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Observations placeholder

Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - Spiritual interactions



Type of Spiritual Experience


An explanation.  An interaction is occurring all the time between  four types of spiritual inputs and functions

  • The first is spirit input - the input from the Higher spirit and the spiritual realm at large via the spirit in the form of inspiration and wisdom - this is purre in that it is 'true'
  • The second comes from our mind/memory and the erroneous beliefs we have built up, this is defiled because it is false, having been based on input other than spirit input - principally the input from our 5 senses
  • The third is related to how we reason and use memory, if memory is false, reasoning will by definition be false
  • The fourth input is from our 5 senses, processed by the perception system and then used to learn.  As the perceptions are not 'real', any subsequent learning, will of itself produce false memory

The term clothes is symbolic.  In this context, it is not just a symbol of the body but also related to the Personality one has to achieve one's destiny on birth.  In effect, although we may be given a personality suited to our desiny on birth, it is neither 'good' nor 'bad', it only takes on further characteristics from the interactions described above

A description of the experience

Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana translated by D T Suzuki

A constant production of things defiled and pure is taking place on account of the inter-perfuming of the four different powers which are as follows:

  • the first is the pure dharma, that is, suchness
  • the second is the principle of defilement, that is, ignorance
  • the third is the subjective mind, that is, activity-consciousness
  • the fourth is the external world of subjectivity, that is, the six objects of sense.

By " perfuming " we mean that while our worldly clothes have no odour of their own, neither offensive nor agreeable, they acquire one or the other according to the nature of the substance with which they are perfumed.

The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

