Believing in the spiritual world
Category: Actions
Introduction and description
Faith!? Surely not, you say. But yes, there is good evidence that you need faith that there is a spiritual world and belief in what will happen for it to happen! It doesn’t matter at first what you think is there. Wordsworth, for example, was a Christian, so he initially believed that all there was in heaven was some sort of Father figure [kindly, plump, long white beard] and Jesus plus a few angels, but even this rather limited view helped, he still got inspiration.
If you think there is nothing, that is what you will get – nothing!
The less you anticipate what is there, however, the more amazing it can become.
I think it is essential that I emphasise here that this sort of faith is not faith in what a religious institution tells you. NO NO NO!!!! All that is needed is belief in the existence of the spiritual world and that is all – if the religious institution wants you to believe anything else – forget it.
Once you have been with an open mind, you will have no need of an institution full of people whose only knowledge is from books, telling you what ought to be there. Would you trust a travel guide written by those who had never been to the place they describe? No I’m sure you wouldn’t – so ignore them, they know nothing, see for yourself.
There has been research done on this.
G Schmeidler – Predicting good and bad scores in a clairvoyance experiment 1943 |
Look through some of the Observations on this website, read through the Sources and see who has been to the spiritual world and what it produced. Gradually I hope, your disbelief will disappear. And you will never look back.
How it works
It may be helpful here to have the Model of the Mind open and to have read the generic description of How spiritual experience works.
If we look at the model, the Conscious self is the block to spiritual experience. The functions of the Will, and Reason act as brakes and blocks on the Composer. The Memories and Desires we have - because they act as drivers to these functions – also stop the Composer.
Most of the techniques that are described on this website are one-off techniques designed to be used every now and then. But there are a class of techniques that represent a way of life and a way of living that one follows constantly, thereby making one open to continual spiritual experience.
Faith is one of them.
It is a form of block on ‘Reason’, but you have to apply the block, by telling your function of Reason as it searches its belief systems that for this one, Reason does not apply – it goes beyond Reason, you just have to let go and see what happens.
It is worth adding that cynicism and lack of faith requires a great deal of Reasoning power in the face of gradually amassing evidence. So keeping up any level of cynicism almost guarantees nothing will happen.
Legal, free. Hugely effective.
For the person who has spent his whole life immersed in materialism this is a hard one, but this website should help.
Related observations
Healing observations
- Bach, Dr Edward - All we have to fear is fear itself 011143
- Bach, Dr Edward - Heal thyself 011133
- Bach, Dr Edward - The wisdom of old 011134
- Battling obesity using the mind 010752
- Bees – Lectures by Rudolf Steiner - Honey, infertility and rickety babies 020917
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - The correlation between stimuli, emotion and illness 021013
- Brian Keenan – Four Quarters of Light - Charlie heals himself 011523
- Brian Keenan – Four Quarters of Light - Charlie's healing power 011524
- Carrel, Alexis - The Voyage to Lourdes 014235
- Catches, Pete - Interview Richard Erdoes - Healing 000706
- Cayce, Edgar - Nearly dies 004250
- Cayce, Edgar - Cures Al Layne 004244
- Cayce, Edgar - Cures infantile paralysis 004256
- Cayce, Edgar - He was with me at the river 004258
- Cayce, Edgar - Levitates whilst healing 004254
- Cohen, Leonard - And healing hurt 005812
- Dr Ben Goldacre - The Placebo effect 016558
- Dr William Sargant – Casting out demons in church 024394
- Father Mathew and the power of Faith 026221
- Ficino, Marsilio - Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus - On harmony and synaesthesia 015981
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Healing - Insanity cured by powerful emotions – faith and belief in the spiritual world 026197
- Jesus - Luke 13 - A Crippled Woman Healed on the Sabbath 001013
- Jesus - Luke 18 - Healing the blind beggar of Jericho 013438
- Jesus - Luke 4 - In Simon's house 013424
- Jesus - Luke 5 - Heals leprosy 013426
- Jesus - Luke 6 - Heals a withered hand 013427
- Jesus - Luke 6 - Heals the multitude 013428
- Jesus - Luke 7 - Healing and giving sight to the blind 013432
- Jesus - Luke 7 - Healing the Centurion's servant 013430
- Jesus - Luke 7 - Raises the dead 013431
- Jesus - Luke 8 - Healing an 'issue of blood' 013434
- Jesus - Mark 5 - And Jairus' daughter 005941
- Jesus - Matthew 9 - And the power of forgiveness 001399
- Jesus - Wikipedia - Examples of expunging demons 003978
- Jesus - Wikipedia - Examples of healing 003977
- Lourdes 006672
- Macmillan cures a bunion 004402
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- Macmillan cures a dislocated cartilege 004406
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- Macmillan first healing attempt 004401
- Macmillan heals a tubercular joint 004410
- Macmillan helps a stroke victim 004404
- Macmillan treats tuberculosis 004412
- Macmillan's healing routine 004414
- Marie Bernarde Soubirous 006675
- Menuhin, Yehudi - Asana - Shavasana 026675
- Menuhin, Yehudi - Asana - Siddhasana 026676
- Miracle cures in Lourdes 006676
- Moitessier, Bernard – The Long Way - A state of grace 016958
- Mrs Bhat is cured of cancer of the uterus 015890
- Placebo: Cracking the Code 016557
- Professor Alexander Erskine - A Hypnotist’s Case Book – Removing and curing pain 029230
- Psalm 91 022281
- Sabina, Maria - from Shamanic voices by Dr Joan Halifax 000003
- Schwarz, Jack - Mind over Matter 026396
- Seeress of Prevorst, the - Spells and amulets 022763
- Sheridan, Clare – The healing medicine of Conquered-by-Night and the NDE of Crazy Crow 023709
- St Francis - Healing wounds 012833
- Still, Andrew Taylor - Is 'God' an Architect or an Engineer 011220
- The Nocebo Effect 010749
- Villoldo, Dr Alberto - Cave diving and soul loss 011200
- Villoldo, Dr Alberto - Running through your past life 011202
- Villoldo, Dr Alberto - The Ox Archetype 011204
- Villoldo, Dr Alberto - The sub-levels of Earth - first tier 011201
- Villoldo, Dr Alberto - The sub-levels of Earth - second tier 011208
- Villoldo, Dr Alberto - The Wolf archetype 011210
- W.Y. Evans-Wentz - The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries - Exorcism 014050
- Watson, Lyall - On exorcism 014139
- When I woke up in the morning, I was well 021664
- A dead father makes noises in the bed curtains - 'Papa, if that's you, speak or appear to us.' The noise ceased at once. 025198
- Anita O'Sullivan-Beare - Hears celestial music and composes Love's fadeless Rose 027820
- Brittany - Seeing the dead on November Eve (La Toussaint) and on Christmas Eve 014031
- Bruno, Giordano – On Magic - Sees the ghosts of Mount Cicadas 016079
- Brunton, Dr Paul - A Search in Secret Egypt - A night inside the Great Pyramid 1 010054
- Brunton, Dr Paul - A Search in Secret Egypt - A night inside the Great Pyramid 3 010057
- Cassidy, Joe - telepathy with a child and a spirit 010044
- Cassidy, Joe - telepathy with a spirit 010043
- Cayce, Edgar - An angel with a message 004242
- Cayce, Edgar - Seeing Grampa 004241
- Dixon, Jeane - A vision in the cathedral 004676
- Duprè, Giovanni - A possibly fatal accident averted by the intervention of a warning voice 025303
- Goethe - Truth and Poetry: from my own life - A pandemonium of elementals 028976
- Hallucinations caused by Djinns 006813
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - I realized that in some intangible way I was at times aware of lesser presences in certain places 023045
- Lady Stickland's experience 010093
- Lourdes 006672
- MacLaine, Shirley - Hearing the ghost of Thomas Jefferson 026413
- Macmillan smells perfume 004411
- Marie Bernarde Soubirous 006675
- Moitessier, Bernard – The Long Way - Good Hope 016947
- Nightingale, Florence - Her spiritual awakening 011946
- Sophia Elizabeth De Morgan – A shared hallucination of three heads beside the preacher 026892
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - The functions of plants 013791
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Sylphs 002574
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - The spirits of minerals, viruses and bacteria 001302
- Taylor, Bayard - The formidable whispering turned into a choral song, a grand hymn sung by thousands of voices, which spread very quickly from one hill to another 027827
- Tranströmer, Tomas - The Forgotten Commander 025718
Wisdom, Inspiration, Divine love & Bliss
- Abbe de Vallemont – A new theory of the cosmos 025427
- Ablaye Mbaye & Youssou Ndour - Boul ko damo 025626
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – If we can prove premeditation prior to the act of creation, we have done once and for ever with the desolate theory of materialism 024940
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – Anyone can be a metaphysicist 024944
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – Creation and destruction are different from maintenance 024942
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – Deducing the natural system of animals 024945
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – Even accepting evolution exists, there is no explanation for new species creation 024946
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – Proof of a Mind acting in conformity with a Plan laid out beforehand and sustained for a long period 024953
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – Science is the translation of the thoughts of God, and is conclusive proof of our affinity with the Divine Mind 024938
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – The argument for the existence of an intelligent Creator 024943
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – The lop-sided view of the physicist 024941
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – The whole universe may be considered as a school in which man is taught to know himself 024939
- Alice Coltrane - 1977 Transcendence 022018
- Alice Coltrane - 1987 Divine Songs 022022
- Allegri - Miserere 003563
- Arnold, Matthew - Dover Beach 000010
- Arnold, Matthew - Palladium 004907
- Arnold, Matthew - The Buried Life 004908
- Arnold, Matthew - To Margeurite 011411
- Aubrey de Vere - Implicit faith 005823
- Aubrey de Vere - Sun god 006004
- Bach, Dr Edward - Helping others on the road 011140
- Bach, Dr Edward - On Reincarnation 011136
- Bach, Dr Edward - On the Higher spirit 011135
- Bach, Dr Edward - The dangers of the controlling adult to a child 011141
- Bach, Dr Edward - The need for faith and courage 011147
- Bach, Dr Edward - The wisdom of old 011134
- Bailey, Philip James - from Festus 018496
- Bailey, Philip James - from Festus I - End of the world 018510
- Bailey, Philip James - from Festus I - On science 018509
- Bailey, Philip James - from Festus I - Seraphim 018511
- Bailey, Philip James - from Universal Hymn 01 018501
- Bailey, Philip James - from Universal Hymn 02 018502
- Bailey, Philip James - from Universal Hymn 04 018504
- Bailey, Philip James - from Universal Hymn 05 018505
- Bailey, Philip James - from Universal Hymn 06 018506
- Bailey, Philip James - from Universal Hymn 07 018507
- Bailey, Philip James - from Universal Hymn 08 018508
- Bailey, Philip James - Lovers 018498
- Bailey, Philip James - Prayer 018500
- Bailey, Philip James - The Mystic 018499
- Balzac, Honoré de - Louis Lambert - 06 Spacetime 027969
- Balzac, Honoré de - Louis Lambert - On inspiration and intuition 027952
- Balzac, Honoré de - Pere Goriot - The Devil 027954
- Balzac, Honoré de - Seraphita - 03 The Gift of Specialism 027959
- Balzac, Honoré de - Seraphita and Comédie Humaine - The Great Work 027953
- Bayard Taylor - A Night With A Wolf 027838
- Bayard Taylor - Ariel In The Cloven Pine 027829
- Bayard Taylor - Bedouin Song 027828
- Bayard Taylor - From the Sunshine Of The Gods 027830
- Bayard Taylor - Poems of the Orient – A Paean To The Dawn. 027832
- Bayard Taylor - Poems of the Orient – The Garden of Irem 027843
- Bayard Taylor - Poems of the Orient – The Poet In The East 027833
- Beecher Stowe, Harriet - The power of faith 000015
- Bernard, Professor Claude - The Great Work 028107
- Bertalanffy, Ludwig von - Function dependencies 018581
- Bertalanffy, Ludwig von - System decomposition 018580
- Beuys, Joseph - Actions 021055
- Beuys, Joseph - Backrest 021065
- Beuys, Joseph - Bees and stag’s head 021054
- Beuys, Joseph - Clothes 021052
- Beuys, Joseph - Crosses and crucifixes 01 021049
- Beuys, Joseph - Crosses and crucifixes 02 021050
- Beuys, Joseph - Fat chair 021048
- Beuys, Joseph - Head 021059
- Beuys, Joseph - Honey 021056
- Beuys, Joseph - Honey Pump 01 021066
- Beuys, Joseph - Honey Pump 02 021067
- Beuys, Joseph - Honey Pump 03 021068
- Beuys, Joseph - Honey Pump 04 021069
- Beuys, Joseph - Honey Pump 05 021070
- Beuys, Joseph - How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare 01 021057
- Beuys, Joseph - How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare 02 021058
- Beuys, Joseph - Lightning with Stag in its glare 021072
- Beuys, Joseph - SaFG SaUG 021071
- Beuys, Joseph - The Beehive as a symbol of the ideal society 021053
- Beuys, Joseph - The Higher spirit in us all 021051
- Beuys, Joseph - The Queen Bee 1952 021064
- Beuys, Joseph - The Queen Bee Sculptures 021047
- Bhagavad Gita - No happiness exists for the doubter 000012
- Billy Joel - The River of Dreams 014418
- Bob Marley - On love 015486
- Bohr, Niels - A Quote 006166
- Bohr, Niels - When it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry 004182
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - from Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda 01 021007
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - from Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda 02 021008
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - from Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda 03 021009
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - from Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda 04 021010
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - from Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda 05 021011
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - Perceptions and inorganic matter 021004
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - Playmates are a better source of understanding than school 021015
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - The correlation between stimuli, emotion and illness 021013
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - The ideals of education 021018
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - The unity of the universe 021019
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - The unsung Hero of Radio Communication 021014
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - There is no such thing as failure 021016
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - Thy will be done 021017
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - All pain contains an element of pleasure, and that pleasure, if carried too far becomes pain 021006
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - Plants and perceptions 020999
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - Plants and perceptions - emotions and pain 021002
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - Plants and perceptions - memory 021003
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - Plants and perceptions - response to environment 021001
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - Plants and perceptions - sensitivity 021000
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - The common functions of plants and humans 020998
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - The common functions of plants and humans - pulsation 021005
- Bronte, Anne - Au revoir but not farewell 002983
- Bronte, Emily - Anticipation - How beautiful the earth is still 000005
- Bronte, Emily - No coward soul is mine 000016
- Bronte, Emily - The Old Stoic 000022
- Bronte, Emily - Yes, as I mused, the naked room The flickering firelight died away 002831
- Browne, Sir Thomas - Religio Medici - Now for my life 013309
- Bruno, Giordano – On Magic - On aggregates and functions 016075
- Bruno, Giordano – On Magic - On the Universal soul 016070
- Bruno, Giordano – On Magic - Spirit 016067
- Bruno, Giordano – On Magic - Templates 016069
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 06 Faith 013157
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 11 Ganges and sand grains 000014
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 15 Value of This Teaching 013162
- Bullett, Gerald William - If all the trees were magic trees 018614
- Byrd, William - Compilation 011918
- Byrd, William - Domine secundum actum meum 006088
- C P Cavafy - Che fece 012561
- Carlson, Chester – Trust in God, ‘Thy will be done’ 025278
- Carrey, Jim - 01 How Roland Rolls 015597
- Carrey, Jim - 02 How Roland Rolls 015598
- Cash, Johnny - Big River 025849
- Cash, Johnny - Farther along 025923
- Cash, Johnny - Ghost Riders in the Sky 025850
- Cash, Johnny - God's Gonna Cut You Down 025846
- Cash, Johnny - How Great Thou Art 025855
- Cash, Johnny - Lead me gently home Father 025922
- Cash, Johnny - Life's Railway to Heaven 025844
- Cash, Johnny - Man in Black 025848
- Cash, Johnny - Personal Jesus 025845
- Cash, Johnny - The Burden of Freedom 025919
- Cash, Johnny - The Man Comes Around 025847
- Cash, Johnny - The Mercy Seat 025843
- Chagall - Albertus Magnus 010253
- Chagall - at the circus 010256
- Chagall - au dessus de Vitebsky 010270
- Chagall - birds 013473
- Chagall - Bonjour Paris 010255
- Chagall - Cheval rouge 010259
- Chagall - Circus 010251
- Chagall - clown 010262
- Chagall - danse 010267
- Chagall - double portrait with wine glass 010264
- Chagall - green man 010260
- Chagall - le cirque rouge et bleu 010252
- Chagall - le reve 010268
- Chagall - midsummers night dream 010266
- Chagall - Painter to the Moon 010258
- Chagall - the fiddler 010265
- Chagall - the outing [the walk] 010269
- Chagall - the rooster in love 010271
- Chagall - trapeze artist 010257
- Charles Wesley - Jesus lover of my soul 024636
- Charles Wesley - Music Worship 024637
- Charles Wesley - Wesley's Chapel London 024638
- Chesnokov, Pavel G - Panikhida Op 39-14 Augmented ektene 025030
- Chesnokov, Pavel G - Cherubic Hymn Op. 27-5 025031
- Chesnokov, Pavel G - Duh Tvoj blagi 025032
- Chesnokov, Pavel G - Eternal Memory Op 39-a No.11 025033
- Chesnokov, Pavel G - Op 22-18 Paschal Hymn to the Virgin 025036
- Chesnokov, Pavel G - Op 40-2 The Pre-Eternal Council 025034
- Chesnokov, Pavel G - Op 40-5 Do not cast me off 025029
- Chesnokov, Pavel G - Op 44 No 2 All Night Vigil Vespers 025028
- Chesnokov, Pavel G - Tebe Poem 025035
- Chesnokov, Pavel G - To Thee We Sing ;We praise thee 025026
- Clark, Fay Marvin – Into the Light – A Navajo Prayer 023277
- Clark, Sir Kenneth - A religious experience which took place in the Church of San Lorenzo 025618
- Cohen, Leonard - In my secret life 007932
- Cohen, Leonard - A thousand kisses deep 003551
- Cohen, Leonard - Bird on a wire 007106
- Cohen, Leonard - Dance me to the end of love 003555
- Cohen, Leonard - Here it is 003552
- Cohen, Leonard - Hey that's no way to say goodbye 003553
- Cohen, Leonard - If it be your will 007931
- Cohen, Leonard - Lover, lover, lover 008201
- Cohen, Leonard - Magic is afoot 004490
- Cohen, Leonard - Raven and dove 004417
- Cohen, Leonard - Recent songs 023431
- Cohen, Leonard - Suzanne 007944
- Cohen, Leonard - The Gypsy's wife 003554
- Cohen, Leonard - There For You 023434
- Cohen, Leonard - Tower of Song 007929
- Cohen, Leonard - Waiting for the miracle 007933
- Cohen, Leonard - Who by fire 007930
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Water Ballad 011092
- Coltrane, John – 1955 - 1957 – Blue Train 021985
- Coltrane, John – 1958 to 1960 – Miles Davis sextet, Kind of Blue 021983
- Coltrane, John – 1959 – 1961 - Period with Atlantic Records, Giant Steps 021990
- Coltrane, John – 1960 - The John Coltrane Quartet, My Favorite Things 021980
- Coltrane, John – 1964 - A Love Supreme 01 Acknowledgement 021986
- Coltrane, John – 1964 - A Love Supreme 02 Resolution 021987
- Coltrane, John – 1964 - A Love Supreme 03 Pursuance 021988
- Coltrane, John – 1964 - A Love Supreme 04 Psalm 021989
- Coltrane, John – 1965 - Transition 021993
- Coltrane, John – 1967 - Stellar regions 021998
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Ensure all learning is enjoyable 020657
- Comenius - On Death 020654
- Comenius - On the Higher spirit 020652
- Confucius - Quote - When two people become one in their hearts 000693
- Copland, Aaron - Fanfare For The Common Man - Emerson Lake & Palmer 026225
- Copland, Aaron - The Third Symphony 026236
- Copland, Aaron – Ballets – 01 Billy the kid 026222
- Copland, Aaron – Ballets – 02 Appalachian Spring [Arrangement of Appalachian Spring for orchestra] 026223
- Copland, Aaron – Choirs and Voices – 03 The Second Hurricane 026242
- Copland, Aaron – Film scores and radio – 01 Of Mice and Men 026226
- Copland, Aaron – Film scores and radio – 02 The Heiress 026227
- Copland, Aaron – Film scores and radio – 03 The North Star 026228
- Copland, Aaron – Film scores and radio – 04 Prairie Journal 026229
- Copland, Aaron – Jazz influenced music – 01 In Three moods 026230
- Copland, Aaron – Latin American – 01 El Salón México 026224
- Crosse, Andrew – Mean must be the soul, and debased the heart of him, who is blind to the beauties of Nature 026655
- Cus D’Amato - from Mike Tyson, Undisputed Truth – The importance of converting fear to become a hero 023085
- Custance, John - Adventure into the Unconscious - In touch with Spirit helpers 001936
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – 01 The Elements and the Laws of Attraction 025343
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – 02 Atoms and the Laws of Attraction 025344
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – 03 Intensity and the Laws of Attraction 025346
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – 04 Aggregates and changes in function 025347
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – 05 Aggregates and changes in function; colour and size 025350
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – 06 Crystals and the Laws of Attraction 025349
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – 07 The law of multiple proportions 025348
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – Attraction; between mercury and gold 025341
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – Repulsion; steel and water 025340
- Daniélou, Alain – The Way to the Labyrinth – Is our destiny foreseen 021182
- Daniélou, Alain – The Way to the Labyrinth – On painting as an ecstatic pursuit 021185
- Daniélou, Alain – The Way to the Labyrinth – Our destiny justifies the unique gifts we have been blessed with 021183
- Daniélou, Alain – The Way to the Labyrinth – Time is an illusion 021181
- David Bolinsky: Visualizing the wonder of a living cell 013070
- Derain - barges on the Thames 010469
