulo - The Alchemist - The Master Work
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Lines from a Notebook June 1810
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Teach the value of meticulous observation
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – god
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – Shin and gods
- Confucius - The Doctrine of the Mean - 11
- Croll, Oswald - Preface of Signatures - 01 Preface
- Croll, Oswald - Preface of Signatures – 02 Preface
- Croll, Oswald - Preface of Signatures – 03 Preface
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Branks
- Custance, John - Wisdom, Madness and Folly - Spirit and matter are one
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – 04 Aggregates and changes in function
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – 05 Aggregates and changes in function; colour and size
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – 06 Crystals and the Laws of Attraction
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - The 'mind' of a cell
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - Where do perceptions reside?
- Dao de Jing - Chapter 16
- Darwin, Charles - The Expression of the Emotions
- Darwin, Charles - The Power of Movement in Plants
- David Foster - Hardware, software and the speed of execution
- David Lewis-Williams - Levels, layers and shamanism
- David-Neel, Alexandra - The Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects - The tangible world is movement
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - Unweaving the Rainbow - On DNA
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - Unweaving the Rainbow - On hearing
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - Unweaving the Rainbow - Prosopagnosia
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - Unweaving the Rainbow - Symbiosis
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - Unweaving the Rainbow - The seagull
- Democritus - Galenus Diels fr 125
- Descartes, Rene - 'God' is not matter only spirit
- Descartes, Rene - All the diversity of forms depends on motion
- Descartes, Rene - Entities and entity sub-types
- Descartes, Rene - Functions, Attributes and Spirit
- Descartes, Rene - Manifestly more reality in infinite substance than in finite
- Descartes, Rene - Modes of willing are all caused by some movement of the spirit
- Descartes, Rene - On appetites and emotions
- Descartes, Rene - On pain and the 5 senses
- Descartes, Rene - The attributes of God
- Descartes, Rene - The cause of all things is God
- Descartes, Rene - The concept of shared function
- Descartes, Rene - The contracting universe
- Descartes, Rene - The earth and heavens are formed of the same matter
- Descartes, Rene - The physical world is a mathematical construct
- Descartes, Rene - Thinking substance and extended substance
- Descartes, Rene - This 'I' is entirely and absolutely distinct from my body
- Descartes, Rene - Time, energy and function execution
- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - David Hume – System and order as an indicator of the Nature of ‘God’, but not necessarily proof of one Being
- Dickinson, Emily - The bone that has no marrow What ultimate for that
- Dickinson, Emily - The Outer from the Inner Derives its magnitude
- Dillard, Annie - Teaching a stone to talk - Life and the rocks, like spirit and matter, are a fringed matrix
- Dionysius the Areopagite - De Mystica Theologia - Attribute and function
- Donne, John
- Ecclesiastes 1
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding Universe - Metrical fields and function
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding Universe - The contracting universe
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding Universe - The invisible universe
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding Universe - The physical is not all there is
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding Universe - The stuff of the world is mind stuff
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Nature of the Physical World - Illusion
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Nature of the Physical World - The shadow world
- Einstein, Albert - E=mc2
- Einstein, Albert - Rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law
- Einstein, Albert - The Laws of Nature
- Einstein, Albert - The Laws of the Universe
- Einstein, Albert - The Rules and Systems of the Universe
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - History - Reuse
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Intellect - On intellect
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Nature - Nature is the incarnation of a thought
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Nature - The Word and the unit of energy
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - The Poet - The Order of creation
- Empedocles - On Nature - 233-364
- Enel (Michel Vladimirovitch Skariatine) - La Langue Sacree - The unit of energy and the Word
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Periphyseon – Spirit, form and function
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – Form
- Evolutionary Rationalism In Dr. V.L. Raikov’s Mosaic Model Of Consciousness - Systems of the universe
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - The stars and constellations
- Fechner, Gustav Theodor - As described by Erwin Schrodinger in What is Life
- Fechner, Gustav Theodor - As described by Henri Bergson in Time and Free Will
- Ficino, Marsilio - Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus - On the intervals of the spheres
- Ficino, Marsilio - Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus - Unity goodness and intellect
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - American wood frog
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Arctic terns
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Bird migration and navigation
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Caged birds
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Cockroaches
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Dark eyed juncos
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Freezing wolves
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Hamsters' testicles
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Hibernation
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Light pulses as triggers
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Migration
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Northern elephant seals
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Plants deserve more respect!
