Observations placeholder
Lord Norman of Kemsing - The psychic brain would accompany the phantom self on his adventures
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections
Case No. 228 - Lord Norman; R. Thurston-Hopkins (op. cit.) said
Lord Norman of Kemsing, … was a frequent flier by night. He told me that his flying dreams usually began with an imagined fall or desperate leap. Other times he started from the top of a stairway. But the distance from the take-off to the ground always proved much greater than he supposed-so great that, in spite of his uncertainty about how far he could parachute safely down, he began to wonder.
He kept gliding and gliding down, and still the dreaded shock did not come. At last he would touch the ground-but very, very lightly, with one foot only; and instantly, at that touch, rose to the level of the roof-tops ... Then quietly he began to float down again..
Once more landing on the ground, he decided to fly down the street, and, by great aerial leaps, he swooped forward and as he flew over the heads of the people...
Speaking about astral travel and flying dreams, Lord Norman held the theory that the mind of man is dual-its faculties founded on a double principle. The brain ..., he thought, was a dual organ containing the psychic brain and the material brain. Though the two sets work together indistinguishably while we are following our daily routine in the waking world, they are capable of separate action when the normal mechanism of the body is arrested by sleep.
On this supposition, Lord Norman pointed out, the more inexplicable peculiarities of out-of-the-body dreams would lose some of their mystery. For instance, the psychic brain would accompany the phantom self on his adventures and the material brain of the sleeper would observe and store up the memories of his experience.