Observations placeholder
Out of body and ill in hospital
Type of Spiritual Experience
The extract didn't say what medication he was on, what was wrong with him or even if he was in pain
A description of the experience
Recollections of death – Dr Michael Sabon
I could see anywhere I wanted to. I could see out in the parking lot, but I was still in the corridor… it was just like I said ‘Ok what’s going on in the parking lot?’ and part of my brain would go over and take a look at what’s going on over there and come back and report to me, or I don’t know…. I thought they were making a hell of a racket in the place where they did the laundry. They had big boilers in there and I thought Gee that’s too much racket, I’m sure the patients above on the next floor have got to hear that. Why don’t they pad those doors? Why don’t they put acoustical tiles up? I did have an occasion to go into the cafeteria when I was back there visiting someone [months later] and it was just like the way it was when I visualised it. The same details .