Listening to sound and music
Category: Actions
Involuntary and voluntary
Introduction and description
Listening to sound and music can have an influence on us – one influence is via the emotions and I have described this activity - Listening to music - within the suppression section as its overall effect is to invoke the parasympathetic nervous system - it relaxes!
The use of both sound and music within the context of the overload section is different. Its objective is to stimulate via resonance.
Thus you are using music here as a source of energy not as a source of emotion! It is a physical mechanism not a functional one.
By listening or being ‘immersed’ in sounds which resonate your body and your head, various organs can be stimulated and something – pleasant or unpleasant can happen. The sound can be whole body resonance, or it can be targeted to the head. It can be musical or simply a single slightly varying pulsed note.
If you resonate your head – the skull, brain stem and inner organs – or your body, the aim is to find your ‘resonant frequency’ – the frequency that gives you a spiritual experience.
Although I have placed it in the overload category because it stimulates rather than suppresses function, it can vary from relatively benign to a bit risky. It depends a lot on the particular method used. I will explain the risks within the context of each alternative technique.
All musical instruments are symbolically part of the human body. The pipe for example is symbolically the penis. Reeds also have a symbolic significance. The reed is the spinal cord– symbolically the source of the kundalini experience – thus if one ‘blows’ through the reed then one is symbolically invoking a kundalini experience because breath is spirit.
Moses was found in ‘the bulrushes’ – reeds - and Anatolian festivals of the Great Mother in 3rd and 4th century AD had reed bearers carrying reeds into the sanctuary. All is not what it seems.
Thus one can symbolically ‘play’ the human being to get an experience. There is thus an overlap between this activity and that of sexual stimulation. This means that one has to be careful when looking at the myths and stories, as they may have two meanings. That listening to music can provoke a spiritual experience is to me clear, but so can playing with someone’s body!
Be aware that some observations I have included, taking them at their face value, may not be all they seem!
For any of these to work you really need to be there with the instruments, as all work via resonance. Thus ‘being there’ is the most effective. Failing this I suppose a recording with extremely high quality surround sound that has captured all the complex tones and undertones is a possibility [hence the inclusion of the speakers on the list]. I have no observations that show this latter approach works. All the observations are from experience of the sound at source.
I have experiences from all the following methods- anything from visions to hallucinations and out of body.
The key is the use of pulsed sound, thus a beating sound which repeats over and over again. Even Rachmaninov’s 2nd piano concerto throbs. Ideally it should not be of high intensity of long duration. The following are all options
- Hearing large scale sub woofer speakers - this is untargeted sound, it affects the whole body and relies on surround sound. It is extremely high intensity and thus inherently dangerous. I did wonder whether Bono and U2 who employ these types of speakers know this? I suspect not, as who would want to be responsible for cardiac arrests and miscarriages! Wonderful demonstration of resonance and another one that I hope gives food for thought - we are mostly water
Here is Robert Monroe talking about hemi-sync and out of body - Hitting obelisks and columns - this is untargeted sound and relies on surround sound affecting the whole body. Its effects are arbitrary. It may be high or low intensity depending on how close you are to the column. Quite an interesting piece of background on lithophines can be found here
- Hitting rock gongs, cups and rings and stalactites- this is untargeted surround sound affecting the whole body. Its effects are arbitrary [unless the stones have been 'tuned']. In an enclosed space like a cave, the sound is likely to be of high intensity. In effect it probably works by knocking out your functions of reason and intellect! Rock gongs in open spaces may work via low intensity and thus affect different organs.
- Listening to timbre music this is untargeted sound, it affects the whole body and relies on surround sound. But its effects need not be arbitrary. In the hands of a skilled musician specific effects can be provoked. And it is low intensity, as such it is safer than the high intensity approaches.
Listening to cathedral organs this too is untargeted sound, it affects the whole
- Listening to drones and bagpipes this is untargeted sound, it affects the whole body and relies on surround sound. Again, its effects need not be arbitrary. In the hands of a skilled player specific effects can be provoked. It may be high or low intensity depending on how many pipes are being played and how close you are to them. The player probably experiences the effects the most! A non Scottish example for a change
- Listening to didgeridoos -untargeted sound, it affects the whole body and relies on surround sound. Again, its effects need not be arbitrary. It may be high or low intensity depending on how many didgeridoos are being played and how close you are to them. The player is the closest. This example is quite good
Listening to lutes, lyres and fiddles these may also work via the simple mechanism of emotion and those seen in Listening to music. Where any resonance is in operation it affects the whole body. Even with a whole orchestra of fiddle players it will never reach high intensity levels. Its effects need not be arbitrary. There is a tradition of healing achieved via lutes lyres and fiddles as well as visionary experience. The higher notes of the violin in particular are extremely effective at invoking bliss and high emotion
- Listening to flutes or pipes this is untargeted sound, it affects the whole body and relies on surround sound. Again, its effects need not be arbitrary. The pied piper of Hamlyn used pipes. There is a very long tradition of quite complex effects from these instruments. The area is muddied however, because of the alternative symbolism of the pipe. The intensity would normally be classified as from low to medium - even for the player. They may also work via the simple mechanism of emotion and those seen in Listening to music.
Singing bowls - this is untargeted sound and relies on loud surround sound affecting the whole body. Its effects are arbitrary. Singing bowls can, however, be tuned as such if they are, a more targeted response should be expected. Depending how close you are to them they can be high or low intensity. This example is not going to be the same as being in the presence of a bowl but is nice.
- Using bells and gongs- this is untargeted sound and relies on loud surround sound affecting the whole body. Its effects are arbitrary. They can, however, be tuned as such if they are, a more targeted response should be expected. The intensity can be high or low. Example 1 and example 2, note the pulsing
- Using bull roarers -this is untargeted sound and relies on loud surround sound affecting the whole body. Its effects are arbitrary. Intensity may be high or low. This example shows just how resonant the sound can be
- Using the Aeolian harp - this is untargeted sound and relies on surround sound. Its effects are arbitrary, but it tends to be of low intensity. An example
- Using naturally reverberant acoustic space - this is untargeted sound and relies on surround sound affecting the whole body. Its effects are generally arbitrary. But you can sing and thus produce more targeted sound. Acoustic space produces echoes and echoes can interfere acoustically creating very complex sound patterns some of which may be very low frequency. The intensity will depend on the space. A cave may produce extremely high intensity sounds, a rock face may be more gentle.
- Visit the singing ringing tree - this is untargeted sound and relies on loud surround sound affecting the whole body. Its effects are arbitrary.
How it works
Stimulation via resonance - see this section for a detailed explanation.
We are like a musical instrument. All our organs are like individual strings within our bodies. We can be ‘played’ by sound impacting us. Loud sound knocks out functions, gentle sound stimulates them - especially pulsed sound.
Sound can thus heal, it can reduce us to tears, it can make us euphorically happy, or send us into deep despair, it can open the door to the composer by knocking out or stimulating just the right combination of organs in our brain. Whether it does or not is largely unpredictable – what works for one will not work for another.
Resonance, particularly at high intensity and low frequency – infrasound level – can be inherently unsafe. The effects will be entirely unpredictable because the resonant frequencies of each person’s organs may be different. At high intensity and in uncontrolled settings, one person may get as high as a kite, another may experience fear of an almost unbearable nature.
Again, if uncontrolled, you might resonate the pituitary gland by mistake, in which case you might suddenly find one or more of the following go haywire
- Growth (Excess of HGH can lead to gigantism and acromegaly.)
- Blood pressure
- Some aspects of pregnancy and childbirth including stimulation of uterine contractions
- Breast milk production
- Sex organ functions in both men and women
- Thyroid gland function
- The conversion of food into energy (metabolism)
- Water and osmolarity regulation in the body
- Water balance via the control of reabsorption of water by the kidneys
- Temperature regulation
So inadertent stimulation of this gland could lead to the stimulation of the functions it controls with things going very wrong – changes in temperature [hot cold] rise or lowering in blood pressure, water balance going all wrong and so on.
