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Observations placeholder

Ossowiecki, Stefan - out of body makes him ill



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Mary Rose Barrington, Ian Stevenson and Zofia Weaver, A World in a Grain of Sand: The Clairvoyance of Stefan Ossowiecki,  2005.

Informal Experiments and "Fieldwork" ;  Out of body experiences?

This is traveling in the astral space without losing contact with the physical body.  I carried out seven experiments of this kind in Poland, and I shall describe two of them.

The first one took place in the presence of Prof. Geley, who talked me into undertaking this kind of experiment.... I chose Miss Leszczyitska, an actress of the Polish Theatre, by now Mrs. Jackowska. I invited myself to her apartment for an evening, and observed it intensely, trying to absorb as far as possible the surrounding atmosphere. I must note that I did not warn Miss L. that I intended to experiment with her. Between 10 and 11 p. m. I returned home, where Prof. Geley and Mrs. W.  were waiting for me. On the table I noticed the syringe with camphor which, I must admit, did not create a pleasant impression on me. At that time I lived at 11 Tigbacka Street, Miss L. at 34 Smolna Street.

I sat down comfortably in a deep armchair and started putting suggestions into my consciousness, holding a crystal ball before my eyes. At that moment I was trying very hard to re-create the interior of Miss Ls apartment, and its owner. I put so much effort into it that I totally lost awareness of myself and at that moment I was in Miss L’s room.

Miss L. started shouting "Ossowiecki, Ossowiecki, Ossowiecki!" As far as I remember she shouted three times, jumped up from sleep, came to and turned on the light. This lasted a good few moments.

My whole body seemed to be floating in the air; I was not aware of my hands or my legs. I could not say a word, and I became frightened of dying when I thought about how am I to get back and whether I shall get back. I saw Miss L. and her room quite clearly, more clearly than one would in reality.

After a moment I slowly began to awake. Geley was already holding the syringe with the camphor, as my heart was beginning to stop. At last I came to and told him about all I saw and experienced. In the morning we telephoned Miss L. Geley invited her and myself to a restaurant for 12 noon. She was greatly impressed by the phenomenon.

She related in detail what had happened, and this fully coincided with the account l gave to Geley directly after the experiment. We immediately went to Miss L’s apartment, where I pointed out the wall through which I had entered and where I had stood, which was also correct. This experiment cost me two weeks illness.

The source of the experience

Ossowiecki, Stefan

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps
