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Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – 05 Aggregates and changes in function; colour and size
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John Dalton – Philosophical Experiments
89. Change of Colour is another circumstance that frequently attends chemical combination. The most beautiful colours may be formed, and destroyed again, by means of a drop or two of some liquids, when added to others ; and few of the experiments will probably be more interesting than those which are given to illustrate this phenomenon.
90. Change of bulk is another event, of frequent occurrence, when bodies combine. Two liquids, on being mixed together, may become solid ; and two solids, under similar circumstances, may form a liquid - These facts have been called " chemical miracles ;" but, indeed, there is nothing more wonderful in the circumstance than in the other beautiful illustrations of chemical affinity that we have given. All the curious instances of liking and dislikings which substances appear to exhibit towards each other, are equally entertaining ; it is only in consequence of some effects not being produced so often as others that we deem them more wonderful.