You have to be supremely careful with all low frequencies – the inaudible ones. You could become quite ill because they affect your body functions.
There are some frequencies that can ‘churn your stomach’. The sound may affect the body or it may affect the mind.
There is some research that shows that the frequency that causes vibration of the eyeballs, and therefore distortion of vision, is around 19 Hertz. At this frequency you might get a visual hallucination – but at what cost!
"In one of the scenes in Master and Commander where canon blasts are surging from everywhere, …. the grille cloth was moving in sync to the rhythm of the woofer diaphragm; like an hallucination. What about the thunder of the waves hitting the sail boat, literally making me seasick?"
-- Robert Lussier, Quebec Audio Video
According to the Working Paper on Infrasound Weapons produced by Hungary for the United Nations in 1978, the frequency that is thought to be most dangerous to humans is between 7 and 8 Hertz.
At low intensity short duration little harm is done, [it says] but at high intensity it can provoke heart attacks – and I am not joking, as one commentator noted.
“.if 8 hz stops your heart from beating normally, it, ahem, sounds quite physical to me”
Remember that the military already know this.
- It is proven - The binaural beat technology has a proven track record, but if we simply use the number of rock gongs regarded as sacred places as a guide, for example, I think we can see that there is every reason to believe that rock gongs along with all the other sources of sound are very effective at promoting spiritual experiences.
- Legal
- Generally free, or at least it does not have to cost much.
- Natural settings - If you like the idea of natural sources of sound, you are spoilt for choice, the sites are often in extremely beautiful locations. Any granite landscape is a good starting point
- Listening to music - [and just music] is not going to make you vulnerable to brain washing or any interference from third parties.
- Simple to use - You have no need to be taught any techniques, you just listen.
- Our heritage is being lost - We are also losing many monuments that have produced experience at an alarming rate from erosion and man made activity such as archaeological digs, badly advised reconstructions, wall building and other acts of sacrilege [sorry got emotional here].
- Unpredictable effects - The effects will be totally unpredictable, you may get nothing at all because the frequencies and which organs resonate cannot be predicted.
- Can be unsafe - Resonance particularly at high intensity and low frequency – infrasound level – can be inherently unsafe. The effects will be entirely unpredictable because the resonant frequencies of each person’s organs may be different.
References and further reading
Gig Tr Prof Zabol. 1983 Sep;(9):35-7. [Mechanism of the effect of infrasound on the body of animals and man (review of the literature)]. [Article in Russian] Alekseev SV, Mozzhukhina NA. PMID: 6357958
Gig Tr Prof Zabol. 1979 Mar;(3):9-15. [Effect of infrasound on bioenergetics processes, organ ultrastructural organization and on regulation processes]. [Article in Russian] Gabovich RD, Shutenko OI, Krechkovskiĭ EA, Shmuter GM, Stechenko LA. PMID: 428781
Gig Sanit. 1979 Mar;(3):19-25. [Effect of infrasound of varying intensity on the body of experimental animals]. [Article in Russian] Shutenko OI, Gabovich RD, Krechkovskii EA, Murashko VA, Stechenko LA. PMID: 422035
Vrach Delo. 1975 Oct;(10):133-6. [Combined effect of low-frequency noise and infrasound on the body of workers]. [Article in Russian] Sanova AG. PMID: 1231210
Some of these observations show the very specific connection between music and spiritual experience, others explain the idea of man as a musical instrument – a resonating instrument capable of being ‘sung’ and played by the spirit world.
I will reiterate the fact that it is extremely difficult sometimes to tell whether the observation concerns the literal or the symbolic – as all these are musical instruments, then all the older observations may be relating to sexual stimulation.
I have included what appear to be a very large number of observations from Robert Monroe. As a pioneer of out of body travel and one who achieved extraordinary levels of exploration using hemi-sync technology, however, I felt that more observations were relevant, as they may prove invaluable to anyone attempting this level of exploration.