- Derain - Big Ben 010470
- Derain - Blackfriars bridge 010471
- Derain - Boats in the Port of Collioure 010472
- Derain - Charing cross bridge 010468
- Derain - Fishing boats Collioure 010466
- Derain - landscape near Chatou 010473
- Derain - London Bridge 010474
- Derain - Port de Collioure 010475
- Derain - Sailboat 010476
- Derain - St Paul's cathedral 010477
- Derain - the Basin of London 010480
- Derain - the Bridge at Southwark 010478
- Derain - the Drying Sails 010467
- Derain - the Thames 010479
- Derain - Tower bridge 010465
- Derain - two barges 010464
- Derain - view of the River Thames 010481
- Dillard, Annie - Teaching a stone to talk - Assorted Wildlife, INSECTS 023493
- Dillard, Annie - Teaching a stone to talk - Life and the rocks, like spirit and matter, are a fringed matrix 023498
- Dillard, Annie - Teaching a stone to talk - Love for its own sake, lacking an object, begins 023494
- Dillard, Annie - Teaching a stone to talk - The silence is all there is. It is the alpha and the omega 023497
- Dillard, Annie - Teaching a stone to talk - There is the still small voice, God's speaking from the whirlwind 023496
- Dillard, Annie - Teaching a stone to talk - We have drained the light from the boughs in the sacred grove 023495
- Dixon, Jeane - Explains why we are here 004654
- Doré, Gustave - Dante - Canto V 028147
- Doré, Gustave - Dante - Canto VIII 028148
- Doré, Gustave - Dante - Canto XII 028149
- Doré, Gustave - Dante - Canto XIV 028150
- Dr Seuss - Horton Hears a Who 01 028272
- Dr Seuss - Horton Hears a Who 02 028273
- Dr Seuss - The Hat as mask 028252
- Dr Seuss - To think that I saw it on Mulberry Street 028251
- Dürer, Albrecht - Portraits - 3 portraits 020979
- Dürer, Albrecht - Portraits - Dürer's mother 020953
- Dürer, Albrecht - Portraits - Four Books on Human Proportion 020975
- Dürer, Albrecht - Portraits - Ideal beauty 020973
- Dürer, Albrecht - Portraits - Jakob Muffel 020952
- Dürer, Albrecht - Portraits - Nudes 020956
- Dürer, Albrecht - Portraits - Old men 020961
- Dürer, Albrecht - Portraits - Portrait of a young girl 020964
- Dürer, Albrecht - Portraits - Portrait of a young man 1500 020950
- Dürer, Albrecht - Portraits - Portrait of a young Venezian woman 020951
- Dürer, Albrecht - Religious works - Adoration of the Magi 020976
- Dürer, Albrecht - Religious works - Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 020941
- Dürer, Albrecht - Religious works - Praying hands 020949
- Dürer, Albrecht - Religious works - The Prodigal son 020942
- Dürer, Albrecht - Scenes of Nature - Columbines 020944
- Dürer, Albrecht - Scenes of Nature - Little owl and bird's wing 020945
- Dürer, Albrecht - Scenes of Nature - Stag's head 020946
- Dürer, Albrecht - Scenes of Nature - The large piece of turf 1503 020943
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - Constellations of the northern and southern skies 020971
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - Knight, Death, and the Devil 020970
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - Mary with child 020966
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - Melencolia 020969
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - Melencolia, the magic square and the polyhedron 020972
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - Pipe and drum 020974
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - St Christopher 020965
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - The bagpiper 020967
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - The flag wavers 020962
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - The sea wonders 020963
- Edison, Thomas - Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety nine per cent perspiration 006332
- Elgar - Dream of Gerontius 005858
- Elgar - First symphony Adagio 005875
- Elgar - Introduction and allegro for strings 005874
- Elgar - Music Makers 005877
- Elgar - Piano quintet A minor 005876
- Elgar - Violin concerto 005854
- Elgar - Where corals lie 005873
- Elwin, Verrier – A man must make his pilgrimage over the rugged uplands of his own spirit 024521
- Elwin, Verrier – The mystical experience is the strongest argument for something beyond ourselves 024520
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Spiritual Laws - Belief and love 004098
- Empedocles - On reincarnation 021250
- Faraday, Michael - Defining the nature of electromagnetic forces while in a state of intuitive vision 004435
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - The celebration of diversity 011750
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - Titicaca Temple of Sun and Moon 1 011746
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - Titicaca Temple of the Sun and Moon 2 011747
- Feininger, Lyonel - Drawings and sketches 016419
- Feininger, Lyonel - Fuge I (1921) and Carnival in Arcueil 016420
- Feininger, Lyonel - Fuge II and the Disparagers 016426
- Feininger, Lyonel - Kinder Kids 016415
- Feininger, Lyonel - Mysterious Pete 016414
- Feininger, Lyonel - Wee Willie Winkie 1 016409
- Feininger, Lyonel - Wee Willie Winkie 2 016413
- Ficino, Marsilio - Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus - On the intervals of the spheres 015984
- Ficino, Marsilio - Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus - Unity goodness and intellect 015979
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Antonio Pelotti and Baccio Ugolini 015994
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Francesco Bandini 015991
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Francesco Tedaldi 015987
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Giovanni Nesi 015992
- Film - Wim Wenders: Painter, Filmmaker, Photographer 028225
- Finney, Charles G - The illumination of Charles G. Finney 027948
- Flammarion, Camille - On free will and the systems of the universe 022737
- Franklin, Dr Rosalind Elsie - Faith is essential to success in life 029473
- Freddie Mercury - Made in Heaven 022315
- Gaudi - Professional work - 01 Street Furniture 029069
- Gaudi - Professional work - 02 Casa Vicens 029070
- Gaudi - Professional work - 03 0 The Güell commissions 029071
- Gaudi - Professional work - 03 1 Guell Pavilions 029073
- Gaudi - Professional work - 03 2 Palau Guell 029075
- Gaudi - Professional work - 03 3 Parc Guell 029076
- Gaudi - Professional work - 03 4 Church of Colònia Güell 029077
- Gaudi - Professional work - 03 5 Bodegas Güell 029074
- Gaudi - Professional work - 03 6 Casa Botines 029082
- Gaudi - Professional work - 04 The Sagrada Família 029090
- Gaudi - Professional work - 05 Episcopal Palace, Astorga 029080
- Gaudi - Professional work - 07 Torre Bellesguard 029078
- Gaudi - Professional work - 08 Colegio de las Teresianas 029079
- Gaudi - Professional work - 09 Casa Batlló 029089
- Gaudi - Professional work - 10 Casa Milà La Pedrera 029085
- Gaudi - Professional work - 11 The Artigas Gardens 029088
- Gaudi - Professional work - 12 El Capricho 029072
- Gaudi - Professional work - 13 Casa Clapés 029083
- Gaudi - Professional work - 14 The Rosary of Montserrat 029084
- Gaudi - Professional work - 15 The Sagrada Família schools 029086
- Gauss - Solved by a flash of illumination 014490
- Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy - His Mate 013108
- George Harrison - Living In The Material World 2 015382
- George Harrison - While my guitar gently weeps 015384
- Gnostic Gospels - Judas 002724
- Gnostic Gospels - Mechizedek 000017
- Goryeo sijo - Yi Hwang 04 027063
- Grieg - 'Tak for dit Råd' and 'Jeg giver mit Digt til Våre'n 025234
- Grieg - En Svane 025235
- Grieg - Et Håb 025242
- Grieg - Four Piano Pieces Opus 1 025243
- Grieg - Haugtussa, op. 67 025247
- Grieg - Holberg Suite, Op 40 025251
- Grieg - Jeg elsker dig 025232
- Grieg - Lyric Suite / Suite Lyrique 025244
- Grieg - På Skogstien 025240
- Grieg - Peer Gynt Suite - Anitra's Dance 025253
- Grieg - Peer Gynt Suite - In the Hall of the Mountain King 025252
- Grieg - Peer Gynt Suite - Morning Mood 025238
- Grieg - Peer Gynt Suite - Norwegian Bridal Procession 025255
- Grieg - Peer Gynt Suite - Solveig's Song 025237
- Grieg - Peer Gynt Suite - The Death of Åse (Åses død) 025254
- Grieg - Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 16 025231
- Grieg - String Quartet No. 1 in G minor Opus 27 025250
- Grieg - Symphonic Dances / Danses Symphoniques 025241
- Grieg - The Last Spring 025248
- Grieg - Two Elegaic melodies 025239
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Bakitju 027704
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Bapa 027700
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Djarimirri 027703
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Djolin 027709
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Galika 027707
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Gathu Mawula 027706
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - History (I Was Born Blind) 027708
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Jesu 027699
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Mala Rrakala 027705
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Saltwater Band - Bolu 027702
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Wyathul 027698
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Yothu Yindi - Gapu 027701
- Guru Granth - Guru Nanak - short quotes 000700
- Han Yu - A Girl from Splendour Bloom Mountain 015039
- Hasidism And Jewish Mysticism In Israel 014303
- Herbert, George - Grief 022785
- Herbert, George - Heaven 022780
- Herbert, George - Judgement 022781
- Herbert, George - Love [1] 022784
- Herbert, George - Love [2] 022787
- Herbert, George - Peace 022782
- Herbert, George - The Elixir 022783
- Herbert, George - The Flower 022790
- Hermite, Charles - Intuitive thinking 014542
- Hermite, Charles - The realm of mathematical truths is spiritual 014540
- Hermite, Charles - The transcendence of Pi 014541
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - I have called these promptings Orders 023051
- Hodgson, Roger – Breakfast in America - Lord is it Mine? 027546
- Hodgson, Roger – Even in the Quietest Moments - Babaji 027550
- Hodler, Ferdinand - Communication with the Infinite 1892 007623
- Hodler, Ferdinand - Spring 1901 007626
- Hodler, Ferdinand - The Dream 1897 007625
- Hodler, Ferdinand - The Lumberjack 1910 007628
- Hodler, Ferdinand - The Truth 1903 007627
- Hodler, Ferdinand - View into Infinity 007632
- Hodler, Ferdinand - What are flowers saying 1893 007624
- Holding, Michael - Helped by his Higher spirit 013490
- Huxley, Aldous - Misc. Quote - The need for faith 015441
- Huxley, Aldous - Pala 007148
- Hyangga of Korea – 07 Eleven Poems on the Ten Vows of the Universally Worthy Bodhisattva - Great Master Kyunyo 027018
- Hyangga of Korea – 08 Eleven Poems on the Ten Vows of the Universally Worthy Bodhisattva - Great Master Kyunyo 027019
- Hyangga of Korea – 09 Eleven Poems on the Ten Vows of the Universally Worthy Bodhisattva - Great Master Kyunyo 027020
- Hyangga of Korea – 11 Eleven Poems on the Ten Vows of the Universally Worthy Bodhisattva - Great Master Kyunyo 027022
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - O my two friends, pass by al-Kathíb 013404
- Ippolitov-Ivanov selection 007403
- James - James 1 verses 1 to 27 025897
- James - James 2 verses 1 to 26 025898
- Jesus - John 14 - In my Father's house are many mansions 004466
- Jesus - John 14 - Spirit helpers 004468
- Jesus - John 5 & 6 - On God 003981
- Jesus - Luke 10 - Love your neighbour as you would yourself 000938
- Jesus - Luke 17 - Where is heaven? 014158
- Jesus - Luke 6 - Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you 013429
- Jesus - Mark 8 - For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul 013435
- Jesus - Matthew 13 - Grain of mustard seed 001818
- Jesus - Matthew 13 - On parables 003171
