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Monroe, Robert - Locale II out of body
Type of Spiritual Experience
The technology used was hemi-syncA description of the experience
Journeys out of the body – Robert Monroe
The interesting aspect of this thought world (or worlds) of Locale II is that one does perceive what seems to be solid matter as well as artefacts common to the physical world. These are brought into "existence," evidently, by three sources.
First, they are the product of thought of those who once lived in the physical world, the patterns of which still remain. This is accomplished quite automatically, without deliberate intent.
The second source is those who liked certain material things in the physical world, which they have re-created apparently to enhance their surroundings in Locale ll.
The third source I assume to be a higher order of intelligent beings more aware of the Locale II environment than most inhabitants. Their purpose seems to be that of simulation of the physical environment - temporarily at least - for the benefit of those just emerging from the physical world, after "death." This is done to reduce trauma and shock for the "newcomers" by introducing familiar shapes and settings in the early conversion stages.