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Polar bears and their babies
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Recognising and observing dependencies and triggers
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Reindeer
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Seasonal activity
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Sheep
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Soy beans
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Starlings
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - Temperature as a trigger
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - The complex inter dependency between systems of different types
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - The importance of understanding dependencies
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - The inter-dependent functions of the Lese women
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - The life cycle of the Winter moth
- Foster and Kreitzman - Seasons of Life - The sun, the stars, magnetic fields and the migration of animals
- Frost, Robert - But God's own descent
- Frost, Robert - Ours is to behave like a kitchen spoon
- Gabriel Delanne – A case for Intelligent Design and the existence of the Higher spirit
- Gardner, Ingrid - The hypothesis of the unit of energy
- Gaskell, Walter Holbrook - The Origin of Vertebrates
- Genesis 01 - The Creation
- Gershom Scholem – On the Kabbalah and its symbolism - Aggregates
- Giri, Sri Yukteswar - Centre of communication
- Giri, Sri Yukteswar - Quote
- Giuseppe Tartini - The marriage of form and function, mass and mathematics
- Goethe - Selected poems - To my garden here translated, Foliage of this eastern tree
- Gosala, Makkali - The nature of Halla and the doctrine of Niyati
- Grasse, Pierre-Paul - L'Evolution du Vivant - Argument against random evolution
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Access to unknown functions
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Being given knowledge of the functions of the universe
- Guru Granth - Bilaval 01
- Harmaline, 5-MeO-DMT & DMT - A theory of the universe
- Hawker, Robert Stephen - Now my own element, mine by discovery – Numyne
- Hawking, Stephen - A Brief History of Time - Configurations
- Hawking, Stephen - A Brief History of Time - The Great Work
- Hawking, Stephen - A Brief History of Time - The order in the universe
- Heindel, Max - Space is Spirit in its attenuated form
- Hesiod - Theogony - 04 The emotions
- Hobson, Dr Allan - The effects of a stroke 04 - Brain structure [form] and functions are separate
- Homeopathy for Collective Diseases - AIDs, Malaria, Trauma, Vaccines and Toxins - The quest for a collective simillimum
- Homing pigeons
- Huai nan tzu - The Creation of Earth
- Huangdi Neijing - Suwen short extracts
- Hugh Danks – Canadian Museum of Nature - The Diapause
- Huxley, Thomas - Intellectually we stand on an islet
- Hymn from the Stele in Memphis in front of the Temple of Hephaistos
- Immanuel Kant - Describes Swedenborg's conception of symbols
- Jacques Hadamard - The mathematical problem of the mother of Leonard Eugene Dickson
- Jami - Misc Quote - On Qu’ran L15
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Atoms
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Atoms and Bells
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Conservation of matter, spirit and energy
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Death as a function
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Energy
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Matter and energy
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Reality
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Spirit
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Spirit and the expanding universe
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The Bell Rope
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The carbon atom
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The Creator
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The Principle of Cause and Effect
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The Universe as a great thought
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The Word
- Jesus - The Gospel of Mary Magdalene - And the aeons
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Insan al-kamil - In parable, the creation is like ice
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 011 Introduction [Extract]
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 090 Section 8
- John Townley and Robert Schmidt - The law of seriality and its implications for astrology
- Jones, Sir William - On the Philosophy of the Asiatics
- Joscelyn Godwin- Harmonies of Heaven and Earth - Moses and Joshua hear celestial music
- Josephson, Professor Brian David - A New kind of Energy
- Kahuna - Mana
- Kakuzo, Okakura - The Book of Tea - The Creation
- Kammerer, Paul - Alexander Vargas's support of Kammerer's finding
- Kammerer, Paul - Everything that has been created strives upwards
- Kammerer, Paul - Systems, functions and function dependency explained
- Kammerer, Paul - The law of seriality 01
- Kammerer, Paul - The law of seriality 02
- Kammerer, Paul - The law of seriality 03
- Kammerer, Paul - The law of seriality 04
- Kandinsky, Wassily - Image Composition VIII - 1923
- Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Pure Reason - Heuristics and the systems of the universes
- Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Pure Reason - How to use the knowledge gained?
- Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Pure Reason - The Ultimate Intelligence
- Kant, Immanuel - Dreams of a Spirit Seer - 02 Chapter One
- Kant, Immanuel - Dreams of a Spirit Seer - 04 Chapter One
- Kant, Immanuel - Dreams of a Spirit Seer - 05 Chapter One
- Kant, Immanuel - Dreams of a Spirit Seer - 06 Chapter Two
- Kant, Immanuel - Quotes - Infinite spirit
- Kant, Immanuel - Quotes - On Leibnitz and the atom
- Kepler, Johannes - Harmony and spirit
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - Misc. Quotes - On God the engineer
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - All creatures can be found in man
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On astrology
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On levels and layers
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On the Systems of the universe
- Kipling, Rudyard - Jungle Book - The Law of the Jungle
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - Holons
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - On Nature's subassemblies
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - The common spider's web making function
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - The rules of the game
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - The staggering functional complexity of organelles
- Lakotan 'Finger' - Native American Indians - Skan
- Leary, Timothy - compares LSD and DMT
- Leedskalnin, Edward - Magnetic current - Attraction and repulsion as functions
- Leibniz - A prophecy of our greater understanding of the systems of the universe
- Leibniz - Form, Function and the Word
- Leibniz - Function, Form, Mind and the Unmoving mover
- Leibniz - The Monadology - 05
- Leibniz - Whatever moves is being constantly created
- Lemaitre, Georges - Letter to Nature - The programmed universe
- Lethbridge, T C - ESP Beyond Time and Distance – On Cones and the Egg
- Lethbridge, T C - ESP Beyond Time and Distance – The Laws of Gravity; where is the string in real life?
- Levi-Strauss, Claude - Order in the universe
- Lewis, C S - The Last Battle - On configurations
- Linnaeus, Carl - Letter to Johann Gmelon
- Linnaeus, Carl - Philosophia Botanica
- Lloyd, Professor Seth - The Universe as Quantum computer
- M A Czaplicka - Siberian shamanism - On the soul
- Maeterlinck, Maurice - La Tragique Quotidien - On Othello and jealousy
- Martineau, Harriet - Letters on Mesmerism - The power of one mind over another's
- Masefield, John - Sonnets and Poems XII
- Masefield, John - The Story of a Round-House - Sonnet
- Masters and Houston - Feels that his substance now is the same as that of some part of the environment
- Masters and Houston - On becoming a machine
- Maxwell, James Clerk - The Book of Nature
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 11 The Spirit beings of disease
- Mayo, Jeff - Intelligent Mind
- Mayo, Jeff - On systems and patterns
- Mayo, Jeff - Time in reality is fictitious
- Mesopotamia - Its technology and culture 02 Divination
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – On the Relation of the Amount of Material and Weight – Functions and spin
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Oration on the Origin of Light. A New Theory of Colour – 02 On transparency
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Oration on the Origin of Light. A New Theory of Colour – 03 ‘Heat’ is a function of an aggregate
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Oration on the Origin of Light. A New Theory of Colour – 04 ‘Light’ is a function of an aggregate
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Oration on the Origin of Light. A New Theory of Colour – 05 ‘Sound’ is a function of an aggregate
- Mircea Eliade - Shamanic belief in spirit beings
- Miss Beauchamp - Her illness was in the mind
- Monroe, Robert - Extreme emotion has physical bodily effects
- Monroe, Robert - Locale II out of body
- Monroe, Robert - The Creator and Creation
- Munch, Edvard - Dance of Life and Vampire
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - On soul
- Myers, F W H - The Varieties of Religious Experience - Prayer
- Nāgārjuna – Mūlamadhyamaka-kārikā – Verse 04
- Native American Wisdom - Chased-by-bears
- Native American Wisdom - Ohiyesa - Creation
- Native American Wisdom - Sioux - The Great Spirit
- Needham, Joseph - The Levels and layers
- Neiye - Verse 01
- Nerval, Gerard de - Towards golden
- Newton, Sir Isaac - The Pipes of Pan - Laws of motion
- Nick Polizzi - Placebos and healing
- Noodled by narcotics, and seeing how brain compression algorithms at work
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 02 ‘Prehensions’ or actual relationships
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 03 System, Processes, Functions and ‘becoming’
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 04 The immortality of an entity, the system of the universe, in time and outside time
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 05 Quanta
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 07 Event based processing versus objective based processing
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 17 Which comes first the thought or the thinker?