- Jesus - Matthew 18 - Except ye be converted, and become as little children 000903
- Jesus - Matthew 5 : 01 - Blessed are the poor in spirit 013618
- Jesus - Matthew 5 : 38 - Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you 013616
- Jesus - Matthew 7 - The Narrow and Wide Gates 004467
- Jesus - Matthew 7:21 - Why are we here 000578
- Jesus - The Gospel of Judas - Archons 002716
- Jesus - The Gospel of Mary Magdalene - And the aeons 003980
- Jesus - The Gospels - Love your enemies 002693
- Jesus - The Sophia of Jesus Christ - Aeons and angels 002788
- Jesus - The Sophia of Jesus Christ - And the aeons 002804
- Jesus - The Sophia of Jesus Christ - He meditated with his bride Sophia 002731
- Josephine Kermode – To the Cushag’s friend 029107
- Kabir - A certain bird sits in the tree 001837
- Kabir - All things are created by the Om 010215
- Kabir - Are you looking for me? I am in the next seat 003182
- Kabir - Between the conscious and the unconscious 002249
- Kabir - Breathe in that Word 002451
- Kabir - I know all the gates of his palace 003175
- Kabir - I know of a strange tree 001831
- Kabir - I laugh when I hear that the fish in the water is thirsty 013474
- Kabir - I talk to my inner lover 003174
- Kabir - If you want the truth, I'll tell you the truth 003181
- Kabir - Inside this clay jug there are canyons 003179
- Kabir - Student do the simple purification 003183
- Kabir - The flute of interior time is played 002453
- Kabir - The love form is His body 002454
- Kabir - The One I love has waited millions of years 002456
- Kabir - The small diamond everyone wants 003180
- Kabir - The woman who is separated from her lover 003178
- Kabir - There is a flag no one sees blowing in the sky temple 003177
- Kabir - Thinkers, listen, tell me what you know 002455
- Kabir - What comes out of the harp? Music 003339
- Kandinsky, Wassily - Image Composition VII - 1913 003440
- Kandinsky, Wassily - Image Composition VIII - 1923 003438
- Kandinsky, Wassily - Points 1920 003437
- Kandinsky, Wassily - Several Circles 1926 003439
- Kandinsky, Wassily - Yellow, Red, Blue 003441
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - Blessed are the pure in heart 004831
- Khnopff, Fernand - Sleeping Medusa 002611
- Khnopff, Fernand - Abandonned City 002613
- Khnopff, Fernand - Brutishness 002615
- Khnopff, Fernand - Des Caresses 002612
- Khnopff, Fernand - Maske 002610
- Khnopff, Fernand - Memories 002614
- Khnopff, Fernand - The Cigarette 007653
- King, Martin Luther - 01 AUGUST 1963 Letter from Birmingham Jail 025052
- King, Martin Luther - 02 AUGUST 1963 Letter from Birmingham Jail 025053
- King, Martin Luther - 03 AUGUST 1963 Letter from Birmingham Jail 025054
- King, Martin Luther - My Pilgrimage to Nonviolence – 01 As a Christian I believe that there is a creative personal power in this universe who is the ground and essence of all reality 025055
- King, Martin Luther - My Pilgrimage to Nonviolence – 02 The Kingdom of God is neither the thesis of individual enterprise nor the antithesis of collective enterprise, but a synthesis which reconciles the truths of both 025056
- Kipling, Rudyard - Jungle Book - The Law of the Jungle 001462
- Kipling, Rudyard - Just So stories - Before the High and Far-Off Times 001464
- Kipling, Rudyard - Just So Stories - The Crab that Played 001466
- Kipling, Rudyard - Song to Mithras the Sun God 004491
- Kipling, Rudyard - The Explorer 001295
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Believing in the spiritual world 027156
- Kris Kristofferson and The Highwaymen - Why me (Lord) 025097
- Kristofferson, Kris & Rita Coolidge - 1973 A song I'd like to sing 025093
- Kristofferson, Kris - 1967 The Golden Idol; Killing Time 025089
- Kristofferson, Kris - 1970 Sunday morning coming down 025087
- Kristofferson, Kris - 1970 To Beat the Devil 025104
- Kristofferson, Kris - 2012 You don't tell me what to do 025096
- Larry Adler & Itzhak Perlman perform Gershwin's Summertime 012259
- Larsa - And the Great Hymn to Shamash 022225
- Larsson, Carl - On freewill 025333
- Larsson, Carl – And a love-song by Gustaf Fröding (1860-1911) 025317
- Larsson, Carl – And a poem by Ebba Lindqvist 025336
- Larsson, Carl – And a poem by Frans Michael Franzén (1772-1847) 025326
- Larsson, Carl – And a poem by Gunnar Ekelöf 025327
- Larsson, Carl – And a poem by Harry Martinson (1904-78) 025325
- Larsson, Carl – And a poem by Karl Vennberg (1910-95) 025324
- Larsson, Carl – And a poem by Lars Gustafsson 025337
- Larsson, Carl – And a poem by Nils Ferlin 025318
- Larsson, Carl – And a poem by Pär Lagerkvist 025323
- Larsson, Carl – And a poem by Vilhelm Ekelund 025335
- Larsson, Carl – And a poem by Werner Aspenström (1918-1997) 025319
- Larsson, Carl – And Birds of Passage by Erik Johan Stagnelius 025320
- Larsson, Carl – And Eternity by Erik Johan Stagnelius 025321
- Larsson, Carl – And Friend In The Desolate Time by Erik Johan Stagnelius 025329
- Larsson, Carl – And Luna by Erik Johan Stagnelius 025330
- Larsson, Carl – And Memory by Erik Johan Stagnelius 025332
- Larsson, Carl – And Nacken by Erik Johan Stagnelius 025322
- Larsson, Carl – And O Camp Of Flowers by Erik Johan Stagnelius 025328
- Lemaitre, Georges - Homogenous universe of constant mass and increasing radius - 01 020561
- Lemaitre, Georges - Homogenous universe of constant mass and increasing radius - 02 020562
- Lemaitre, Georges - Homogenous universe of constant mass and increasing radius - 03 020563
- Lemaitre, Georges - Letter to Nature - The Intelligence hierarchy 020560
- Lemaitre, Georges - Letter to Nature - The order of creation, Time and the physical came last 020559
- Lemaitre, Georges - Letter to Nature - The programmed universe 020558
- Lemaitre, Georges - The Expanding Universe - 'Condensation' 020564
- Lemaitre, Georges - The Primeval atom - The Cosmic Egg 020555
- Lemaitre, Georges - The Primeval atom - The expanding universe 020557
- Lemaitre, Georges - The Primeval atom - The Laws of aggregation and repulsion 020556
- Lewis, C S - Dawn Treader - Sea horses 000455
- Lewis, C S - Dawn Treader - The Magic Book 001218
- Lewis, C S - Dawn Treader - The underwater city 001217
- Lewis, C S - Prince Caspian - Sailing into the Light 000102
- Lewis, C S - Prince Caspian - The Water wall 001215
- Lewis, C S - Quote 001221
- Lewis, C S - The Discarded Image - Daemons 004877
- Lewis, C S - The Discarded Image - The spatial order is the opposite of the spiritual 001220
- Lewis, C S - The Horse and his boy - Shasta and the talking horse 000448
- Lewis, C S - The Last Battle - Then the Moon came up quite in her wrong position 004398
- Lewis, C S - The Last Battle - Like an onion 001219
- Lewis, C S - The Last Battle - On configurations 004878
- Lewis, C S - The Silver Chair - Aslan 007275
- Lewis, C S - The Silver Chair - Fire and the abyss 004876
- Lewis, C S - The Silver Chair - Gnomes 002564
- Lewis, C S - The Silver Chair - Mountain 006642
- Liszt - Années de pèlerinage - 01 Première année: Suisse 024541
- Liszt - Années de pèlerinage - 02 Deuxième année: Italie 024542
- Liszt - Années de pèlerinage - 03 Troisième année: Fountains of the Villa d’Este 024543
- Liszt - Cantico del Sol di Francesco d'Assisi 024548
- Liszt - Christus-Oratorio - 02 1 Seligkeiten [The Beatitudes] 024539
- Liszt - Christus-Oratorio - 03 1 Tristis est anima mea (Sad is my soul) 024544
- Liszt - Christus-Oratorio - 03 2 Stabat mater 024533
- Liszt - Christus-Oratorio - 03 3 O filii et filiae (O sons and daughters) 024546
- Liszt - Christus-Oratorio - 03 4 Resurrexit! (He has risen!) 024545
- Liszt - Harmonies Poetiques Et Religieuses - 03 Bénédiction de Dieu dans la solitude 024538
- Liszt - Harmonies Poetiques Et Religieuses - 04 Pensée des morts 024549
- Liszt - Harmonies Poetiques Et Religieuses - 10 Cantique d’amour (‘Hymn of Love) 024547
- Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody No 2 024532
- Liszt - Liebestraum - Love's Dream 024534
- Liszt - Vision a la Chapelle Sixtine 024535
- Logan, Andrew - The British Guide to Showing Off 017789
- Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilyevich - A Morning Meditation on God’s Grandeur 025644
- Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilyevich - An Evening Reflection Upon God's Grandeur Prompted by the Great Northern Lights 025643
- Louis Jacolliot - The Bible in India - 04 The Story of Krishna: Preaching the law/disciples/Ardjuna and Sarawasta 024733
- Louis Jacolliot - The Bible in India - 06 The Story of Krishna: Nichdali and Sarasvati 024736
- Louis Jacolliot - The Bible in India - The Thoughts and maxims of Krishna 024735
- Malevich, Kazimir - Cosmos 007711
- Malevich, Kazimir - Enemy 007713
- Malevich, Kazimir - Girls in the Fields 007703
- Malevich, Kazimir - Mystic suprematism 007701
- Malevich, Kazimir - Red Square 007702
- Malevich, Kazimir - Soldier 007714
- Malevich, Kazimir - Sportsmen 007708
- Malevich, Kazimir - Suprematism 1915 007706
- Malevich, Kazimir - Suprematismus 007707
- Malevich, Kazimir - The Attentive Worker 1913 007710
- Malevich, Kazimir - The Carpenter 007709
- Malevich, Kazimir - The Peasant Woman 1912 007705
- Malevich, Kazimir - The Reaper on Red 1913 007704
- Malevich, Kazimir - Woman torso 007712
- Mare, Walter de la - Extract from Rupert Brooke and the intellectual imagination 04 021607
- Mare, Walter de la - Someone 021593
- Mare, Walter de la - The Empty house 021595
- Mare, Walter de la - The Mocking Fairy 021596
- Mare, Walter de la - The Moth 021597
- Mare, Walter de la - The Night-Swans 021598
- Mare, Walter de la - The Ruin 021599
- Mare, Walter de la - The Scarecrow 021600
- Mare, Walter de la - The Spirit of Air 021601
- Mare, Walter de la - The World of Dreams 021602
- Martin McNamara - Intertestamental Literature – Philo’s Logos 028222
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 13 Hymn to the Creators 011668
- Menuhin, Yehudi - Asana - Siddhasana 026676
- Menuhin, Yehudi - Beethoven Violin Concerto in D major Op.61 026670
- Menuhin, Yehudi - Elgar Violin concerto 026671
- Menuhin, Yehudi - Mendelssohn Violin Concerto E Minor 026672
- Menuhin, Yehudi - Milestones in Menuhin’s Career & Bartok 026681
- Menuhin, Yehudi - Ravel - Kaddisch 1936 026680
- Menuhin, Yehudi - Theme and Variations 005898
- Menuhin, Yehudi - with Ravi Shankar & Alla Rakha 026674
- Menuhin, Yehudi - with Stephane Grappelli - For All Season side 1 026679
- Menuhin, Yehudi - with Stephane Grappelli - Jalousie 026677
- Menuhin, Yehudi - with Stéphane Grappelli - Tea For Two (1978) 026678
- Mesopotamian - Means of achieving spiritual experience 08 Believing in the spiritual world 022213
- Michelangelo - 1496 Bacchus 024420
- Michelangelo - 1498 Pietà, St Peter's Basilica 024421
- Michelangelo - 1501 The Bruges Madonna 024426
- Michelangelo - 1504 David 024424
- Michelangelo - 1504 Doni Tondo 024427
- Michelangelo - 1508 Sistine Chapel - 01 Overview 024429
- Michelangelo - 1508 Sistine Chapel - 07 Separation of Light from Darkness 024446
- Michelangelo - 1513 The Captives 024425
- Michelangelo - 1520 The Medici Chapel - Dusk and Dawn 024418
- Michelangelo - 1520 The Medici Chapel - Night and Day 024419
- Michelangelo - 1532 Victory 024422
- Michelangelo - 1564 Rondanini Pieta 024417
- Michelangelo - Sonnet LXVII - There is no lower thing on earth than I 024484
- Michelangelo - Sonnet LXXII - Then let me see you everywhere I go 024486
- Michelangelo - Sonnet LXXIV - Often, I think, a great desire may 024485
- Michelangelo - Sonnet XV - The marble not yet carved can hold the form 024464
- Michelangelo - Sonnet XVIII - With heart of sulphur and with flesh of tow 024465
- Michelangelo - Sonnet XXI - To others merciful and only to itself unkind 024466
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – An Attempt at a Theory of the Elastic Force of Air – Gas, atoms and the repulsive forces 025646
