Observations placeholder
Buhlman, William - Chakras, and humming and buzzing
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
William Buhlman - The Secret of the Soul
The first subtle spiritual body [that is the mirror layer of functions] contains seven primary energy centers, commonly called chakras. You can think of these energy centers as a transference system for nonphysical energies……Chakras function similarly to organic valves that control and distribute the flow of life-giving energy into our body [or perhaps better thought of as routers and bridges].
When one or more of our chakras are stimulated, they begin to open, resulting in the flow of non physical energy. This unseen energy process marks the beginning of the well-known phenomenon known as the vibrational state. The commonly reported sounds, sensations, and vibrations so often experienced during the initial stages of an out-of-body adventure are the direct result of this massive energy flow. Non physical energy floods our spiritual system causing it to expand, and initiates the conditions required for the occurrence of an out-of-body experience.
Generally this entire process occurs rather quickly, with many people reporting that it takes only ten to sixty seconds to move from the beginning of the vibrational state to separation from the body. The more comfortable we are with the process, the more open we are to it, the faster it seems to occur. The key to enjoying the full benefits of this magnificent energy flow is to surrender to the process. Simply allow the energy to expand throughout your body without analysing the process. In a sense, go with the flow. Many people, shocked by the intensity of the energy flow, focus their attention on their physical body. Unfortunately this immediately shuts down the entire process.
As you will see, our response to this inner energy flow will often determine the results we achieve.