Related observations
Healing observations
- Ball, Dr Martin - On Sound and Structure 004942
- Brennan, Barbara - Hands of Light - Templates 018626
- CA the blind musician 021833
- Castren - Siberian shaman bells, spells and dancing 003579
- Charles Wilkes - Native American Indians - Healing ceremony 001182
- Clark, Fay Marvin – Into the Light – Experiments with light, sound and levitation 023279
- Dave Brubeck Quartet - Unsquare Dance 021836
- Dr Susan Mandel’s work with heart attack and stroke victims 021835
- Eddie 021832
- Effect of low-impact aerobic exercise combined with music therapy on patients with fibromyalgia. A pilot study 023652
- Effects of music on pain in patients with fibromyalgia 023651
- Engel, C - Ancient Egyptian music and healing 007304
- Engel, C - On the role of magicians 007306
- Ficino, Marsilio - Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus - And music therapy 015985
- Ficino, Marsilio - Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus - On harmony and synaesthesia 015981
- Friedson, Steven M - Dancing the disease; music and trance in Tumbuku healing – Part 02 022092
- Kanucas Littlefish - Native American Indians – Music heals 022293
- Kashf al-mahjub - al-Hujwiri - And the effects of the anghalyun 022279
- Keith Howard - Delsjumjaku Demnimeevic Kosterkin sings and plays excerpts from a ritual 022294
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On Resonance 018610
- Metamorphosis San Pedro by Anopseudonym 014813
- Mudang spiritual experiences – Korean-Australian woman, Mrs Baek is violently possessed by the Spirit Stick, but is cured of her headaches 027196
- Mudang spiritual experiences – The healing of Muno’s mental illness 027194
- Mudang spiritual experiences – The kut for Chisun's Grandmother – 03 Chisun's Grandmother in Possession 027202
- Mudang spiritual experiences – The kut for Chisun's Grandmother – 04 Ritual Murder 027203
- Reichel-Dolmatoff - The Desana of the Amazon basin 011580
- Rev J H Bernau - from Missionary Labours in British Guiana 013238
- Stockhausen - Text zur Musik - The benefits of music therapy 003599
- Stonehenge - Dr Rupert Till and the acoustic effects of Stonehenge 024848
- The effect of hemispheric synchronization on intraoperative analgesia 020760
- Tibetan Book of Exorcisms 003679
- Vignoli, Tito - On healing spells 007305
- Vignoli, Tito - The healing power of music 003684
- Zoroastrian - Means of achieving spiritual experience - 11 Dancing, whirling and twirling 022418
- Camille Norment's Dead Room 001267
- Dancing mania in the 1500s 003043
- David Lewis-Williams - Paleolithic music making 003558
- Dr T Levin - Narantsogt and timbre music 003351
- Stonehenge - Dr Rupert Till and the acoustic effects of Stonehenge 024848
- The Ancestors - Stonehenge - Bells from Stonehenge 002275
- The soundless music research project 003353
Wisdom, Inspiration, Divine love & Bliss
- Armenian Duduk Music: Persian Music, Instrumental Music, & 'Sad Duduk' music 022289
- Browning, Robert - Abt Vogler 003356
- CA the blind musician 021833
- Cash, Johnny – Using a Tibetan singing bowl for taking me to another, more peaceful place 025918
- Celtic – Using reverberating sound and chanting to induce trance states – the role of the megalithic structures and barrows 022605
- Censorinus - De Die Natali 003561
- Charles Hopkins on Orpheus 006562
- Commentary on the paper by Jahn, Robert G., et al; Acoustical Resonances of Assorted Ancient Structures, Technical Report PEAR 95002, Princeton University, March 1995 022604
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – Psychopomp 027152
- Dave Brubeck Quartet - Unsquare Dance 021836
- David-Neel, Alexandra - Podang monastery musicians, the 003591
- Delville, Jean - Prometheus 003338
- Eddie 021832
- Eno, Brian - The Shutov Assembly - Full album 021936
