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Some science behind the scenes


michael parkes moon

I will be adding more later to this description, however, this quote is important for those who rail at the idea that astrology is a science.




Jeff Mayo Astrology

Among the eminent supporters of astrology we find: - Confucius, Aristotle, Cicero, Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare, Plato, Yves de Paris, Spinoza, Milton, Bulwer-Lytton, Paracelsus, Leibnitz, Dryden, Schiller, Alexander the Great, Sir Francis Bacon, Henry van Dyke, Byron, Emerson, Shelley, Napoleon, Caesar, Goethe, Sir Walter Scott, Dr Richard Garnett, John Dee, Nostradamus, Ptolemy, Pythagorus and Hippocrates…

Five of the greatest scientists and astronomers were also astrologers – Kepler, Newton, Brahe, Copernicus and Galileo Galilee

 The description for Astrology as a mystic system has now been completed.  The observations on this page, relate to astrology as a whole and are general observations, whereas the Astrology section provides  information on the history of astrology, the objectives of mystic astrology and its role in astrology as a whole.  Please follow this LINK.



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