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Observations placeholder

Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - Testimony of Mr. James Hutchinson, Chairman of the London Stock Exchange



Type of Spiritual Experience


Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission

In January 1861, Mr. James Hutchinson, for many years Chairman of the London Stock Exchange, was present at a seance with Mr. Home, and wrote and published an account of it. Having heard from friends of what they had witnessed, says Mr. Hutchinson, and being unable to believe what he heard, he determined to see for himself.

Mr. Hutchinson, it will be seen from a passage in his letter, was one of the many who kept to themselves the tokens of spirit identity that were communicated to them.

A description of the experience

Séance in January 1861, with Mr. James Hutchinson, [Chairman of the London Stock Exchange], Mr. and Mrs. Coleman, Mr. G. S. Clarke, Mr. T. Clarke, Mr. Gilbert Davidson, and another lady and gentleman and D D Home

I feel it a duty, to openly bear my testimony to the facts, leaving others to theorize on the causes and tendency of these remarkable phenomena.

Recently introduced by a friend to Mr. D. D. Home, a seance was arranged for the 23rd instant; and, together with Mr. and Mrs. Coleman, Mr. G. S. Clarke, Mr. T. Clarke, Mr. Gilbert Davidson, and another lady and gentleman unknown to me, we formed a party of nine. Shortly after sitting down, we all felt a tremulous motion in our chairs and in the table, which was a very heavy circular drawing-room table.

The rapping sounds on the table and floor were constant the heavy table was raised up repeatedly; and these manifestations were continued whilst my friend, Mr. Clarke, and another were seated, at the request of Mr. Home, under the table.

Two hand-bells, one weighing at least a pound and a half, were passed from one to another of the party by unseen agencies.

AII of us in turn felt the touch and pressure of a soft and fleshy life-like hand. I saw the full-formed hand as it rested on my knee.

The accordion, whilst held by Mr. Home in one hand, discoursed most eloquent music; and then, to our great astonishment, it was taken from him, and whilst both his hands, and those of all the party, were visibly imposed on the surface of the table, the accordion, suspended from the centre of the table, gave out an exquisite air, no human hand touching it!

These, and many other incidents of a seriously impressive but private character, of which I do not hesitate to speak among my friends, occupied about four hours of what I must admit to be one of the most interesting evenings I have ever spent. Contrary to the assertions constantly made, that the manifestations are always in the dark, the whole of the phenomena of which I have spoken were manifested in a room lighted with gas, and a bright fire burning. [signed J.A. S. Hutchinson.]

The source of the experience

Home, D. D.

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items


Activities and commonsteps



Being left handed
Inherited genes

