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Observations placeholder

Incidents in My Life – D D Home – Testimony of W. M. Bryant, B. K. Bliss, W. M. Edwards, David A. Wells



Type of Spiritual Experience


There is some confusion in the book shown as to whether this comes from a separate document that Mrs Home used or the book mentioned.  The quotation marks do not help in attributing the passage correctly, however, whichever the original source the citation is at least clear.

A description of the experience

Quoted in D D Home his life his mission – Madam Home

The undersigned, from a sense of justice to the parties referred to, very cordially bear testimony to the occurrence of the following facts, which we severally witnessed at the house of Rufus Elmer, in Springfield:

The table was moved in every possible direction, and with great force, when we could not perceive any cause of motion.

It (the table) was forced against each one of us so powerfully as to move us from our positions together with the chairs we occupied in all several feet.

Mr. Wells and Mr. Edwards took hold of the table in such a manner as to exert their strength to the best advantage, but found the invisible power, exercised in an opposite direction, to be quite equal to their utmost efforts.

Mr. Wells seated himself on the table, which was rocked for some time with great violence, and at length it poised itself on two legs, and remained in this position for some thirty seconds, when no other person was in contact with it.

Three persons, Messrs. Wells, Bliss, and Edwards, assumed positions on the table at the same time, and while thus seated, the table was moved in various directions.

Occasionally we were made conscious of the occurrence of a powerful shock, which produced a vibratory motion of the floor of the apartment in which we were seated it seemed like the motion occasioned by distant thunder, or the firing of ordnance far away causing the table, chairs, and other inanimate objects, and all of us to tremble in such a manner that the effects were both seen and felt.

In the whole exhibition, which was far more diversified than the foregoing specification would indicate, we were constrained to admit that there was an almost constant manifestation of some intelligence which seemed, at least, to be independent of the circle.

In conclusion, we may observe that Mr. D. D. Home frequently urged us to hold his hands and feet. During these occurrences the room was well lighted, the lamp was frequently placed on and under the table, and every possible opportunity was afforded us for the closest inspection, and we admit this one emphatic declaration we know that we were not imposed upon nor deceived.

W. M. Bryant, B. K. Bliss, W. M. Edwards, David A. Wells.

The source of the experience

Home, D. D.

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Being left handed
Inherited genes