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Meditations on the Cause of Heat and Cold – Spin 025645
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Meditations on the Solidity and Liquidity of Bodies – Anticipating the loom 025648
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – On the Relation of the Amount of Material and Weight – Functions and spin 025647
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Oration on the Origin of Light. A New Theory of Colour – 01 On light and Light 025649
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Oration on the Origin of Light. A New Theory of Colour – 02 On transparency 025650
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Oration on the Origin of Light. A New Theory of Colour – 03 ‘Heat’ is a function of an aggregate 025651
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Oration on the Origin of Light. A New Theory of Colour – 04 ‘Light’ is a function of an aggregate 025652
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Oration on the Origin of Light. A New Theory of Colour – 05 ‘Sound’ is a function of an aggregate 025653
- Moitessier, Bernard - Tamata and the Alliance - The truck and the abyss 018569
- Moitessier, Bernard – The Long Way - A state of grace 016958
- Moitessier, Bernard – The Long Way - Good Hope 016947
- Moitessier, Bernard – The Long Way - I am fed up with false gods 016959
- Moitessier, Bernard – The Long Way - The Fairy Tern 016960
- Monk, Thelonius - And the Sonny Rollins quartet 017390
- Monk, Thelonius - Ruby my dear 017389
- Monk, Thelonius - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes Disques vogue 017392
- Monk, Thelonius - The Unique Thelonious Monk (1956) 017393
- Monk, Thelonius - with the Miles Davis Quintet 017391
- Monk, Thelonius – 5 by Monk by 5 [1959] 017397
- Monk, Thelonius – Brilliant corners (1956) 017395
- Monk, Thelonius – Crepuscule With Nellie [1957] 017394
- Monk, Thelonius – with John Coltrane at Carnegie Hall (1958) 017396
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 001 Of the birth of Sigurd the son of Sigmund 028485
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 002 Sigurd getteth to him the horse that is called Greyfell 028486
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 003 Regin telleth Sigurd of his kindred, and of the Gold that was accursed from ancient days 028487
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 004 Of the forging of the Sword that is called The Wrath of Sigurd 028488
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 005 Of Gripir's Foretelling 028489
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 006 Sigurd rideth to the Glittering Heath 028490
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 007 Sigurd slayeth Fafnir the Serpent 028491
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 008 Sigurd slayeth Regin the Master of Masters on the Glittering Heath 028492
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 009 How Sigurd took to him the Treasure of the Elf Andvari 028493
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 010 How Sigurd awoke Brynhild upon Hindfell 028495
- Muir, John - John of the Mountains - Reality is not what we perceive 029356
- Myōe – If there is faith, myriad goods will flourish like the verdant earth 021382
- Myōe – Lectures on the Commentary on the Mantra of Light 021390
- Nightingale, Florence - Intimations of her destiny 011943
- Nightingale, Florence - Thy will be done 011945
- Nizami - Laili and Majnun - 01 018793
- Nizami - Laili and Majnun - 02 018794
- Nizami - Laili and Majnun - 03 018795
- Nizami - Laili and Majnun - 04 018796
- O'Donohue, John - A Blessing of Angels 029429
- O'Donohue, John - A Celtic Pilgrimage 029433
- O'Donohue, John - On Being 029430
- O'Donohue, John - On the Death of the Beloved 029431
- Odetta - Blowin' in the Wind 022537
- Odetta - Don't Think Twice It's All Right 022532
- Odetta - Masters of War 022530
- Odetta - Mr. Tambourine Man 022536
- Odetta - Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child 022533
- Odetta - The Times they are a Changin' 022535
- Odetta - Tomorrow is a long time 022534
- Odetta - With God On Our Side 022538
- Odette - Reads from ‘A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles’ 022531
- Orbison, Roy - The importance of faith 025872
- Ou-Yang Hsiu - At the Graveside 012893
- Ou-Yang Hsiu - Autumn 012892
- Parmenides - On Nature - 02 to 07 013835
- Parrish, Maxfield - The Lantern Bearers (1908) 029165
- Perlman - A Dudele 012258
- Perlman - A Yiddishe Mamme 012260
- Perlman - As der Rebbe Elimelech is gevoyrn asoi freylach 012256
- Perlman - Doyna 012254
- Perlman - Kol Nidrei 012257
- Perlman - Oif`n Pritpetchik brennt a feier`l 012255
- Perlman - Oif`n Weg steyt a Boim 012253
- Perlman - Plays Klezmer 1 012246
- Perlman - Plays Klezmer 2 012247
- Perlman - REYZELE 012252
- Perlman - Rozhinkes mit Mandelen 012250
- Perlman - Shalom Aleichem 012251
- Perlman - Tati Un mama Tants 012248
- Perlman - Vi ahin soll ich geyn? 012249
- Plato - Timaeus - On Fire and Water 013567
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure - 01 025461
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure - 02 025462
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 03 025463
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 04 025464
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 05 025465
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 06 025466
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 07 025467
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 08 025468
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 09 025469
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 10 025470
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 11 025471
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 12 025472
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 13 025473
- Plensa, Jaume - Dream 029580
- Plensa, Jaume - I sleep no more 029579
- Plensa, Jaume - The Crown Fountain 029578
- Plensa, Jaume - Wilsis 029582
- Plotinus - The Enneads - On learning how to learn 006082
- Pordage, John - Eye of God 007204
- Proverbs 9 007407
- Qu’ran - Spirit helpers and guides - Surah Al An’am 027657
- Rafferty, Gerry - Another World – 07 Conscious Love 028809
- Ravel - Violin sonata 2nd movement 012085
- Ravel - Bolero [as ballet] 012086
- Ravel - Jeux d'Eaux 012080
- Ravel - Ma mère l'oye 012089
- Ravel - Miroirs III 012081
- Ravel - Pavane for Dead Princess 012084
- Ravel - Piano concerto in G - II Adagio assai 012073
- Ravel - Piano Trio 012083
- Ravel - Rapsodie Espagnole 012082
- Ravidas – from the Adi Granth 33 017176
- Reeve, Christopher – God doesn't make these things happen. We were given free will, and everything obeys the laws of nature 023441
- Rig Veda - Faith 000018
- Rops - Felicien - L'Amour Mouche 010551
- Rops, Felicien - Beauty and the Beast 010534
- Rops, Felicien - Dans les coulisses 010535
- Rops, Felicien - Grande Lyre 010541
- Rops, Félicien - L'Enlèvement 1882 010545
- Rops, Félicien - L'entr'acte de Minerve 010549
- Rops, Felicien - l'initiation sentimentale 010546
- Rops, Felicien - La Dame au Pantin 010536
- Rops, Felicien - la femme au trapeze 010547
- Rops, Félicien - La répétition 010548
- Rops, Felicien - Lady with Puppet 010556
- Rops, Felicien - Le bibliothécaire 010557
- Rops, Felicien - Les Diaboliques 010539
- Rops, Felicien - Monkey 010553
- Rops, Felicien - Parodie humaine 010554
- Rops, Felicien - Rare fish 010538
- Rops, Felicien - Satan sowing tares 010558
- Rops, Felicien - Study for the Temptation of St Anthony 010552
- Rops, Felicien - the Key 010540
- Rops, Felicien - the Rocking horse 010544
- Rops, Felicien - The Sacrifice 010537
- Rops, Felicien - The Social Revolution 010555
- Rops, Felicien - The Supreme Vice 010550
- Rops, Felicien – La Legende du sexes 010533
- Rops, Felicien – La Sorciere 010543
- Rops, Felicien – Pornokrates 010542
- Rudd, Xavier and the United Nations - Nanna [full album] 016578
- Ruskin, John - Happiness 012718
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 06 from The Manners of Kings Solitude 015276
- Sabina, Maria - from Shamanic voices by Dr Joan Halifax 000003
- Sabri - Bhar Do Jhooli Meri Yaa Muhammad Qawwal 022013
- Sabri - Karam Mangta Hoon (Dua), Amjad Sabri, AAJ Kalam, AAJ TV 022015
- Sabri - Mera Koi Naheen Hai Teray Siwa 022014
- Sabri - Sabri Brothers/Amjad Sabri; Mast Qalandar 2 - Qawwali 022011
- Sabri - Tajdar E Haram Ho Nigaah E Karam 022012
- Sabri - URDU DUA(Dua Manghta Hon) 022016
- Schoenberg, Arnold - Verklärte Nacht 1899 021092
- Schubert - 'Mein Traum' 020645
- Schubert - Divertissement à l'hongroise g-moll D 818 - III. Allegretto 020649
- Schubert - Mass No 5 A flat major D 678 020644
- Schubert - Mass No. 6 in E flat major (D. 950) 020650
- Schubert - Piano Trio (D.898) - Andante 020648
- Schubert and Tomas Tranströmer - Schubertiana II & Fantasy In F Minor, D940 025713
- Schuré, Edouard - A Vision in the Cathedral of Strasberg 014086
- Schwarz, Jack - Extract from It's Not What You Eat But What Eats You 026394
- Schwarz, Jack - What is the meaning of life? Interview with Jack Schwarz 026397
- Scriabin 005945
- Seo Jung-ju - Beside a Chrysanthemum 027083
- Seo Jung-ju - Chunhyang’s Last Words 027077
- Seo Jung-ju - Gazing at Mudeung Mountain 027086
- Seo Jung-ju - In the Field Filling Up with Snow 027080
- Seo Jung-ju - On the Day that Shines Again 027078
- Seo Jung-ju - The Entrance of Seonun Temple 027084
- Seo Jung-ju - The Self Portrait 027082
- Seo Jung-ju - The Song of Avalokitesvara at Seokguram 027087
- Seo Jung-ju - The Winter Sky 027085
- Seo Jung-ju - This Azure Day 027081
- Shakers - I Never Did Believe - Martha Bassett 017047
- Shakers - The Savior's Watchword 017062
- Sheridan, Clare – Oh Lord, I've never lived where churches grow 023706
- Sheridan, Clare – The Creation of our Lady of Brede 023826
- Sikhism – Japji 03 017200
- Sikhism – Japji 18 017199
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 03 The Still Wilderness 056 020698
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 03 The Still Wilderness 074 020700
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 05 Inwardness 121 020692
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 05 Inwardness 124 020694
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 05 Inwardness 132 020696
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 05 Inwardness 134 020697
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 06 Self abandonment 153 020681
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 06 Self abandonment 154 020682
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 08 Time and Eternity 182 020684
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 08 Time and Eternity 183 020685
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 08 Time and Eternity 185 020686
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 08 Time and Eternity 189 020689
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 08 Time and Eternity 193 020690
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 08 Time and Eternity 204 020691
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 10 Love 242 020708
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 10 Love 256 020703
- Smetana - Ma Vlast - Blaník 025220
- Songs of Flying Dragons – Dedication, Destiny and Serving the common man 027090
- Songs of Flying Dragons – Reducing obligations, Justice and forgiveness 027091
- Songs of Flying Dragons – Reducing threats and employing justice 027088
- Songs of Flying Dragons – Though he was busy with war, he loved the way of the scholar 027089
- Songs of Flying Dragons – Worshipping that which is bigger than us all 027092
