Observations placeholder
Crosse, Andrew – Healing with electrification
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Memorials, Scientific and Literary of Andrew Crosse, the Electrician – Cornelia and Andrew Crosse
Mr. Crosse's electrical machine was frequently in requisition for medical purposes. The poor in the neighbourhood used to go to Fyne Court to be electrified for paralysis and rheumatism, and in almost every case the effect was highly beneficial.
I remember hearing of a farmer, a man upwards of sixty, who was paralysed on the left side, and had besides a distressing complaint of the salivary glands. At first, when he went to Mr. Crosse, it was with difficulty that he could be assisted out of his gig; after being electrified twice a week for six weeks, he was so much better, that he could walk to Fyne Court, and the complaint in the throat was entirely removed.