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Sophia Elizabeth De Morgan – Gates as symbols of deeper states of consciousness
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
From Matter to Spirit – The Result of Ten Years Experience in Spirit Manifestation – Sophia Elizabeth De Morgan
Of this kind are those which are sometimes remembered as a 'dream within a dream,' and on awaking the outer dream is remembered, but the inner dream sometimes lost.
‘I once,' said a friend, ‘wished much to understand some spiritual truth which seemed to me to defy explanation. One morning the whole of what I wished to know became quite intelligible; the difficulties had disappeared, and a clue unsuspected before seemed to have been given. I could not help connecting this enlightenment with my dream of the previous night, or rather morning, in which, after going through a gate, l found myself walking in a pleasant field. Beside me was a much esteemed friend who had lately left this world, and, as he walked along with a bright countenance and elastic step, I wondered that he whose death had so lately caused our sorrow, should be so well and strong.
My companion opened another gate, telling me that he was going to take me to a house hidden behind some trees, where some friends of his would give me what I wanted.
I was conscious of great delight in the society to which l had been admitted, but remembered nothing more, and the awakening was sudden and complete. It hardly seemed as if I had slept at all.'
This last remark reminds one of the return to outer life from clairvoyance, when the mesmerised person will often feel quite certain he has never been asleep. The first gate in the dream implied the change to a state like the spirit's most external one; the other gate which he opened was a degree still deeper.