- Spencer, Stanley - 1914 Self Portrait 019359
- Spencer, Stanley - 1927 The Resurrection, Cookham 019367
- Spencer, Stanley - 1955 Christ Preaching at Cookham Regatta 019372
- Spencer, Stanley - 1958 The Crucifixion 019373
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 01 - Mending Cowls Cookham 1915 019380
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 02 - Helter skelter 1937 019379
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 05 - The Nativity 019378
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 09 - Early visionary period 019375
- Spender, Richard - Laughing Blood - May Night 029045
- Spender, Richard - Laughing Blood - Searchlights 029038
- Ssu-Kung Tu - Concentration 012890
- Ssu-Kung Tu - Despondent 012888
- Ssu-Kung Tu - Embroideries 012889
- Ssu-Kung Tu - Fascination 012885
- Ssu-Kung Tu - Motion 012891
- Ssu-Kung Tu - Return of Spring 012882
- Ssu-Kung Tu - Set Free 012884
- Ssu-Kung Tu - The Colour of Life 012883
- St Francis - A Prayer 012830
- St Francis - And the love for our fellow creatures 012827
- St Francis - Embrace God in all things 012828
- St Francis - On Death 012829
- St Francis - On sunbeams 012831
- St Francis - Progress 012834
- St Francis - Start by doing what is necessary 012832
- St Francis - The Sun, the Moon and the levels and layers 010195
- Steiner, Rudolf - Elemental Spirits and the Plant World 000914
- Steiner, Rudolf - Gnomes, Undines, Sylphs and Salamanders 002563
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - Abide in calm single mindedness 002696
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - Developing an active inner life 001269
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - Higher spirit 013788
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - Inner speech 013789
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Architecture, design, function and form 000916
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Cycles of time 003960
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Lunar Pitris 000915
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - On creation and destruction 013751
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Perception and evolution 000925
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - The forces of Nature 003958
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - The misuse of power 000923
- Steiner, Rudolf - Redemption and the Elementals [1909] - Fire 002565
- Steiner, Rudolf - Redemption and the Elementals [1909] - The Elements 013753
- Steiner, Rudolf - The disembodied souls who are too good for the bodies of a subordinate order and for the other bodies too bad 002566
- Steiner, Rudolf - The Inner Nature of Music and the Experience of Tone 1906 003959
- Steiner, Rudolf - The Inner Nature of Music and the Experience of Tone 1906 000918
- Still, Andrew Taylor - A definition of osteopathy 002880
- Still, Andrew Taylor - Body, Mind and Spirit 011215
- Still, Andrew Taylor - Matter and Spirit 011217
- Still, Andrew Taylor - What is Nature 011214
- Sting - A Thousand Years 003232
- Sting - Desert Rose 003226
- Sting - Fields of Gold 003225
- Sting - Island of Souls 003229
- Sting - Love is the Seventh Wave 003227
- Sting - Sacred love 003231
- Sting - Shadows in the Rain 003228
- Sting - Shape of my Heart 003336
- Sting - Soul Cages 010905
- Sting - The Lowest Trees have Tops 003230
- Sutherland, Donald and Kate Bush - Cloudbusting 025802
- Tallis, Thomas - If ye love me 005871
- Tallis, Thomas - Lamentations 005870
- Tallis, Thomas - Miserere Nostri 012157
- Tallis, Thomas - Spem in Alium 005868
- Tavener, John - Funeral Canticle 012159
- Tavener, John - Song for Athene 012160
- Tavener, John - With Bjork and the Jesus Prayer 012161
- Taylor, Bayard - The formidable whispering turned into a choral song, a grand hymn sung by thousands of voices, which spread very quickly from one hill to another 027827
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Hymn of the Universe - Light 001775
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Hymn of the Universe - The stream of universal becoming 000178
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Hymn of the Universe - The Word 000172
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - Co-creation 001772
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - Destiny 001771
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - Increments of evolution 000180
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - Increments of evolution 001770
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - Into thy hands I commend my spirit 000604
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - Love as unifier 001767
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - One heart, one soul 000177
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - Order of Creation 001769
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - Within and without 000163
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Aggregation 000167
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Aggregation and function 000169
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Aggregation and individuation 000176
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Aggregation disadvantages 000173
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Brains 000184
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Cells 000170
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Cells 000183
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Co-operation 000185
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Diversification 004617
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Diversity and beauty 000179
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Divine love 001024
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Energy 001768
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Love 000934
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Minerals 000165
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - On love 000162
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Organic compunds 000166
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Reuse 000181
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Reuse 000182
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Society as aggregation 000168
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Specialisation 004111
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Spirit 000171
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - The Microscopic 000175
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Tree of life 001778
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Tree of life 001777
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Tree of life 001776
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Trinity 000174
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Wheel of evolution 001746
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - In Memoriam A H H - I wage not any feud with Death 004600
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - In Memoriam A H H - That which we dare invoke to bless 000013
- The Highwaymen - American Remains 025857
- The Highwaymen - Highwayman 025856
- The Kama sutra – 03 Festivals 018691
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 15 Believing in the Spiritual world 022598
- Thomson, Tom - Algonquin Park winter afternoon 1914 028475
- Thomson, Tom - Moonlight 028477
- Thomson, Tom - Northern Lake 028476
- Thomson, Tom - The Pool, Winter 028474
- Timbre Cierpke - St Cecilia, An Ode to Music 022323
- Tissot - Hide and Seek 019332
- Tissot - HMS Calcutta 019336
- Tissot - Jesus Carried up to a Pinnacle of the Temple 019328
- Tissot - Jesus Goes up Alone Onto a Mountain to Pray 019323
- Tissot - Jesus Transported by a Spirit onto a High Mountain 019325
- Tissot - On the Thames 019318
- Tissot - Seaside Portrait of Miss Lloyd 019319
- Tissot - The Ark passes over the Jordan 019326
- Tissot - The Ascension 019327
- Tissot - The Captain and the Mate 019317
- Tissot - The Confidence 019331
- Tissot - The Magi 019322
- Tissot - The Resurrection 019324
- Tissot - The Soul of the Penitent Thief 019321
- Tissot - Women of Paris - The Circus lover 019333
- Tissot - Young Lady holding Japanese objects 019329
- Tissot - Young lady in a boat 019320
- Tolstoy, Leo - Confessions - The need for faith 018589
- Townes, Charles - On Intelligent design in the universe 014518
- Traherne, Thomas - Centuries of Meditations - All appeared new and strange at the first 004903
- Traherne, Thomas - Centuries of Meditations - This is very strange that God should want 002445
- Traherne, Thomas - Centuries of Meditations - To have blessings and to prize them is to be in heaven 002444
- Traherne, Thomas - Centuries of Meditations - Wine by its moisture 002821
- Traherne, Thomas - Dumbness - A world of innocence as then was mine 000161
- Traherne, Thomas - Rise Noble Soul - Rise noble soul and come away 010042
- Tranströmer, Tomas - A Few Moments 025705
- Tranströmer, Tomas - A Place in the Woods 025709
- Tranströmer, Tomas - A Winter Night 025699
- Tranströmer, Tomas - After a death 025687
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Allegro 025698
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Fire Script 025716
- Tranströmer, Tomas - from Along the Lines (Far North) 025711
- Tranströmer, Tomas - from At Funchal 025710
- Tranströmer, Tomas - from Schubertiana 025714
- Tranströmer, Tomas - from The Scattered Congregation 025707
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Haiku 1 025680
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Haiku 2 025681
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Haiku 3 025682
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Haiku 4 025683
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Haiku 5 025684
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Late May 025712
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Open and Closed Space 025700
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Outskirts 025688
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Passing through walls 025685
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Sailor's Tale 025695
- Tranströmer, Tomas - The Forgotten Commander 025718
- Tranströmer, Tomas - The Man awakened by a Song above his Roof 025696
- Tranströmer, Tomas - To Friends behind a Border 025708
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Under Pressure 025701
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Walking Running Crawling 025706
- Tulsidas - Kavitavali 07:183 017280
- Tulsidas - Kavitavali 07:74 017268
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 08 017271
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 19 017272
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 277 017279
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 30 017273
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 48 017274
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 66 017269
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 69 017270
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 79 017275
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 92 017276
- Turner, Tina - Nam Myoho Renge Kyo (2 Hours Buddhist Daimoku) 023853
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Winter - In the Field 012706
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Winter - Old Many Battled Sea 012707
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Z Epilogue by Clifford Bax 012708
- Uruk 022160
- Uruk - The Anu ziggurat 022163
- Uruk – The Anu district of Kulaba 022161
- Uruk – The Eanna district of Uruk 022162
- Vaughan Williams - Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis 005869
- Vaughan Williams - Hodie 012175