- Ogotommeli - Egg and Atom layout
- Ogotommeli - The Matrix and constellations
- Ogotommeli - Weaving
- Oliver Sacks - The twins, numbers and celestial music
- Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat - Magic Shadow Show
- Palmer, Daniel David - The underlying spiritual foundation of the body
- Paracelsus - The Elements
- Pauli, Wolfgang - On God
- Pauli, Wolfgang - The future of Physics
- Pearse, Richard - The wonderful world of Richard Pearse
- Planck, Max - The Universe in the Light of Modern Physics
- Plato - Parmenides - Are functions implemented or multi-tasked
- Plato - Theaetetus - On sensations
- Plato - Timaeus - Mother Earth
- Plato – Parmenides - Ideas
- Plato – Parmenides - Ideas, functions and function dependency
- Plotinus - The Enneads - Happiness in animals and plants
- Plutarch - Moralia - On Isis and the dog
- Poincare, Henri - Discovering arithmetic transformations of indefinite ternary quadratic forms
- Poincare, Henri - Discovering the final fuchsian functions
- Poincare, Henri - Discovering the fuchsian functions
- Pordage, John - Eternal nature and its purpose
- Pordage, John - On God
- Pordage, John - The Deity is not solitary or unattended
- Prasna Upanishad
- Priestley, Joseph - Infinites as the cause
- Priestley, Joseph - Miracles
- Proclus - Elements of Theology - Dunamis and the Logos
- Proclus - Elements of Theology - Proposition 209
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - Number is the ruler of forms
- Pythagoras - Proclus in MSS. Schol. in Cratylum
- Pythagoras - The Sacred Discourse - Numbers
- R Wilhelm – commentary on the I Ching
- Rabbi Alon Anava - Is there life after death? Is God real? Jewish NDE (Near Death Experience)
- Rabbi Isaac - Order of creation
- Ramana Maharshi - Quote - Now they say that the world is unreal
- Ramana Maharshi - Ramana the Magician - Awareness wherein brightly shine
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - Hell and the Abyss
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - The Elements
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - Tulari and Boga
- Revelations 12 12 - 17
- Rilke, Rainer Maria - 34 Eighth Elegy
- Romans 1
- Rosicrucean - Thor Kiimaletho - 01 The fundamental beliefs
- Rumi - Divani Shamsi Tabriz - Every fair shape you have seen
- Russell, George William - Candle of Vision
- Sacks, Oliver - If only I could go back sometimes and be a dog again!
- Schelling, F W J - Abhandlungen zur Erläuterung des Idealismus der Wissenschaftslehre – Matter arises from spirit
- Schelling, F W J - Clara or On Nature’s Connection to the Spirit World – On the nature of the material and spiritual world
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - An erection is a motive, because it is an idea
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - Form and function
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - Memories and emotions
- Schrodinger and Boltzman
- Schrodinger, Erwin - Mind and Matter - Mind
- Schrodinger, Erwin - Mind and Matter - Testing creation
- Schrodinger, Erwin - What is Life - Atoms
- Schrodinger, Erwin - What is Life - Energy
- Schrodinger, Erwin - What is Life - Form and function
- Schrodinger, Erwin - What is Life - Mutation
- Schrodinger, Erwin - What is Life - Mutation design and planning
- Sefer ha-bahir – Para 47 – The Word
- Segantini - Nature
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - Our universe is the whole
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - The material and spiritual worlds sprang from one Breath
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - Yet when this sensible world passes away
- Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani - Irshad al-‘awamm - Darkness and Light
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Intelligence hierarchy and Great Work
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Spirit and matter
- Sherrington, Sir Charles - Man and his Nature - Aggregates and 'mind'
- Sherrington, Sir Charles - Man and his Nature - Mind
- Sherrington, Sir Charles - Man and his Nature - The eye and its functions
- Shinto – Shimenawa
- Sidis, William James - The Animate And The Inanimate - 02 Chapter Two Reversible Laws
- Sidis, William James - The Animate And The Inanimate - 03 Chapter Three on Entropy and the 2nd law of thermodynamics
- Sikhism – Japji 02
- Six Dharmas of Nāropa - 03 Arising and Perfecting Yoga
- Socrates - Plato Phaedo - Reality
- Socrates - Plato Phaedo - Systems of the Universe
- Socrates - Plato Phaedo - The Immortal soul
- Soddy, Frederick – Soddy's role as prophet - 02 Energy recycling, form, function and the Egg
- Soddy, Frederick – Soddy's role as prophet - 03 Aggregates, the force of aggregation, form and functions
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Aggregation
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Function dependency
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Intelligences
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Mind
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - On the nature of God
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Order of creation
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Spirit, function and form
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - The autonomic system
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - The essence of man
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - The nature of function
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - The nature of intellect
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Uniqueness of God
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Various thoughts on the nature of God
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Will and free will
