Observations placeholder
Comenius - Didactica Magna - Teach the value of meticulous observation
Type of Spiritual Experience
The observation not just of physical nature but as he says the systems of natureA description of the experience
The Great Didactic of John Amos Comenius - Translated into English by M. W. Keatinge, M.A.1967
To be a rational creature is to name all things and to speculate and reason about everything that the world contains,…. To know how the world was made and the operation of the Elements; the beginning, ending and midst of the times; the alterations of the turning of the sun, and the changes of the seasons; the circuits of years and the positions of the stars; the natures of living things and the furies of wild beasts; the violence of winds and the reasoning of men; the diversities of plants and the virtues of roots; in a word, everything that is secret and manifest.
Only if he knows the properties of things will he be able to justify his title of rational being…
The source of the experience
ComeniusConcepts, symbols and science items
Function dependency
Learning and the database of facts
ElementsScience Items
Activities and commonsteps
Improving perceptionLearning - extraction
Learning - synthesis
Learning - understanding and recognition
Learning - verification