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Descartes, Rene - Modes of willing are all caused by some movement of the spirit
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Rene Descartes – Key Philosophical Writings
the will is absolutely essential for our giving our assent to what we have in some manner perceived. [but it is not] necessary that we should have a perfect and entire knowledge of a thing; for we often give our assent to things of which we have never had any but a very obscure and confused knowledge........
The perception of the understanding only extends to the few objects which present themselves to it, and is always very limited. The will on the other hand, may in some measure be said to be infinite, because we perceive nothing which may be the object of some other will... so that we easily extend it beyond that which we apprehend clearly. And when we do this there is no wonder if it happens we are deceived.........
That will should extend widely is in accordance with its nature, and it is the greatest perfection in man to be able to act by its means, that is freely, and by so doing we are in a peculiar way masters of our actions and thereby merit praise or blame.............
it is so evident that we are possessed of a free will that can give or withhold its assent, that this may be counted as one of the first and most ordinary notions that are found innately in us................
For all the modes of thinking that we observe in ourselves may be related to two general modes, the one which consists in perception, or in the operation of the understanding and the other in volition, or the operation of the will. Thus sense perception, imagining and conceiving things that are purely intelligible are just different methods of perceiving; but desiring, holding in aversion, affirming, denying, doubting, all these are different modes of willing.................
it seems as though they are all caused by some movement of the spirit.