Spiritual concepts
Out of body - willing a location
Once out of body, it is possible by thinking of a location or a person to will yourself there. The command or thought has to be simple and in the present tense, it appears as though the picture you have in your thoughts is possibly more important than a word, the pattern matching [if this is how it is done] is more precise around images - analogously like fingerprint software. The following is helpful
From William Buhlman – The Secret of the Soul
For years I have taught a method for directly contacting our loved ones, or any other non physical intelligence. It is easy to do once you are comfortable with the techniques of out-of-body exploration. The key is to focus your complete, undivided attention on the person or spirit you wish to meet.
- After the initial separation, move away from the body and say, "Awareness now!" Repeat this request until your state of consciousness and your vision are as clear as possible.
- Focus your complete attention upon the person you desire to meet and communicate with. Ideally you picture this person in your mind as you announce their name or relationship and your intention - for example, "Now I meet my sister (name)!' or ‘I will meet my mother now! " Be specific, and repeat your request as often as needed.
- Be prepared for a sense of motion or a change of environment. Also be aware that your departed loved one will often appear younger and sometimes different than they were in the physical.
- If your vision or hearing is unclear, remember to demand an enhancement of your perceptions: "Clarity now!" or "Awareness now!" Keep all requests in the present tense, and be extremely focused.
- Be open, and expect to receive your request.
- If you ever doubt the validity of the contact, simply demand personal verification: "'Whom or what do you represent? "
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- A Delightful Sense Of Freedom from an OBE
- An interesting case of Bilocation - Dr Gerda Walther - The experience of a Mr and Mrs Jansen from Bornholm
- Balzac, Honoré de - Louis Lambert - 06 Spacetime
- Balzac, Honoré de - Seraphita - 02 His body seemed to fall away from him into nothingness
- Black Sabbath – Tony Iommi's Out of body experiences
- Bouissou, Madame Michael – The method which enabled me to achieve astral projection – an OBE
- Bouissou, Mme Michael – An example of an ‘astral projection’
- Buhlman, William - Adventures beyond the body - October 2, 1982
- Buhlman, William - Avoiding problems with OBEs
- Chardel, C - The Physiology of Magnetism – Out of body during sleep
- Charles Quartier - Goes out of body from ‘flu and under nourishment
- Christine Patenan - I was shot down through walls into our hall, whilst ill in bed
- Cicero Newell - Indian Stories – The Vision of White Thunder
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections - Mrs Florence Roberts has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections - Peter M Urquhart has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections - Richard Dixon has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections - The Hon. Mrs L. E. Lambert has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – A clergyman has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – A woman scientist has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Alan M Bain has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Ernest Hall of Hudson Road, Southsea has many OBEs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – John L. Lane has multiple OBEs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Miss June Douglas has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Miss Nora Pennington, of Hounslow, Middlesex has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr D'nartsa has several OBEs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr E. Durman has a number of OBEs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr E. Hollbrook, of Hemel Hempstead has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr Ernest G. Murray, of Leytonstone, E 11 has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr F.W. Parr of Bexleyheath, has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr J McCormick, of Glasgow
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr J. Evans, of Selly Oak, Birmingham has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr M. F. Rose
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr S. H. Rigby has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs B. Titterton, of St Ives has a number of OBEs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Gray, of the Cape, South Africa has an OBE to see her dying sister
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs H. M. Fox has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs M. Tolkien has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs N. Matile recounts a childhood OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Olive Mytton-Hill of Edinburgh has multiple OBEs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Rebecca Schreiber of 14 East Bank, Stamford Hill, London, N.16 has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs V. Fleetwood of West Kirby, Cheshire has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Reine, P.E.Cornillier's model
- Dr S - Goes out of body on Modafinil & Sleep Deprivation EROWID