- Villoldo, Dr Alberto - Climbing the Cosmic ladder 011203
- Villoldo, Dr Alberto - The Hummingbird archetype 007431
- W.Y. Evans-Wentz - On Memory and Perceptions 014081
- Waits, Tom & Kronos Quartet - Diamond In Your Mind 021872
- Waits, Tom - Fawn 021871
- Waits, Tom - No one knows I'm gone 021874
- Waits, Tom - Poor Edward 021867
- Waits, Tom - Take it with me when I go 021875
- Waits, Tom - Town with no Cheer 021869
- Waits, Tom - You can never hold back Spring 021873
- Wallace, Alfred Russell - The existence of spirit 015611
- We three kings of Orient are 013501
- Welsh Revivalists - There was shouting and rejoicing, even dancing in the meetings 017073
- Wenders, Wim - Don't come knocking 028232
- Wenders, Wim - Faraway, So Close 028238
- Wenders, Wim - Lumière et compagnie 028244
- Wenders, Wim - On the Pope Francis Documentary 028228
- Wenders, Wim - Paris, Texas 028226
- Wenders, Wim - Pina 028241
- Wenders, Wim - Salt of the Earth 028240
- Wenders, Wim - Submergence 028242
- Wenders, Wim - Talking about the Land of Plenty film and Christianity 028229
- Wenders, Wim - Ten Minutes Older - Twelve Miles to Trona 028246
- Wenders, Wim - The End of Violence 028249
- Wenders, Wim - Tokyo-ga 028248
- Wenders, Wim - Until the End of the World 028227
- Wenders, Wim - Wings of Desire 028231
- Wenders, Wim and Donata - On working together 028236
- Wenders, Wim and Donata – On the influence of music 028237
- Wenders, Wim – The role of film in myth making 028230
- What Happens After Death: Sadhguru and Shekhar Kapur 028658
- When I woke up in the morning, I was well 021664
- Williams, John - Angela's Ashes 012170
- Williams, John - Conducts Devil's Dance 012169
- Williams, John - Hedwig's theme 012172
- Williams, John - Memoirs of a Geisha 012174
- Williams, John - Moonlight 012164
- Williams, John - Plays Flying Theme (E.T) 012168
- Williams, John - Saving Private Ryan - Hymn to the Fallen 012173
- Williams, John - Seven Years in Tibet 012165
- Williams, John - Sunrise sunset from Fiddler on the roof. 012171
- Williams, John - Superman theme 012167
- Williams, John - Yoda's Theme 012166
- Wim Wenders on Painting and Film making and Time 028243
- Wim Wenders talks about making movies that matter 028233
- Winthrop, John - The City upon a Hill Sermon 028986
- Wirth, Oswald - The Tarot of the Magicians - Dark Matter 028317
- Wonder, Stevie - Higher ground 026684
- Wordsworth, William - The Excursion - Yet I will praise Thee with impassioned voice 000009
- Yassawi - 16 from HIKMET 49 022659
- Youssou N'Dour & Deep Forest - Undecided 025628
- Youssou N'dour & The Fathy Salama Orchestra : Egypt Live (Parts 1 & 2) 025627
- Youssou N'dour - Nothing's in vain - 02 Moor Ndaje 025621
- Youssou N'dour - Nothing's in vain - 03 La femme est l'avenir de l'homme 025623
- Youssou N'dour - Nothing's in vain - 06 Mbëgéél Noonu La (Remix) 025630
- Youssou N'dour - Nothing's in vain - 07 So Many Men 025631
- Youssou N'dour - Nothing's in vain - 08 Ama 025632
- Youssou N'dour - Nothing's in vain - 10 C'est l'amour 025633
Out of time
- Bronte, Emily - Yes, as I mused, the naked room The flickering firelight died away 002831
- Bruno, Giordano – On Magic - On out of body experiences 016072
- Brunton, Dr Paul - A Search in Secret Egypt - A night inside the Great Pyramid 2 010055
- Brunton, Dr Paul - A Search in Secret Egypt - A night inside the Great Pyramid 3 010057
- Brunton, Dr Paul - A Search in Secret Egypt - A night inside the Great Pyramid 4 010058
- Carlson, Chester – Inter mind communication with Dorris 025276
- Cayce, Edgar - Out of body to a patient 004251
- Evans, Margiad - from Autobiography 021627
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Giovanni Cavalcanti 015989
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Matteo Corsini 015988
- Freiherr Du Prel, Dr Carl - Magic as a natural science - 03 Ecstatic flight and the technical flight 028777
- Jesus - John 3 - Jesus Teaches Nicodemus 004132
- Jesus - The Gospel of Judas - Visits a noble, sacred people beyond this world 002408
- Lewis, C S - The Horse and his boy - Shasta and the talking horse 000448
- Mrs Bhat is cured of cancer of the uterus 015890
- Out of body experiences and the ego 006829
- Parmenides - On Nature - 02 to 07 013835
- Pordage, John - Eye of God 007204
- Saint Brendan - from a 15th century manuscript 013248
- Senna, Ayrton - The out of body experiences of Ayrton Senna and Damon Hill 023037
- Sheridan, Clare – The healing medicine of Conquered-by-Night and the NDE of Crazy Crow 023709
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 08 Time and Eternity 187 020688
- Ssu-Kung Tu - Fascination 012885
- Ssu-Kung Tu - Set Free 012884
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - The Earth band 000917
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - The Spiritual Power of Matter - Rebirth 004130
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - The Spiritual Power of Matter - Standing amidst the tempest 001774
- Traherne, Thomas - Centuries of Meditations - It is not by going with the feet, but by journeys of the soul 003296
- Traherne, Thomas - Centuries of Meditations - My naked simple life was I That act so strongly shined 002450
- Traherne, Thomas - Circulations - As fair ideas from the sky 002449
- Traherne, Thomas - On leaping over the moon - Adventure strange 002447
- Traherne, Thomas - Shadows in the Water - Thus did I by the water’s brink 002448
- Villoldo, Dr Alberto - The sub-levels of Earth - an overview 011209
- Villoldo, Dr Alberto - The sub-levels of Earth - fourth tier 011207
- Villoldo, Dr Alberto - The sub-levels of Earth - second tier 011208
- Villoldo, Dr Alberto - The sub-levels of Earth - third tier 011206
- Wesley, John - Journal 1739 - extract on rebirth 004138
- AwoFa'lokun Fatunmbi - Rekindling kundalini to invoke new powers 011336
- Balzac, Honoré de - Seraphita - 04 An allegory of annihilation 027960
- Bronte, Emily - The Philosopher - I saw a spirit, standing 002830
- Byrne, David - The Sermon on the Mount 023539
- Byrne, David and St. Vincent - Strange Overtones - A tiny Brotherhood emerges 023534
- Chagall - Albertus Magnus 010253
- Chagall - au dessus de la ville 010254
- Dillard, Annie - Teaching a stone to talk - Love for its own sake, lacking an object, begins 023494
- Dillard, Annie - Teaching a stone to talk - There are angels in those fields 023499
- Evans, Margiad - from Autobiography 021627
- Fawcett, Lt Colonel Percival Harrison - Following his destiny 022769
- Fawcett, Lt Colonel Percival Harrison - I am in the hands of the Gods 022768
- Finney, Charles G - The illumination of Charles G. Finney 027948
- Freiherr Du Prel, Dr Carl - Magic as a natural science - 03 Ecstatic flight and the technical flight 028777
- Hasidism And Jewish Mysticism In Israel 014303
- Herbert, George - from The Collar 022786
- Holding, Michael - Helped by his Higher spirit 013490
- Michelangelo - 1513 The Captives 024425
- Moitessier, Bernard – The Long Way - A state of grace 016958
- Moitessier, Bernard – The Long Way - Good Hope 016947
- Pordage, John - Eye of God 007204
- Schubert - 'Mein Traum' 020645
- Shrader, Dr Douglas - A mystical experience engulfed me 021634
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 03 The Still Wilderness 097 020702
- Snell, Joy – Ministry of Angels – In every creature entrusted to your care, behold Me and the work will be easy 028049
- Sojourner Truth - 05 Isabella's Religious Experience - Part 2 027756
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 05 - The Nativity 019378
- Spender, Richard - Laughing Blood - Prayer after Visions 029042
- Ssu-Kung Tu - Tranquil repose 012886
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - Inner speech 013789
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - The understanding of the ecstatic 013798
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Hymn of the Universe - Surrender 000164
- Welsh Revivalists - The Holy Spirit engulfing him as a flame of fire 017072
- Welsh Revivalists - There was shouting and rejoicing, even dancing in the meetings 017073
In time
- AwoFa'lokun Fatunmbi - Rekindling kundalini to invoke new powers 011336
- Bayard Taylor - Metempsychosis of the Pine 027836
- Billy Joel - The River of Dreams 014418
- Bob Marley - On love 015486
- Bronte, Emily - Last Lines - With wide embracing love 002829
- Bronte, Emily - The Visionary 002828
- Brunton, Dr Paul - A Search in Secret Egypt - A night inside the Great Pyramid 2 010055
- Brunton, Dr Paul - A Search in Secret Egypt - A night inside the Great Pyramid 3 010057
- Brunton, Dr Paul - A Search in Secret Egypt - A night inside the Great Pyramid 4 010058
- Carlson, Chester – Inter mind communication with Dorris 025276
- Carrel, Alexis - The Voyage to Lourdes 014235
- Cassidy, Joe - telepathy with a child and a spirit 010044
- Cassidy, Joe - telepathy with a spirit 010043
- Cayce, Edgar - Meets his Higher spirit 004243
- Cayce, Edgar - Out of body to a patient 004251
- Cayce, Edgar - Treats Italian royalty 004257
- Cayce, Edgar - A request for clary water 004248
- Cayce, Edgar - Aimee Dietrich 004247
- Cayce, Edgar - An angel with a message 004242
- Cayce, Edgar - Bowel stoppage and a baby 004255
- Cayce, Edgar - Choking from a button in her windpipe 004245
- Cayce, Edgar - Cures Al Layne 004244
- Cayce, Edgar - Cures infantile paralysis 004256
- Cayce, Edgar - Dying woman seeks Edgar's help 004246
- Cayce, Edgar - Has a run in with doctors 004253
- Cayce, Edgar - He was with me at the river 004258
- Cayce, Edgar - Remote views in New York 004252
- Cayce, Edgar - Seeing Grampa 004241
- Cayce, Edgar - Sees auras 004249
- Clark, Fay Marvin – Into the Light – The baby deer with the broken leg 023278
- Communicating with two crows, a magpie, a collared dove, a pheasant and an assortment of little birds 021611
- Crichton, Michael - from Travels - A session with a psychic 003974
- Custance, John - Adventure into the Unconscious - In touch with Spirit helpers 001936
- Daniélou, Alain – The Way to the Labyrinth – Swami Karpatri reads his mind 021190
- Dixon, Jeane - Diagnoses Mona's illness 004655
- Dixon, Jeane - Knows of her mother's death 004667
- Dixon, Jeane - Prophesies President Kennedy's assassination 008380
- Dixon, Jeane - Reads Bob Kennedy's mind 004670
- Dixon, Jeane - 'prophesies' future presidents 004658
- Dixon, Jeane - 'My cup runneth over' 004653
- Dixon, Jeane - A vision in the cathedral 004676
- Dixon, Jeane - A vision of the snake 004675
- Dixon, Jeane - Diagnoses Grayson Headley's illness 004657
- Dixon, Jeane - Helps Roosevelt 004665
- Dixon, Jeane - Meets President Roosevelt 004666
- Dixon, Jeane - Reads Dr Haley's mind 004673
- Dixon, Jeane - Reads Evelyn's mind 004652
- Dixon, Jeane - Reads Ira Walsh's mind 004671
- Dixon, Jeane - Reads Sister Mary Mercy's mind 004672
- Dixon, Jeane - Reads the Russian Ambassadors mind 004669
- Dixon, Jeane - The vision of the end of Catholicism 004677
- Duprè, Giovanni - A possibly fatal accident averted by the intervention of a warning voice 025303
- Elwin, Verrier – The pig with the leaf and the witch of Bohi 024519
- Evans, Margiad - from Autobiography 021627
- Feininger, Lyonel - Bird cloud 016412
- Feininger, Lyonel - Moon 016425
- Feininger, Lyonel - Sailing boats 1 006479
- Feininger, Lyonel - Sailing boats 2 016410
- Feininger, Lyonel - Sailing boats 3 016411
- Feininger, Lyonel - Sailing boats 4 016416
- Feininger, Lyonel - Sailing boats 5 016418
- Feininger, Lyonel - Sailing boats 6 016421
- Feininger, Lyonel - Sailing boats 7 016422
- Feininger, Lyonel - Sailing boats 8 016423
- Feininger, Lyonel - Sailing boats 9 016424
- Feininger, Lyonel - Sunset 016417
- Ficino, Marsilio - Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus - On harmony and synaesthesia 015981
