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Observations placeholder

Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - Minding your own business



Type of Spiritual Experience


In effect, you do not impose your will upon another.  By doing this you leave them able to seek the spiritual path.  If you impose your will on them you deny them the chance to seek any form of spiritual path, because your will is dominant over theirs


A description of the experience

The World as Will and Idea – Arthur Schopenhauer

A person who voluntarily acknowledges and respects that merely moral limit between wrong and right, even where no state or other authority guarantees – consequently a person who, according to our explanation, never carries the affirmation of his own will so far as to deny the will manifest in another individual – is just.

Thus he will not, in order to increase his own well-being, inflict suffering upon others, i.e. he will commit no crime, he will respect the rights and the properties of others.

When we examine the kernel of this justice, we find in it the intention not to go so far in the affirmation of one’s own will as to deny the manifestations of will in others by compelling them to serve one’s own...................

The will of the first breaks into the territory of the will’s affirmation in someone else, by the individual’s either destroying or injuring this other body itself, or else by its compelling the energies of the other individual’s body to serve his will, instead of the will manifest in that other body.  Thus, if from the will manifesting itself as another body, he takes away the energies of this body, and so increases the energy serving his own will beyond the quota of his own body by means of the negation of the will appearing in another body

The source of the experience

Schopenhauer, Arthur

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps
