Actions are something you deliberately do to obtain a spiritual experience.
Within this overload category, all the activities carry a certain risk in that they may hurt you physically or emotionally in either the short term or the long term. The Fainting Game, for example, could kill you the first time you try it, whereas something as relatively harmless as visiting a telluric hot spot carries with it the risk of finding one that is largely 'negative' in its action, rather than positive.
Furthermore the experiences you get using overload actions are less constructive in the long term. As a means to 'opening the door' they are often excellent, but someone whose door is blown open by the blast frequently, often gets unhinged.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- 5-MeO-DMT
- Amanita muscaria
- Befuddling
- Bungee jumping
- Carbogen
- Climbing high mountains
- Cobra venom
- Fasting
- Free falling
- Frenetic exercise
- Generating extreme emotion
- Going on a big dipper
- Going out in violent weather
- Listening to sound and music
- Mescaline
- Overloading reason
- Psilocybin
- Repression
- Salvia divinorum
- Sensory overload
- Smoking toad venom
- Smudge sticks
- Steam inhalation
- Taking drugs
- The fainting game
- Transcranial direct current stimulation
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation
- Using crystals and crystal balls
- Visit sacred sites
- Visiting holy wells and springs
- Visiting standing and marked stones
- Visiting telluric hot spots
- Visiting waterfalls
- Watching horror movies
- Witches ointment