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Matteo Corsini 015988
- Finney, Charles G - The illumination of Charles G. Finney 027948
- George Hanson - Society for Psychical Research Vol. 51, No. 792, October 1982 – 08 Dowsing: Sociological investigations 025481
- Haldeman-Julius Monthly – Volume II October 1925 – No 5 An Interview with Harry Houdini 026415
- Hallucinations caused by Djinns 006813
- Henry Scott Holland - Death is nothing at all 013247
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - A smell of incense flooded the room 023041
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - Dealing with hostile entities that could be neither seen nor heard 023073
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - Go to my mother now, straightaway, and tell her to stop all that ridiculous mourning at once; I'm very happy here 023067
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - I have called these promptings Orders 023051
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - I realized that in some intangible way I was at times aware of lesser presences in certain places 023045
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - Oh, the Light! ... The Light! 023047
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - Using the Ouija board 023039
- Khnopff, Fernand - Head of a Woman 007651
- Khnopff, Fernand - A Blue Wing 002616
- Khnopff, Fernand - A Portrait of Achille Lerminiaux Playing the Violin 007652
- Khnopff, Fernand - Des Caresses 002612
- Khnopff, Fernand - Female Nudes 007649
- Khnopff, Fernand - Mask with a Black Curtain 002609
- Khnopff, Fernand - Nude Study, c.1920 007647
- Khnopff, Fernand - Portrait of Jean Kefer 007645
- Khnopff, Fernand - Portrait of Margaret 007643
- Khnopff, Fernand - Portrait of Mary von Stuck 007646
- Khnopff, Fernand - Portrait of Yvonne Seys 007650
- Khnopff, Fernand - Silence 002617
- Khnopff, Fernand - Study of a woman 007644
- Khnopff, Fernand - Study of a Woman 002608
- King Oswald of Northumbria - A vision 028966
- Lady Stickland's experience 010093
- Larsson, Carl - The snake 025334
- Liszt - Vision a la Chapelle Sixtine 024535
- Lourdes 006672
- Lukens, Dr Anna – The doctor's great music box spontaneously began to play 027814
- MacLaine, Shirley - On remote viewing and communication between minds 026431
- Macmillan reads perceptions 004409
- Macmillan smells perfume 004411
- Madame d’Esperance - Shadow Land - 10 Dancing tables 020717
- Mare, Walter de la - The World of Dreams 021602
- Marie Bernarde Soubirous 006675
- Moitessier, Bernard – The Long Way - The Fairy Tern 016960
- Mudang spiritual experiences – An East Coast Ogu-kut for one who has drowned at sea 027154
- Nightingale, Florence - Her spiritual awakening 011946
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure - 01 025461
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure - 02 025462
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 03 025463
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 04 025464
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 05 025465
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 06 025466
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 07 025467
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 08 025468
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 09 025469
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 10 025470
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 11 025471
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 12 025472
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 13 025473
- Rabbi Yisrael Baal Shem Tov - From The Great Mission 001173
- Rahel Varnhagen - Letters - Hears celestial music 005827
- Sacred sites and the FieldREG experiments 014232
- Schubert - 'Mein Traum' 020645
- Schuré, Edouard - A Vision in the Cathedral of Strasberg 014086
- Sellers, Peter – 04 from Out on a Limb – Some reporter was trying to tell me that Peter Sellers just died 026006
- Senna, Ayrton - I'm sure that the wall moved! 023036
- Sheridan, Clare – The concept of the Totem group and synchronicity 023827
- Sheridan, Clare – The Creation of our Lady of Brede 023826
- Sheridan, Clare –The Initiation of Plenty-Coups, the famous Crow Chief 023704
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 08 Time and Eternity 186 020687
- Smith, Joseph - 02 The visit of the Angel Moroni 028975
- Snell, Joy – Ministry of Angels – In every creature entrusted to your care, behold Me and the work will be easy 028049
- Spender, Richard - Laughing Blood - Prayer after Visions 029042
- Ssu-Kung Tu - The Poet's Vision 012887
- Steiner, Rudolf - Elemental Beings of Earth and Water [3/4/1912] lecture notes 013748
- Steiner, Rudolf - Elemental Spirits and the Plant World 000914
- Steiner, Rudolf - Gnomes, Undines, Sylphs and Salamanders 002563
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - Inner speech 013789
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - The functions of plants 013791
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - The understanding of the ecstatic 013798
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Animals have souls 013752
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Fire spirits 013750
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - How flowers grow 013749
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Lunar Pitris 000915
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Sylphs 002574
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - The Earth band 000917
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - The spirits of minerals, viruses and bacteria 001302
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Thoughts 013755
- Steiner, Rudolf - Phantoms Spectres and Demons 000966
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Hymn of the Universe - It was the whole face that shone in this way 004934
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Hymn of the Universe - Surrender 000164
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Hymn of the Universe - The transfiguration of the picture of Christ 016207
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - The Spiritual Power of Matter - Standing amidst the tempest 001774
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - The Vision of Sin - Dionysus 004136
- Traherne, Thomas - Centuries of Meditations - Within the regions of the air Compassed about with heavens fair 002446
- Tranströmer, Tomas - The Forgotten Commander 025718
- Tranströmer, Tomas - The Man awakened by a Song above his Roof 025696
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 23 The Tlingits of Alaska an overview 025405
- Villoldo, Dr Alberto - Running through your past life 011202
- Villoldo, Dr Alberto - The sub-levels of Earth - an overview 011209
- Villoldo, Dr Alberto - The sub-levels of Earth - second tier 011208
- Welsh Revivalists - Evan Roberts 017068
- AwoFa'lokun Fatunmbi - Making rain and lightning 011334
- Bruno, Giordano – On Magic - Sees the ghosts of Mount Cicadas 016079
- Carlson, Chester – A premonition of his own death 025280
- Cayce, Edgar - And the rain storm 004259
- Cohen, Leonard - The Future 015498
- Dixon, Jeane - Prophesies Gandhi's assassination 004668
- Dixon, Jeane - Prophesies President Kennedy's assassination 008380
- Dixon, Jeane - 'prophesies' future presidents 004658
- Dixon, Jeane - 'prophesies' the next Indian prime minister 004656
- Dixon, Jeane - Helps Roosevelt 004665
- Dixon, Jeane - Meets President Roosevelt 004666
- Dixon, Jeane - Prophesies an earthquake 004674
- Dixon, Jeane - Reads Evelyn's mind 004652
- Dixon, Jeane - The vision of the end of Catholicism 004677
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Matteo Corsini 015988
- Heering, Christian - Prophecy of a bloody battle 004645
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - Go to my mother now, straightaway, and tell her to stop all that ridiculous mourning at once; I'm very happy here 023067
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - I have called these promptings Orders 023051
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - ‘Orders’ said that the water should be turned off at the main 023059
- Macmillan saves his own bacon 004405
- Odetta - The Times they are a Changin' 022535
- Rosario Cassareto from Calabria, prophesies his own death with the help of Saint Bridget 017079
- Sheridan, Clare –The Initiation of Plenty-Coups, the famous Crow Chief 023704
- Sojourner Truth - 04 Isabella's Religious Experience - Part 1 027755
- Vaughan, Dr Alan – Premonitions of Dr King's assassination, including his own premonition 025051
- Welsh Revivalists - There was shouting and rejoicing, even dancing in the meetings 017073
- Wim Wenders prophecies Dream replay in the film Until the End of the World 028234
- Coltrane, John – 1967 - Stellar regions 021998
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Matteo Corsini 015988
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - Oh, the Light! ... The Light! 023047
- Jobs, Steve - His death 015574
Environmental Influence
- AwoFa'lokun Fatunmbi - Making rain and lightning 011334
- AwoFa'lokun Fatunmbi - Rekindling kundalini to invoke new powers 011336
- Blessed Giovanni Buono - Firewalks 024231
- Bouissou, Madame Michael - The cursed leeks 023671
- Bruno, Giordano – On Magic - Sees the ghosts of Mount Cicadas 016079
- Cayce, Edgar - And the rain storm 004259
- Cayce, Edgar - Levitates whilst healing 004254
- Dr J C Barker - Saved from a death prayer by a special medicine 011942
- Dr J C Barker - The auto-suggestive power of curses and death prayers 011941
- Father Anthony Margil - A soul which was ‘so inflamed with the love of God’ that he levitated 024212
- Fawcett, Lt Colonel Percival Harrison - Following his destiny 022769
- Fawcett, Lt Colonel Percival Harrison - Seven mile boots 022767
- Freiherr Du Prel, Dr Carl - Magic as a natural science - 03 Ecstatic flight and the technical flight 028777
- Gambier Bolton, Robert – The Conditions needed to obtain a materialisation – 05 About 12 to 16 Sitters of good health and open minds are needed 028656
- Gambier Bolton, Robert – The Conditions needed to obtain a materialisation – 06 The room and sitters must be carefully prepared beforehand 028657
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - Dealing with hostile entities that could be neither seen nor heard 023073
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - Go to my mother now, straightaway, and tell her to stop all that ridiculous mourning at once; I'm very happy here 023067
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - Using the Ouija board 023039
- Jesus - John 6 - Walking on water 003979
- Jesus - Luke 5 - Summoning fishes 013425
- Jesus - Luke 7 - Raises the dead 013431
- Jesus - Luke 8 - Calming the storm 013433
- Jesus - Mark 5 - And Jairus' daughter 005941
- Louise Lateau de Bois d’Haine 005917
- Lukens, Dr Anna – The doctor's great music box spontaneously began to play 027814
- MacLaine, Shirley - Sees a Bhutanese lama levitate 026430
- Madame d’Esperance - Shadow Land - 10 Dancing tables 020717
- Moitessier, Bernard – The Long Way - The Fairy Tern 016960
- Sacred sites and the FieldREG experiments 014232
- Saint André-Hubert Fournet – The Testimony of Sister Bartholomew – Multiplication of food 024289
- Saint André-Hubert Fournet – The Testimony of Sister Mamertus – Multiplication of food 024290
- Sariputta walks on water 004465
- Schwarz, Jack - An account by Raymond Bayless 026395
- Schwarz, Jack - Mind over Matter 026396
- Sheridan, Clare –The Terrifying power of the Horns 023705
- Shingon Buddhism - The Kiyomori Festival - Firewalking 02 021372
- Shingon Buddhism - The Kiyomori Festival - Firewalking 03 021373
- Sir Arthur Grimble - The Prayer of the Fisherman 010875