Paralysis, amputation and nerve system damage
Category: Illness or disabilaties
Introduction and description

Hallucinations can be caused by damage to various parts of the brain or the nervous system itself. Damage to the eye or damage to the optic nerve or sight processing areas of the brain, for example, can cause hallucinations of a visionary sort. The absence of any signal from the organ or from the function of sight causes the perception system to seek images from elsewhere.
The same effect may be caused by damage to the nervous system. Thus when damage is caused to the nervous system, by amputation for example, resulting in a complete loss of signals from the organ, people may experience phantom limbs.
Phantom limbs
A phantom limb is an hallucination. It is the sensation that an amputated or missing limb is still attached to the body – is ‘there’.
Some people experience a phantom limb as though it was normal in size and shape, much as it was before they lost the limb. Yet others feel as though the limb was distorted in some way – larger or smaller, for example. Drs Ramachandran and Blakeslee describe one patient who reported that her phantom arm was about "6 inches too short".

Often the limbs act and feel in all senses as though they were ‘there’. The limb might gesticulate as they talk. Some people will feel it itching, or twitching. Occasionally the limb acts as though they were not in control of it and it takes on a life of its own.
Phantom sensations may also occur after the removal of body parts other than the limbs, e.g. after amputation of the breast, or extraction of a tooth.
But perhaps the worst aspect of phantom limbs is that they very often cause excruciating pain, as though the pain of amputation or traumatic loss had been imprinted somewhere and was simply being replayed over and over again. About 60 to 80% of individuals with an amputation experience phantom sensations in their amputated limb, and the majority of the sensations are painful.
Occasionally, the pain can be made worse by stress, anxiety, even weather changes. Phantom limb pain is usually intermittent. The frequency and intensity of attacks usually decline with time.
Phantom pains can also occur in people who are paralyzed. It is often described as a burning or similarly strange sensation and can be extremely agonizing for some people, but the exact sensation differs widely for individuals. Other induced sensations include warmth, cold, itching, squeezing, tightness, and tingling.
Doctors have used drugs, surgery and any number of other extremely drastic ways to try to treat what is in the end an hallucination.
Perhaps the only treatment that shows any signs of success is that of the ‘mirror box’ developed by Dr Ramachandran and colleagues. The person sees his undamaged limb as a reflection and by ‘seeing’ it as a whole, he is able to manipulate it and gradually reprogram himself or herself into believing the damaged or non existent limb is actually OK and should therefore cause no pain. It is trickery of the brain – reprogramming – but it works. Repeated use of the box has led to permanent improvement in some people, and in one exceptional case, even to the complete elimination of the phantom limb between the hand and the shoulder.
The success of the mirror method inspired a team of researchers at the University of Manchester in England to provide the same sort of effect but by using a computer and virtual reality. The sufferer's real limb is attached to an interface that allows them to see two limbs moving in a computer-generated simulation. This works on the same principle as the mirror box technique, except that the computer created illusion is thought to be stronger.
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The mirror box treatment used these days to help treat phantom limbs that are causing pain. |
How it works
To understand what is happening you need to have looked at three things
- The Model of the Mind
- The generic description of How spiritual experience works and
- The description of how Hallucinations work
If we look at the model, we can see that only one sensory input has gone, but just as blindness serves to open the door to the Composer to provide images, it would appear that damage to the nervous system opens the door for the composer to bring us new nervous sensations. And unfortunately it brings us the sensations we had at the time of amputation and it uses the perceptions log to do it. So it is the perceptions log that is used to trigger the pain. But where do the phantom sensations of the limb or organ itself come from?
We have to think in terms of software here. All the functions in the model are functions, emotions are functions, creativity is a function, or if you prefer ‘programs’. Programs that enable us to walk and jump and move our limbs have to have something to work on that enables them to eventually send nervous signals to the extremities. So the functions have to have data input and the data that is input appears to be a series of templates.