- Steiner, Rudolf - Elemental Spirits and the Plant World
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - The functions of plants
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Architecture, design, function and form
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Cycles of time
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Fire spirits
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - How flowers grow
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Sylphs
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - The forces of Nature
- Still, Andrew Taylor - A definition of osteopathy
- Still, Andrew Taylor - Body, Mind and Spirit
- Still, Andrew Taylor - What is Nature
- Stobart, Henry - A view from the Bolivian Andes – The Animu
- Stockham, Alice Bunker - Karezza - Healing and the placebo effect
- Suhrawardi - Hikmat al-ishriq - The twofold universe
- Suzuki, D T - Misc. Quote - The finite and the infinite
- Suzuki, D T - Misc. Quote - Trisna
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Aggregates
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Atoms
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Discord
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Energy
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Form and function
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Levels and layers
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - The creation
- Tabula Smaragdina - Newton translation
- Taoism - The body as a castle and city
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - Order of Creation
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - Within and without
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Aggregation and function
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Brains
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Co-operation
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Diversification
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Energy
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Function comes before form
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Isolation as a design strategy
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Minerals
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Reuse of designs
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Theramorphs
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Tree of life
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - The Phenomenon of Man - Predesigned forms
- The Book of Family Traditions on the Art of War - The Quiescent Sword
- The Ceasing of Notions – 13 Emptiness
- The Ishavasya Upanishad with Shankara’s Commentary 03
- The Kybalion - The Law of Function and System
- The Kybalion - The Rule of Ascent
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Ten Questions 04
- The Move - hearing the grass grow
- The Oracle - The Matrix - Prophecy and free will
- The Tao - from Immortality and Reincarnation – Alexandra David-Neel
- Thoreau, Henry D - Walden - An ocean of subtle Intelligences
- Thoreau, Henry D - Walden - The Laws of Nature
- Thoreau, Henry D - Walden - Where is heaven?
- Tibetan Book of the Dead - Confessions
- Traherne, Thomas - Circulations - As fair ideas from the sky
- Tranströmer, Tomas - from Schubertiana
- Tyrrell, G N M - The Personality of Man – Functions, the subconscious and the autonomic system
- Tzu, Lao - A Way you can call Way isn’t the perennial Way
- Tzu, Lao - Tao gave birth to One, One gave birth to Two
- Tzu, Lao - The softest of all things
- Tzu, Lao - When once the Primal Simplicity diversified
- Upanishads, the
- VAISESIKA - On atoms
- Vignoli, Tito - On music
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 13 A question and answer session with spirit beings
- Vishnu Purana
- Vrba, Dr Elisabeth - The Pulse That Produced Us
- Waddington, C H - Evolution is not blind chance
- Watson, Lyall - Animals and shared function
- Watson, Lyall - Animism
- Watson, Lyall - Atoms as mathematical constructs
- Watson, Lyall - Cold fronts and warm fronts
- Watson, Lyall - Drosophila melanogaster and Periplaneta americana
- Watson, Lyall - Millions of little spiders
- Watson, Lyall - On aphids
- Watson, Lyall - On exorcism
- Watson, Lyall - Portuguese man of war
- Watson, Lyall - The Convoluta flatworm and its memory of the tides
- Watson, Lyall - The dependency between the Air and Reproduction systems
- Watson, Lyall - The hibernation of the ground squirrel Citellus Lateralis
- Watson, Lyall - The marvellous design of insect wings
- Watson, Lyall - The sensitivity of Euglena Gracilis
- Watson, Lyall - The sensitivity of Mimosa Pudica
- Watson, Lyall - Thermal bubbles and soaring flight
- Watson, Lyall - Tides and gravity
- Watson, Lyall - Vanessa Butterfly migration
- Watson, Lyall - Volvox aureas
- Watson, Lyall - Water as an aggregate
- Watson, Lyall - Willows and alders warn each other when they are being attacked
- Watts, Alan - The ordering of nature is an art akin to music
- Whately Carington - The learnt function of spiders
- Wheeler, Professor John – Its from bits
- Whitman, Walt - Leaves of Grass - Clear and sweet is my soul
- Whitman, Walt - Leaves of Grass - I find I incorporate gneiss
- Whitman, Walt - Leaves of Grass - I think I could turn and live awhile with the animals
- Whitman, Walt - Who learns my lesson complete
- William Collins - An Ode for Music
- Wirth, Oswald – 08 Justice
- Xam bushmen - Anteater and lynx
- Yeats, W B - Selected poems - A Meditation in Time of War
- Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book IV - 03. The Husbandman
- Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book IV - 11. to 34.
- Yoruba creation myth
- Zhang Zai - On form and function
- Zohar - I 019b – The Universe shell and kernel