Observations placeholder
Gardner, Ingrid - Up through the planets
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
No words again, all pictures, in vivid colour and moving.
The 'vision'
1. The CD takes you up through the colours. I saw each one as a thin band of vertical colour that I was walking up through.
2. I get to purple except the colour I saw was more of a violet colour, soft pinkish violet. The vertical band of colour goes horizontal and I am lifted onto the flat surface. The plate then turns into a sort of flower like a chrysanthemum and the petals close up to form a little basket shape and the flower moves off.
3. The flying flower goes over misty clouds in white, above an azure blue sky turning darker and darker until eventually it becomes the night sky.
4. I go up and up towards the planets - the first one is actually silver blue [could it have been the moon?] The whole surface is filled with the figure of a very beautiful woman with long clothes who sort of melts out of the surface towards me, she smiles and then points in a different direction and melts back into the surface of the planet.
5. I pass another planet quite quickly but reach a third planet - red - with a figure filling the whole planet's surface. A warrior, red, aggressive, dwarf like, angry with a weapon of some sort [could this have been Mars?]
6. The flower takes me to the surface, again everything is red red red. I watch the surface and it bubbles up like a lava lamp, great globules of red liquid rise up in a great mass towards the night sky, very slowly at first, spreading out and branching out in rounded shapes just like a lava lamp does but huge.
7. Then all of a sudden a huge rush and a great column of red liquid shoots up into the sky, miles high, forming a massive mushroom cloud above it. It looked like a cross between a nucleur explosion and an oil well leakage - the sort we saw on the news during the Kuwaiti war.
8. The cloud spreads out very black filling the sky, it looked totally catastrophic
Then Monroe came in and it all stopped ...............