- Ficino, Marsilio - Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus - On music, ratios and the planets 015983
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - Misc. Quotes - On music 003375
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On Resonance 018610
- Koestler, Arthur - Misc. Quote - High emotion 003350
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Extreme emotion 027159
- Kum-Hwa Kim – Riding the blades in New York and the USA, August 1982 027206
- Luis de Leon - On organs 003355
- Mayan – Using reverberating sound and chanting to induce trance states 022606
- Michaux, Henri - The Enchanted Garden - Carnatic music 004045
- Monroe, Robert - Extreme emotion has physical bodily effects 003606
- Monroe, Robert - Locale II out of body 003607
- Monroe, Robert - The place of pure peace 003610
- Myōe – This fool, filled with faith, inscribed inside of the bell 021386
- Off with the raggle taggle gypsies oh 003362
- Old King Cole 003363
- Overweight 36 year old runs 003054
- Persian caves 006612
- Proust, Marcel - Extract from the Death of Cathedrals 019780
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – Amazonian Cosmos - Drums 011622
- Renan, Ernest - The Double Prayer 019781
- Sacred geography – Picts – Round tower 01 026494
- Sacred geography – Picts – Round tower 02 026495
- Schuré, Edouard - A Vision in the Cathedral of Strasberg 014086
- Schwabe, Carlos - Les Cloches du Soir 003578
- Shinto 003369
- Stockhausen - On 'sounds' 1972 012156
- Stockhausen - "Helicopter String Quartet" 012153
- Stockhausen - Gesang der Junglinge 003631
- Stockhausen - Kontakte 012154
- Stockhausen - Mantra 1 003629
- Stockhausen - Momente 003630
- Stockhausen - On Human evolution 1972 012155
- Stockhausen - Text zur Musik - Music and inspiration 003598
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Smithy [Abstract Patterns] 026492
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Smithy [Tuning fork] 026490
- The meaning of the patterns on the tiles 026493
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 04 Music and dance 022492
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 19 Reverberating sound and chanting 022603
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 04 - 1 Tweedledum and Tweedledee 003364
- Turner, Tina - Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu (Peace Mantra) 023851
- Wenders, Wim - Directs the music Video for "Souljacker Pt 1" by the Eels, 2001 028245
- Zoroastrian - Means of achieving spiritual experience - 01 Music 022302
- Zoroastrian - Means of achieving spiritual experience - 11 Dancing, whirling and twirling 022418
Out of time
- A P Elkin - Aboriginal men of high degree - Threads and levitation 003283
- Buhlman, William - Avoiding problems with OBEs 010444
- Buhlman, William - Chakras, and humming and buzzing 004964
- Buhlman, William - Handling the vibrations 004965
- Camille Norment's Dead Room 001267
- Dobkin de Rios, Dr Marlene - Ayahuasca experience 1 017563
- Engel, C - Bakala and the bagpipes 003359
- Engel, C - Bull roarers and Australian Aborigines 003344
- Eva Vidal - Tidal waves, heavy gravity and false awakenings 013585
- Gardner, Ingrid - Up through the planets 013606
- Kubler-Ross, Dr Elisabeth - Has both an OBE and a 'Peak experience' 023145
- Luis de Leon - On organs 003355
- McMoneagle, Joe - Experimenting at the Monroe Institite 004081
- McMoneagle, Joe - Meets a spirit helper 004082
- McMoneagle, Joe - Remote views 004083
- Metamorphosis San Pedro by Anopseudonym 014813
- Mircea Eliade - On Tibetan rebirth experience 003855
- Monroe, Robert - A Youtube video of Bob talking about his early experiences 013811
- Monroe, Robert - Barriers and boundaries out of body 003616
- Monroe, Robert - Communicating with other out of body explorers 003608
- Monroe, Robert - Directing your course when out of body 003623
- Monroe, Robert - Hearing the hiss 003628