There are three templates held in the spiritual world of every form. In the case of a human being
- the template of the human body that is the archetypal form
- the template that the person himself or herself possesses which is the form he/she will have [the occurrence]
- and the actual template at that point which expresses the state of the body all its illnesses, ravaged parts, broken links and so on.
This is shown on the right hand side of the diagram. There are also three sorts of function. There are archetypal functions – the sum total of all human function, then the functions the person was allocated that made them, then finally all the functions the person has at any one time – allocated, learnt, acquired, and so on.
All this remember is ‘software’ - spiritual.
In cases of sudden or traumatic damage to the nervous system, or amputation and paralysis, I believe that the human being ‘system’ carries on as if the actual processes and actual template are as they were at the time of the sudden damage. In effect, the system does not recognise that there has been a change because signalling ceases extremely quickly and there is no time for the healing or other repair processes to recognise what has happened. The mind is actually working using the wrong templates.
Some proof of the fact that all this is just ‘software’ and that the templates can be manipulated is to be found with drug users. Lewis Carroll took opium as well as, it would seem, quite a number of other things and his books are a record of all the ways he knew of to get a spiritual experience as well as the effects.
In Alice in Wonderland Carroll mentions quite a number of times the idea of limb distortions and body image changes.
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![]() Alice in Wonderland – John Tenniel drawings |
Many people during spiritual experience that their body has changed shape, limbs elongated, other parts in some way contracted or elongated. The template is thus being distorted. Our body image undergoes software transformation and comes out of it different.
References and further reading
This is inspiring
Hugh Herr: The new bionics that let us run, climb and dance
Related observations
Healing observations
- Acupuncture and paralysis 006230
- Crosse, Andrew – Healing with electrification 026642
- Davy, Sir Humphry - Cures paralysis using a 'talisman' 026182
- Dr Duke's list of Plants with Antiataxic activity 018348
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Kay has many deliberate OBEs 023733
- Erskine, Professor Alexander - The Power of the Sub-conscious Mind – The curing of Alfred Thomas Hackney, October 8th, 1905 027268
- Erskine, Professor Alexander - The Power of the Sub-conscious Mind – The curing of many in the Devonshire Park Pavilion 027272
- George Meek's study of the work of the Philippine healers 011412
- Green, Drs Elmer and Alyce – Healing paraplegia, cerebral palsy, spinal-cord injuries, and other CNS and neuromuscular disorders using biofeedback 027320
- Green, Drs Elmer and Alyce – Healing stroke, cerebral palsy, spinal-cord injuries, and other CNS and neuromuscular disorders using biofeedback 027319
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Healing - Paralysis and aphonia cured by suggestion only 026184
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Healing - Paralysis cured by powerful emotions of fear and anger 026185
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Sickness - Hemiplegia induced by powerful emotions – anxiety 026105
- Hogan, Ben – Healing via mind over matter 027293
- Mesmer, Franz Anton – Binet and Fere’s report on Mesmer’s methods and healing effects 024308
- Paralysed man Darek Fidyka walks again after pioneering surgery 026107
- Perkins, Dr Elisha – Curing Paralysis using tractors 026209
- Prince Alexander of Hohenlohe - Cures witnessed by Professor Onymus, of the University of Wurzburg 026196
- Professor Alexander Erskine - A Hypnotist’s Case Book – Mrs Macdonald, paralysed for nine years is cured 029280
- Professor Alexander Erskine - A Hypnotist’s Case Book – Curing Alfred Thomas of paralysis 029233
- Professor Alexander Erskine - A Hypnotist’s Case Book – Curing paralysis caused by trauma 029232
- Professor Alexander Erskine - A Hypnotist’s Case Book – Curing paralysis of an arm and a speech impediment 029238
- Professor Alexander Erskine - A Hypnotist’s Case Book – The blind girl almost unable to walk who became a dancer on the stage 029239
- Reeve, Christopher – Mindfulness as a means of managing trauma 023443
- The Healing Power of Sleep 026790