- Dr. A. S. Wiltse, a physician of Skiddy, Kansas and his NDE
- E. Blomfield - I didn't just find myself at my destination-I was conscious of a journey through the air
- Fox, Oliver - False awakening 02
- Fox, Oliver - Wind, cords and pull in out of body states
- Fox, Oliver - Wishing himself to Allahabad
- Gerhardie, William - Resurrection 03
- Gerhardie, William - Resurrection 04
- Gerhardie, William - Resurrection 05
- Gerhardie, William - Resurrection 07 - 2nd OBE
- Gerhardie, William - Resurrection 09 - 2nd OBE
- Gerhardie, William - Resurrection 12 - 2nd OBE
- German army lieutenant goes out of body as a result of the breathing of poisonous gases with the onset of asphyxia
- Gibier, Dr Paul - Psychism Analysis of Things Existing - He went on his travels and penetrated, as he believed, as far as Italy
- Harary, Blue - Achieving the ‘cool down’ state
- Harary, Blue – And a shared out-of-body experience with both George and a woman from Maine
- Harary, Blue – Do not project in thunderstorms or go near powerlines in an OBE
- Laubscher, B J F - Dreams of flying and OBEs
- Laubscher, B J F - Dreams of flying, OBEs and sights of another world where his dead friend was learning to make pictures with his mind
- Laubscher, B J F - Out of body from typhoid, fever and haemorrhage
- Laubscher, B J F – Mr de K from Pretoria University goes out of body with a friend
- Lehtola, Veli Pekka - The Sámi People
- Levis, Carroll Richard - I can remember flying over London, New York, Paris and my native Vancouver; sometimes I visit all these cities in one dream
- Lhermitte, Professor Jean - Visual Hallucination of The Self – 06 Very often her body halved itself
- Lord Norman of Kemsing - The psychic brain would accompany the phantom self on his adventures
- M. J. Johnson - Travelled in a pea-soupy fog, in which many shadowy forms sailed past
- Madame d’Esperance - Shadow Land - 27 Out of body [continued]
- Madame d’Esperance - Shadow Land - 28 Out of body [continued]
- Madame Turban's dying sister goes to hear her fiance preach
- Mircea Eliade - Inuit - Ecstatic journeys for joy alone
- Mircea Eliade - Native American Indians - Soul retrieval
- Monroe, Robert - A visit to Dr Puharich out of body
- Monroe, Robert - And the 'zapper'
- Monroe, Robert - Becomes a 'ghost' out of body
- Monroe, Robert - Directing your course when out of body
- Monroe, Robert - Possesses a sick man out of body
- Mr S H Beard wills a series of OBEs to his fiancée Miss Verity and her sister, and he is ‘seen’ by both!
- Mr W. Adair Roberts - The 'shape' clinging to my left side seemed to dissolve and to be re-absorbed into my physical body
- Mrs M. Combs - I had the sensation of floating out through the open window, in the direction of a series of moans
- Mrs S.B.L. goes out of body in a coma and describes the impressions she felt during her unconscious state
- Mrs. Quentin - I felt myself floating in the air, stretched out over my body, looking at it, and perfectly aware of what was around me, what I felt was a delicious feeling of absolute freedom
- Muldoon, Sylvan - First OBE
- Muldoon, Sylvan - Getting back into body
- Muldoon, Sylvan - Getting lost in an OBE
- Muldoon, Sylvan - Loneliness allayed
- Muldoon, Sylvan - The negative effect of fear
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - The ena and the moya
- Oscar Mockler of New South Wales, Australia - The next moment I was speeding at a slanting direction far away over the sea
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - out of body makes him ill
- Out of body - coming back to the body
- Out of body - fear of getting lost
- Out of body - the glass ceiling
- Out of body - things not to do
- Out of body - to flash across the universe in a blink of the eye
- Out of body and ill in hospital
- Out of body back to the battlefield
- Out of body from car accident
- Out of body to meet your Higher spirit
- Patricia Garfield - Lucid dreaming as a precursor to OBEs
- Prof. F. E. Leaning’s friend’s out of body experience in which he goes through a closed door
- Professor Arthur Ellison - Goes out of Body
- Proust, Marcel - In Search of Lost Time Volume V - In search of new worlds
- Puharich, Andrija - The Sacred Mushroom - Out of body experience
- Puharich, Andrija - The Sacred Mushroom - The effects of noise
- Ralph Shirley - The Mystery of the Human Double – Going out of body to heal people
- Ralph Shirley - The Mystery of the Human Double – Hermione P. Okeden goes out of body to check on her friends
- Rene Magritte and J H M Whiteman
- Rogo, D Scott - Leaving the Body - During the OBE, we contact only a parallel of the real world-a plastic interactional world
- Rogo, D Scott - Leaving the Body - Scott’s own OBEs - 01 The first time
- Rogo, D Scott - Leaving the Body - Scott’s own OBEs - 02 A follow on experience with a little more control
- Rogo, D Scott - Leaving the Body - Scott’s own OBEs - 03 Getting used to the OBE, after one aborted experience
- Stainton-Moses, William - Receives a visitor
- The OBE case histories of Dr Richard Green - 02 Projecting consciousness out of the physical body to a friend
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – Phone-voyance, OBE versus remote viewing
- Whiteman, J H M and a confusing separation
- Whiteman, J H M flies out through the window
- Whiteman, J H M manovering and feeling wings
- Yram - And fear