Observations placeholder
Lyall Watson - Pulsed sound near standing stone
Type of Spiritual Experience
This is not a spiritual experience – it is just pulsed sound!! but it shows that the potential exists to obtain inaudible sound from the stones
A description of the experience
Lyall Watson – The Nature of things
A zoologist in search of bat roosts in Britain in the early 1970s … was tracking horseshoe bats with an ultrasonic detector and near dawn was surprised to hear a strong and regular signal coming from a group of standing stones. He searched the area for signs of life, found nothing and left with the strange feeling that the megaliths themselves were the source of the pulsing sound, singing out at sunrise like the colossal statue of Memnon seems to do at ancient Thebes.
The source of the experience
Scientist otherConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Sacred geographySacred geography - henges
Sacred geography - Lithophones
Sacred geography - mark stones
Activities and commonsteps
Listening to sound and musicVisit sacred sites
Visiting standing and marked stones