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Monroe, Robert - Directing your course when out of body
Type of Spiritual Experience
The technology used was hemi-syncA description of the experience
Journeys out of the body – Robert Monroe
Happily, there seem to be built-in directional senses if their use can be mastered. The ‘if’ is the catch. As noted elsewhere, you "think" of the person at the end of your destination - never a place, but a person – and use the method prescribed. In a few moments, you are there.
You can watch the landscape move under you if you wish, but it's a little disconcerting when you rush head-long toward a building or tree and go right through it. In order to avoid such traumas, forget about seeing during the travelling process. You never quite get over the physical-body conditioning that such things are solid. At least I have not, I still have the tendency to move in the direction of the door to leave, only to realize again the situation when my Second Body hand goes through the doorknob. Irritated with my-self, I then dive through the wall rather than the door to reinforce my awareness of the Second State characteristics.
In conjunction with this convenient homing instinct that is unaffected by distance, you are faced with a further problem, which is that the automatic navigational system is too accurate. It works by what and of whom you think. Let one small stray thought emerge dominantly for just one micro-second, and your course is deviated. Add to this the fact that your conscious mind may be in conflict with the super-conscious as to what should be that destination, and you can begin to appreciate why so many experiments to produce ‘Locale I’ evidential data have ended in failure. It sometimes causes one to ponder how there have been any such results when the difficulties are considered.