- The story of Louis V.... as recorded by Mr. Bourru and Mr. Burot in Changements de la personnalité 028180
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- Carbamazepine 012342
- Dr Gabriel Valentin - 'feelings of integrity' in cases of congenital limb deformity 027903
- Dr Pitres – The main who felt cold in his wooden leg 027904
- Dr. Pelletier - sensations of integrity in amputees 027900
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- Fortical 019072
- Hallucinations from Phenobarbital 012213
- Hoffman, E T A – BMJ Article by Dr Jean Lhermitte - Visual Hallucination Of The Self 025299
- Illusions of body normality in amputees and paraplegic patients 026109
- Laubscher, B J F - Jamie and the phantom limb from having his leg amputated 023210
- Lhermitte, Professor Jean - Visual Hallucination of The Self – 07 2 Diseases which Can Produce the Phenomenon; Infectious diseases, and especially typhus 025273
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- Ophthalmoplegia and flaccid paraplegia in a patient with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis: a case report and literature review 026108
- Professor William James’ paper in the Proceedings of the American S. P. R. on phantom limbs 027902
- Ramachandran, Dr V S - John 014978
- Ramachandran, Dr V S - Mirabelle, templates and body image 014977
- Ramachandran, Dr V S - Phantom pain 014979
- Ramachandran, Dr V S - Removing pain 014980
- Ramachandran, Dr V S - The body image game 003532
- Ramachandran, Dr V S - The Mirror box 014981
- Shirley, Ralph - Experiences a phantom limb 027096
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- Reeve, Christopher – What is a hero 023442
Out of time
- Anna Maria Castreca - Marked with the stigmata and died as Abbess in the odour of sanctity 024284
- Croad, Mrs Carrie - Blindsight by reading other people’s minds 024280
- Croad, Mrs Carrie - The Testimony of the Nonconformist Minister Mr. J. G. Westlake - Blindsight and remote viewing 024281
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Kay has many deliberate OBEs 023733
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- Fancher, Mollie - When I go into a trance, I go out and around and see a great deal 024273
- Laubscher, B J F - Jamie goes out of body whilst having his leg amputated 023209
- Lhermitte, Professor Jean - Visual Hallucination of The Self – 07 2 Diseases which Can Produce the Phenomenon; Infectious diseases, and especially typhus 025273
- Man in wheelchair 001562
In time
- A somatic type delusional disorder secondary to peripheral neuropathy: a case report 012212
- Croad, Mrs Carrie - Blindsight by reading other people’s minds 024280
- Croad, Mrs Carrie - The Testimony of the Nonconformist Minister Mr. J. G. Westlake - Blindsight and remote viewing 024281
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Kay has many deliberate OBEs 023733
- Fancher, Mollie - At times I have seen around me, and around my friends who call to see me, the angel forms of those persons who are supposed to be dead 024266
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Sickness - Inducing paralysis as a consequence of suggestion only 026041
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Sickness - Inducing paralysis, blindness and an inability to speak as a consequence of suggestion only 026040
- Hoffman, E T A – BMJ Article by Dr Jean Lhermitte - Visual Hallucination Of The Self 025299
- Snell, Joy – Ministry of Angels – The little crippled girl and her spirit helpers 028044
- The story of Louis V.... as recorded by Mr. Bourru and Mr. Burot in Changements de la personnalité 028180
- Traubel, Horace – In his dying moments is helped by the ghost of Walt Whitman 027298
Environmental Influence
- Anna Maria Castreca - Marked with the stigmata and died as Abbess in the odour of sanctity 024284
- Dr Crichton - The Lady who was nearly buried alive 026169
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Sickness - Paralysis and loss of speech induced by powerful emotions - fury 026094
- Medical Times and Gazette – A curse produces paralysis 026106
Other observations
- Croad, Mrs Carrie - The Testimony of the Nonconformist Minister Mr. J. G. Westlake - Eating no food 024282
- Fancher, Mollie - Living without any food 024269
- Fancher, Mollie - Living without any food - without sustenance enough to feed a baby 024283
- Fancher, Mollie - The multiple personalities 024279
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Sickness - Paralysis caused by anxiety, stress, trauma and ‘intellectual labour’ 026042
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