Observations placeholder
Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Kay has many deliberate OBEs
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections
Case No. 319 - Mrs "Kay" sent this (in litt., Oct. 4, 1960):
sixteen years ago, when I was 30 years old, I was struck with paralysis. ... The diagnosis was disseminated sclerosis. One day I felt I had left my body and was looking at it just a little distance away. 'While like this, I heard 'someone' say, 'You can do this, as when the use comes back, the pain will be very bad.'
I wasn't out of my body for long, but in a very short time I found I could, with a great effort, move my fingers slightly. But the doctors warned me that the pain would be hard to bear. I think they thought I was slightly mad when I said, 'Oh, it will only be my body that hurts, it won't be me !'
As time went on I managed to rise above my body when the pain in my limbs got too much. I felt rather a fraud when I was told that I was brave. It was useless trying to explain that I didn't feel it as it was only an outside me.
I am convinced that it was this wonderful help from [the] spirit [world] that has made it possible for me to overcome my disability. ... Please don't imagine I am a woman easily fooled or impressed-I am a qualified mathematician.