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Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr E. Durman has a number of OBEs
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Dr Robert Crookall – More Astral projections
Case No. 258 – Mr E. Durman wrote (in litt.,June 4, 1961):
From the end of May till mid-August, 1959, I was on a prolonged sea-trip. ... .. I was lying flat on my back and drifted into sleep. My 'nightmare' was that the ship was sinking. ... The water was gradually rising, but I felt smugly unconcerned until it reached my chin, when ... I struggled with might and main and woke up in a cold sweat. ... Within a few minutes I was asleep again.... Then I felt myself moving on my side towards the bulkhead.
It was a very pleasurable sensation and what surprised me afterwards was that I accepted it as perfectly natural, even though I was fully conscious, I then gradually turned over on to my back (an automatic movement, neither of my will' nor 'helped'). I thought, 'If I fall asleep like this, I shall probably have another nightmare !' It was difficult to turn on my side again and I had to really struggle. (I still did not feel surprised). No sooner had I achieved this than I was forced back on to my back by a strong 'elastic' force. I remained gently rocking there for a few moments.
When my body had ceased rocking, my left leg continued for a few moments more (there is nothing physically wrong with my left leg). This I did think was odd, and I began to marvel at my state ... I was reflecting on this when it dawned on me that I was out of my body! The feeling was so wonderful and I decided to just lay there and wait for what might happen. After a while l found myself imperceptibly rising until I thought I was about a foot above the door (about seven feet altogether), but this may not have been so. I came to rest ... Then I heard footsteps in the corridor. I thought to myself, ‘What a fool I shall look if he comes in and sees me up here !' I felt just as I do in my natural body, with the exception of lightness. No sooner had I thought this than I received a jolt and woke up immediately. (The jolt is the same as when going up or down a flight of stairs and you take another step which isn't there). My body seemed so heavy that I couldn't move for a couple of minutes.
This experience proved to me that there is an astral body. During the following days I tried to analyse the experience objectively and reached two conclusions which have changed my whole outlook on life, viz.
(1) I definitely possess at least one other body possessing consciousness and feeling similar to my normal body;
(2) as it can separate from my normal body the odds that it can exist separately are greatly in its favour. The theory of survival had become far more than a working hypothesis for me.
I made up my mind that if I was fortunate enough to enjoy similar experiences, I would carry out some definite objectives. The first thing I wanted to try was to project myself to my home, observe any unusual or outstanding circumstances, and simultaneously try to make myself seen by at least one member of the family. I also decided that I would firmly control my emotions whilst in a non-physical state. No deliberate attempts to project myself were made.
The following September, when I was back on terra firma, I had my second acquaintance with this phenomena. ... I was in the same position as previously, the only difference being that my room was fairly light. As was usual, I just drifted into a natural sleep. I then became conscious of feeling myself swaying violently from side to side, pivoted at the feet... I eventually came to rest, but cannot recall being at any particular height above my body. Again I rose imperceptibly and once more came to rest between three or four feet directly over my physical body. (I was not conscious of my physical body). After two or three minutes I moved horizontally to my right ... then I descended to the floor, my feet gradually coming down. It was at this time that I realized that I could see. I was nearly overcome with excitement, but managed to suppress it.
When I had stood up I went across to the mirror (the first was similar to walking under water). …… But I received a shock. There behind me, on the bed, was my body, with its face as white as a sheet. I do not know why, but I hadn't anticipated this. I woke up in the same manner as on the previous occasion, feeling extremely disappointed and inwardly cursing my weakness.