Spiritual concepts
It may be helpful to have the Model of the Mind open whilst you read this definition.
The Will is a part of our Conscious self. The Will makes the final decision on the course of action to take – the next activity. But it does not do so based on Reason alone. It uses additional input including
- the Emotions at the time [known from our Perceptions]
- all the messages from our Nervous system, Autonomic system and 5 senses [known from Perceptions]
- the Objectives the person has - the Desires and Obligations
- our Personality [the ego]
- the Threats and Opportunities [known from our Perceptions]
- Memories extracted from Memory
- The Will also gets input indirectly [via the Perceptions] from the Composer.
We see a demonstration of the effects of the different priorities that the Will places on these inputs in people’s Character.
From the decision of the will, two things may happen:
- Either an activity is triggered, so we run, we jump, we think, we learn, we do something
- Or because we can’t do that thing now we store it away and it then becomes an Obligation or an unfulfilled Desire. Both of these are Objectives, thus what we can see is that the will creates objectives – the ‘to do list’.
So we have a ‘control cycle’ with objectives being input [what we still need or want to do] and objectives being output [what we still haven’t done that we want or need to do]
So when does an activity become an objective and when doesn’t it?
One very important , but not the only, personal driver to objective setting is whether the end result would give us pleasure or pain. We may plan to do something to avoid pain or suffering or plan to do something to achieve happiness – pleasure. Our pleasure [happiness] and our pain [suffering] help to determine our objectives.
But I can also think of any number of examples where the motivation is not personal but much wider. In fact, it would seem that the pleasure motive is still there, but it is obtained by seeing an objective achieved which affects far more people or creatures than ourselves. In other words we have set objectives for the wider benefit of humanity and the world about us.
For some background added interest on features of the Will see
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- Aristotle - De Anima - Perceptions and the soul
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