Spiritual concepts
In order to be able to see how Memory fits in to the overall function of the Mind see The Model of the Mind.
For more details on why it is so key to spiritual experience see How spiritual experience works.
Memory is analogously like a big structured database. The Greeks developed quite a well ordered description of the functions of Memory personifying them as 'gods' - see Memory and the Greek gods.
We build Memory by Learning. When we are born we have no memory, but as we live we build up Memory by analysing our Perceptions. Thus Memory and Perceptions are different but they are closely related - see Memory and Perceptions
Memory provides us with our model of the functions of the universe and a database of systematically classified facts to help us use the model and extract information. We can thus simply use the model to extract data – information - or use it to get at the functions we have learnt. So we may have, for example, a memory of the times of all the trains from Waterloo [facts], but also have remembered how the train system works [functions].
A more precise definition of memory is:
“A model of those parts of the systems of the universe we have been able to understand, consisting of both the functions and the data structured as we perceive them to be structured from our observations”.
For a full explanation of the meaning of Learnt functions – see Learnt functions.
For a full explanation of the meaning of The Database of facts – see the Database of facts.
You will notice that memory and Perceptions are different. Memory is based on our perceptions. If we are not very good at Learning, and have had limited Perceptions on which to base memory, our model of the universe can be almost totally wrong.
What has been accumulated in Memory has a huge impact on whether we are able to get a spiritual experience thus I have provided perhaps a great deal more background reading to this section than the other sections. The main areas I have concentrated on are the sorts of content we accumulate.
- Demons - There is a certain class of learnt function that can be especially upsetting in spiritual experience – the demon – for more details see Demons
- Personality driven data - Memory is built around Personality, not around the Higher spirit. To understand this a little better see Higher Spirit and Perception and also Higher Spirit, Personality and Memory
- Natural and man made system models - We accumulate information about all sorts of systems during our life. For more details on the types of model we may accumulate over time see Memory - Types of model in memory
- Models archived or on the go - We may actually have conflicting models in our Memory. For some background as to the types of system models we build for ourselves in memory – see Memory and Systems
- Subliminal models - And for some background into the fact we can be building up picture of systems of which we were not aware - subliminal see Memory and Subliminal models
- Emotion led model – for details on how emotion can almost govern what we learn see Memory and Emotion
Overall I want to get over to you how very little we know and how incomplete it is. And how wrong it can be.
A good enough reason in itself for excluding it from spiritual experience.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Kitab Sharh al-Ziyara - Seraphiel’s Trumpet
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 05 On what prevents spiritual experience
- Alastair I. McIntosh - Enhancing perception
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 07 - 2 The Dormouse's story
- Amiel, Henri - On inspiration
- Ansel Bourne goes AWOL
- Aristotle - De Anima - Perceptions and the soul
- Arnold-Forster, Mary - Where do dreams come from?
- Arthur, James D - 11 No memory no language
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - Spiritual interactions
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - The problems of the 5 senses
- Avicenna - The Canon of Medicine - The unbalanced mind
- Balzac, Honoré de - Louis Lambert - 07 Conscious, Subconscious and Higher spirit
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - Memory and Perception
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - Memory and perception
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - On impulse and dreaming
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - Perception extraction
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - Relearning from perceptions
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - The Dangers of Memory
- Bergson, Henri - Time and Free Will - Souls and objects
- Beuys, Joseph - Honey Pump 05
- Bhagavad Gita - Strung like pearls on a thread
- Bohm, David - Wholeness and The Implicate Order - Energy and spirit
- Book of Enoch-42
- Book of Five Spheres - The Scroll of Emptiness
- Byron, Lord - from Don Juan
- Cannabis and OCD
- Carlyle, Thomas - Sartor Resartus - They only are wise who know that they know nothing
- Chesterton, G K - Orthodoxy - Imagination does not breed insanity
- Chesterton, G K - Orthodoxy - Reason is itself a matter of faith
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Battle of the Ants
- Custance, John - Wisdom, Madness and Folly - On the depressive phase
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - David and learning
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - Emotion
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - Perceptions
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - Remembering
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - Systems of communication and Inner speech
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - TED talk: The quest to understand consciousness
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - The lying memory
- Descartes, Rene - Modes of willing are all caused by some movement of the spirit
- Descartes, Rene - The unreliability of memory
- Diotima – 07 Eros, passion and dying for love
- Edouard Claparède
- Eliot, T S - Four Quartets - 09 The Dry Salvages II
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Essays - Spiritual Laws
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Intellect - On intellect
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Intellect - On learning
- Eusevgny Faygdysh - The Mystic Cosmos - Psychological trauma and illness
- Felida X - Hypnotism, Double Consciousness and alterations of personality – 02 First Observations
- Felida X - Hypnotism, Double Consciousness and alterations of personality – 04 Third Observations
- Foer, Joshua - National Geographic - Remember this
- Fraulein O
- Godwin, Joscelyn - The Great Work
- Goethe - Faust Part 1
- Goldsmith, Oliver - Memory
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Accessing group perception using emotion as the index
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Accessing perceptions - the index
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Core experiences and reinforcement
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Emotion as the principle index to perceptions
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Peter relives being locked in the cellar
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Rebuilding memory from perceptions
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - The Dangers of 'False memory'
- Hegel – Buried memories
- Hesiod - Theogony - Mnemosyne [Memory] and the Three Graces
- Hume, David - Animals have similar functions to humans
- Hume, David - Memory and the database of facts
- Immanuel Kant - Describes Swedenborg's communication with spirits
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 060 Section 5
- Jonah and his four other selves
- Kant, Immanuel - Quotes - Where is the soul?
