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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

E. Blomfield - I didn't just find myself at my destination-I was conscious of a journey through the air



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

This account, here abbreviated by Dr Robert Crookall, was published in Prediction, Dec., 1955.

I seemed to wake, after some hours of sleep, to find myself standing by the bed on which lay my slumbering form. The room was dark, but I could see everything, as each piece of furniture gave out a faintly luminous aura. ... I approached the window and ... passed through it into the night. It was difficult to keep upright.

Moving was rather like swimming, but, becoming more used to the conditions, I made my way along the road. I noted two houses where there were lighted windows and thought, 'I will remember those' . The weather was wild and wet. I felt myself being drawn back and remember no more.

The next day I verified the weather and the lighted houses-in one there was illness and in the other someone was preparing for a very early journey.

Another time I was dozing in a deck-chair in a Surrey garden when I thought I would try and visit a friend (whom I will call Stella) at Highgate.

I didn't just find myself at my destination-I was conscious of a journey through the air.... I was standing on Stella's doorstep, but I did not then realize that I could have passed in through the wall, so I knocked. No result. I tried again, and this time there was a feeble tapping not likely to be heard within. 'With a concentrated effort, I knocked once more and this time was rewarded by a startling crash. Stella's sister opened the door, looked this way and that, evidently saw no one and retired perplexed. I slipped in with her and saw Stella lay down the red-covered book she was reading and look up in astonishment at her sister's story.

That evening I wrote to Stella asking her if she had heard a loud knock at the door about 3.30 p.m. She replied, by return, that indeed she had! She and her sister were alone in the house and they both heard what seemed to be a faint knock at the front door. While they listened doubtfully there came a tremendous bang. Her sister went to investigate, but no one was there.

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items


Activities and commonsteps



Dreaming and lucid dreaming
