Observations placeholder
John Townley and Robert Schmidt - The law of seriality and its implications for astrology
Type of Spiritual Experience
This is fascinating. The two authors translated Kammerer's works and thus understood something of the principles he espoused. The way they describe their conclusions is, in my view not correct because they are still looking at the surface appearances - the physical manifestation of things and not concentrating on the underlying system. But what they have concluded - and I should emphasise that this is their interpretation but using Kammerer's theories - is that astrology could easily have a scientific basis, it is just that we do not understand the full system.
In some respects this is confirmed in a rather strange practical way, as the production of a horoscope for someone can be done these days via the computer - in other words, not only is it a system but it can be programmed. The text below is an extract from an article on Kammerer. I have linked it to him, because it uses his theories of the systems of the universe.
A description of the experience
The source of the experience
Kammerer, PaulConcepts, symbols and science items
Atom triggersChallenge
Function dependency
Great Work, the
Reasoning - heuristics and induction
Science Items
AstrologyGeomagnetic fields
Geomagnetic hot spots
Geomagnetic storms and space weather
Activities and commonsteps
Experiencing earth forcesVisiting telluric hot spots