
Events are something that happened to a person which has produced a spiritual experience, but which was not intended to produce a spiritual experience.
An example might be ‘childbirth’ or a kiss on your bottom when you weren't expecting it.
The intention is that these events were not unpleasant or frightening - 'hellish'.
There is one exception to this in the list - premature birth, which might be deemed unpleasant at the time, but has produced people with extraordinary wisdom and creativity.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Being a child
- Being an animal
- Being blood group A or B
- Being in a coma
- Being left handed
- Being one of twins
- Being rhesus negative [blood group]
- Being with cats
- Being with dogs
- Inherited genes
- Living in a stone built house
- Organ transplantation
- Premature birth