Observations placeholder
Yram - And fear
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Practical Astral projection - Yram
One evening I tried an experiment without bothering to undress, merely lying down on my bed. I simply began to think about projecting myself, without undertaking any other exercises, and closed my eyes. Soon an image came clearly before my sight. I made the necessary effort and experienced a feeling as if I were wriggling through a tight opening. At last, in my second body, I rose from my bed. Despite the fact that I had been practicing projection for over a year, as soon as I left my body I felt an instinctive fear. I mastered myself, but despite my will, the suggestion of fear had done its work. It seemed as if thousands of invisible threads were trying to pull me back into my physical body. I resisted with all my might and looked curiously around me. All was dark. The fire in the grate was giving a dim light, and I noted that, contrary to the statements of several writers on this subject, the walls were not transparent. With my right hand I gripped my left wrist; it seemed quite solid. At that moment I heard a familiar tune being whistled. Though I could not see anything I felt that this was meant for my ears. However the pull had not ceased and I was forced to give way