- Monroe, Robert - Human M field energy 003601
- Monroe, Robert - Key steps for achieving out of body 003627
- Monroe, Robert - Locale II and its occupants 003604
- Monroe, Robert - Locale II out of body 003607
- Monroe, Robert - M field teams 002848
- Monroe, Robert - Meeting souls awaiting birth out of body 003611
- Monroe, Robert - On inter composer communication 003605
- Monroe, Robert - Possesses a sick man out of body 003603
- Monroe, Robert - Sees earth's aura out of body 003615
- Monroe, Robert - Shape shifting and out of body 003620
- Monroe, Robert - The Belief system territories 003600
- Monroe, Robert - The Creator and Creation 003614
- Monroe, Robert - The difference between dreaming & out of body 003619
- Monroe, Robert - The fear and dangers of being out of body 003618
- Monroe, Robert - The H Band 003602
- Monroe, Robert - The hole in the wall and out of body 003617
- Monroe, Robert - The I-There Clusters 003612
- Monroe, Robert - The number of intelligences 002841
- Monroe, Robert - The Park 003613
- Monroe, Robert - The penile erection as a side effect of being out of body 003609
- Monroe, Robert - The place of pure peace 003610
- Monroe, Robert - The rubbery elasticity of the other body 003533
- Monroe, Robert - The sex charge greeting 003621
- Monroe, Robert - The Territories, levels and layers 003626
- Monroe, Robert - The thread and cord when out of body 003622
- Morrells, Luce and flying on a magic carpet 003878
- Morrells, Luce and the moving wall 014153
- Morrells, Luce and visiting the Elysian fields 004368
- Myths and legends - The Fairy Mythology - The two Fiddlers 026489
- Out of body on hemi sync 003597
- Paul Devereux - Native American Indians - Mazinaw Rock 003377
- Stonehenge - Dr Rupert Till and the acoustic effects of Stonehenge 024848
- Blithe spirit - Purple ink and whirlpool 000630
- Dancing mania in the 1500s 003043
- Dr Watso - Drumming like he has never done before 027873
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Swinging and swaying 027129
- Kum-Hwa Kim – Riding the blades in New York and the USA, August 1982 027206
- Monroe, Robert - 'Sex' in the Second State 003625
- Monroe, Robert - The place of pure peace 003610
- Nay and reed flute 003560
- Proust, Marcel - Extract from the Death of Cathedrals 019780
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – Amazonian Cosmos - Drums 011622
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - The Two Voices - A second voice was at mine ear A little whisper silver clear 003337
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 04 Music and dance - Kirtana and Dithyramb 022502
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 04 Music and dance – Zikr, Kirtana, Tarantella, Nestenarides and the Aissaoua ritual 022503
- The tall men of Kham 003644
In time
- Ball, Dr Martin - On Sound and Structure 004942
- Blithe spirit - Candle in the wind 004827
- Blithe spirit - I almost reached the Light 004369
- Dancing mania in the 1500s 003043
- David Lewis-Williams - Paleolithic music making 003558
- Dobkin de Rios, Dr Marlene - Ayahuasca experience 1 017563
- Dr T Levin - Narantsogt and timbre music 003351
- Engel C - Sami shamanic drums and bells 003574
- Engel, C - Bull roarers and Australian Aborigines 003344
- Engel, C - Siberian shamanism - Kamtschatka shamans 007308
- Engel, C - The indefatigable fiddler 003361
- Eva Vidal - Tidal waves, heavy gravity and false awakenings 013585
- Ficino, Marsilio - Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus - On harmony and synaesthesia 015981
- Gardner, Ingrid - Up through the planets 013606
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Bells, gongs, cymbals, singing bowls 027000
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Flute, zither, reeds and fiddles 027001
- Kubler-Ross, Dr Elisabeth - Has both an OBE and a 'Peak experience' 023145
- M A Czaplicka - Siberian magic 001185