- Katha Upanishad
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On erasing memory
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat – The Art of Being and Becoming - Editing memory
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat – The Art of Being and Becoming - The eradication of suffering
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - Creative thought
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - The unreliability of memory
- Krishnamurti - The Network of Thought - You, the ego… the me is just memory
- Leibniz - The Monadology - 03
- Leibniz - The Monadology - 04
- Levitin, Professor Daniel - On our lack of observational ability
- Lilly, John - Perception versus Memory
- Mach, Ernst - The limitations of memory and the 5 senses
- Madame D's dreams
- Master Naong - Song of the Pure Land
- Masters and Houston - False memories true perceptions
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - Question all beliefs
- Miss Beauchamp - Her illness was in the mind
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - The ena and the moya
- Neumann, John von - Instant recall
- Neumann, John von - The design for a computer
- Nietzsche - On the Genealogy of Morals - Pain is the most powerful aid to mnemonics
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 19 Perceptions are not the same as memory
- Omar Khayyam - On Creed and Belief systems
- Personality and dementia
- Plato - Theaetetus - Birds in an aviary, the metaphor of mind
- Plato - Theaetetus - Feet and shoes
- Plotinus - The Enneads - On death
- Poetic Edda - Grimnir's sayings [Extract]
- Prokosch, Dr Frederic - Chosen Poems – from The Perfectionists
- Ramachandran, Dr V S - The distortion of perceptions to fit belief systems
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – Amazonian Cosmos - Wisdom vs knowledge
- Research paper - Visual Awareness and the Detection of Fearful Faces
- Sacks, Oliver - On Inner speech
- Sahib, Bhai
- Saint Thomas Aquinas - On the dangers of spiritual experience
- Schiller, Lori - Still feeling suicidal and wanting to know why
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - Losing yourself in perceptions
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - Memories and emotions
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - Reducing desires
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - The Innocence of plants
- Shakespeare, William - Canst thou not minister to a mind diseased
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe - Music, when soft voices die
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Capacity and duration of perceptions
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Learning how to control the recall
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Mental walks to aid recall
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Recalling tables of numbers
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Recalling the perceptions of childhood
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Using images and symbols to help in recall
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - Words and vivid images
- Slow oscillations orchestrating fast oscillations and memory consolidation
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - On navigating memory
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Thoughts
- Stockham, Alice Bunker - Karezza - On the spirit and the soul
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - Arcana Coelestia - Universal language
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Where is the intellect?
- Sybil and her multiple personalities
- Sybil, Vicky, Marian and Peggy Lou
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - In Memoriam A H H - The baby new to earth and sky
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - In Memoriam A H H - Who loves not Knowledge?
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - The Two Voices - Yet how should I for certain hold Because my memory is so cold
- The Sutra of Hui-Neng - Essential nature
- Vaughan, Henry - The Pursuit
- Verlaine, Paul - Un grand sommeil
- Villoldo, Dr Alberto - Soul loss and retrieval in children
- W.Y. Evans-Wentz - On Memory and Perceptions
- Watson, Lyall - On dreams and learning
- Wells, H G - War, environmental degradation and hate
- Whitman, Walt - Leaves of Grass - Hurrah for positive science
- William has NDE from cardiac arrest
- Yeats, W B - Selected poems - Vacillation
- Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book I - Sutras 01 to 51
- Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book IV - 09. and 10. Higher spirit, perceptions and memory