Observations placeholder
Madame Turban's dying sister goes to hear her fiance preach
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Death and its Mystery, At the Moment of Death; Manifestations and Apparitions of the Dying – Camille Flammarion
from Madame Dobelmann Letter 806
My friend Madame Turban was taking care of a younger sister who was ill. The home of their father, Monsieur Heitz, a printer, was in a corner of the Place du Temple-Neuf; the younger sister announced all the people of their acquaintance who came out of the street at the opposite corner, although she could not see them from her bed.
Soon they lost hope of saving her.
One Sunday afternoon she expressed to her sister her great regret of never having heard her fiancé, the pastor several leagues from there, preach.
She fell into catalepsy and lay for two hours as one dead.
When she awakened she told of having seen her fiancé and of having heard him preach in such and such a way. She died the next day.
After the burial Madame Turban asked the fiancé if on Sunday afternoon he had preached on such and such a subject. Struck by her question and very much surprised, he asked ‘How do you know that?’
‘Your fiancée told me’.
‘It’s very strange’ he answered ‘Just imagine – in the middle of my sermon I thought I saw a white form enter the Church, which resembled my fiancée; she sat down in an empty seat in the middle of the assembly and disappeared towards the end of the service’.