- McMoneagle, Joe - Meets a spirit helper 004082
- McMoneagle, Joe - Remote views 004083
- Michaux, Henri - The Enchanted Garden - Carnatic music 004045
- Mind machine 002073
- Monroe, Robert - Communicating with other out of body explorers 003608
- Monroe, Robert - Human M field energy 003601
- Monroe, Robert - Locale II and its occupants 003604
- Monroe, Robert - On inter composer communication 003605
- Monroe, Robert - Reviews his past lives 003624
- Monroe, Robert - The H Band 003602
- Morrells, Luce and flying on a magic carpet 003878
- Mudang spiritual experiences – Korean-Australian woman, Mrs Baek is violently possessed by the Spirit Stick, but is cured of her headaches 027196
- Mudang spiritual experiences – The healing of Muno’s mental illness 027194
- Mudang spiritual experiences – The kut for Chisun's Grandmother – 03 Chisun's Grandmother in Possession 027202
- Mudang spiritual experiences – The kut for Chisun's Grandmother – 04 Ritual Murder 027203
- Mudang spiritual experiences – The kut for Oki’s mother and the ghost in the car 027197
- Mudang spiritual experiences – The Kut ritual for Boyoung's Mother 027195
- Pied Piper of Hamlin 003559
- Reichel-Dolmatoff - The Desana of the Amazon basin 011580
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - The Bull Roarer 011607
- Schuré, Edouard - A Vision in the Cathedral of Strasberg 014086
- Schwabe, Carlos - Les Cloches du Soir 003578
- Stonehenge - Dr Rupert Till and the acoustic effects of Stonehenge 024848
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 04 Music and dance - Kirtana and Dithyramb 022502
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 04 Music and dance – Zikr, Kirtana, Tarantella, Nestenarides and the Aissaoua ritual 022503
- The soundless music research project 003353
- Youtube video - Korean Shaman (무당) - Possession by the Spirit of Changun and riding the chaktu 027028
Environmental Influence
- A P Elkin - Aboriginal men of high degree - Fire walking 003282
- A P Elkin - Aboriginal men of high degree - Threads and levitation 003283
- Boethius on Orpheus 006560
- Bosher, Adrian - The rock gongs 003580
- Clark, Fay Marvin – Into the Light – Experiments with light, sound and levitation 023279
- Engel, C - On the role of magicians 007306
- Gambier Bolton, Robert – The Conditions needed to obtain a materialisation – 03 Music from a reed instrument is needed 028654
- Kum-Hwa Kim – Her skill at 'riding knives' has been particularly popular 027208
- Kum-Hwa Kim – Riding the blades in New York and the USA, August 1982 027206
- Kum-Hwa Kim – Riding the blades in Sidney, Australia July 1994 027205
- Misc. source - Australian aboriginal - Rain control 003087
- Mudang spiritual experiences – The Kut ritual for Boyoung's Mother 027195
- Pied Piper of Hamlin 003559
- Quintillian on Orpheus 006561
- Shakespeare - Orpheus 003376
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 04 Music and dance - Kirtana and Dithyramb 022502
- Using sound to levitate 026587
- William Kempe 003575
- Youtube video - Korean Shaman (무당) - Possession by the Spirit of Changun and riding the chaktu 027028
Other observations
- Andrew Lang - Native American Indians - Bull roarers 003342
- David Lewis-Williams - Bull roarers 003343
- Dr T Levin - Kaigal-ool longsong and the cliff 003378
- Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland - The changeling and the bagpipes 003358
- Health risks of high intensity infrasound 006559
- Lithophone near Humbi at Karnadaka state in India 028842
- Lyall Watson - Pulsed sound near standing stone 002274
- Onam Festival / തുമ്പി തുള്ളൽ - ഓണം 021756
- Responses of the ear to low frequency sounds, infrasound and wind turbines 027427
- Shinto 003370
- The Dragon Project 002276
- The Voice of Buddha bell 003379
- Veena 003374
- Youtube video - Shaman of Korea, 몽골 UBS방송 '골든벨' 초청 황해도굿 시연 027029