Spiritual concepts
Celestial music
One of the main ways that mystics, poets, composers, writers and others know about the systems and functions of the universe is through music. They ‘hear’ music and they hear all types of what is often called 'Celestial music' or alternatively Sacred Music.
In other words instead of getting images as symbolic input during a vision or hallucinatory experience they get a single note perhaps or a phrase or a complete song or even a long complex melody.
What does it sound like?
When the music being heard is unrelated – and this is important – unrelated to the physical world but generated entirely from the spiritual world - the sound heard is nearly always described as truly ‘unearthly’, sweet and gentle, it has a lucid quality, is harmonic, it can have a calming effect, may also bring great joy and happiness – ecstasy - and it is unlike anything we might have heard before.
What else? Well one key thing is that it does not use our current musical scales and harmonies even though it is ‘harmonic’ sounding.
Music plays a vital role in all mystic thought. The Shakers, the Quakers, the Sufis, the Kabbalistic Jews all ‘heard’ celestial music and it is worth noting that in trying to reproduce it practically none use or used the scale we use today. The Shakers, for example, had a tradition of 'receiving' songs via trance, which were then recorded using their own musical notation system which we have now, it seems, lost.
According to observers, the tunes were wholly different from any 'normal' tunes and used musical notes/pitches and harmonies outside the ones we in the West may use today.
And in trying to reproduce the music being heard, we find the same overall impressions created – emotional, deeply moving, harmonic, but different – wholly different.
My perception is that much use is made of what we might term the minor key. I came to this conclusion first from the nature of the observations, but also because many indigenous peoples and very gifted composers produce their compositions in the minor key in preference to the major….
The shamans even learn the songs of the spirits. So here we have an example of music deliberately captured by the shaman so that it can be repeated. Again there is the description of it being ‘hauntingly beautiful’.
Celestial Music and musical instruments or voices
Some people in trance hear the music as though it was played on a musical instrument. Flutes and other reed instruments, pipes – particularly bagpipes or pan pipes, stringed instruments especially harps [including aeolian harps] and violins. Another ‘instrument’ which is also frequently heard is bells.
There is also the suggestion that at times the songs sound like descant voices…. No words, just melody where the voice is almost being used like an instrument.
Songs, notes and symphonies
Although only the musically gifted seem able to hear full tunes or more than a random selection of notes, many others can hear notes or short bursts of song. Some people however, are able to pick up complete songs.
In summary
So how can we summarise celestial music? It can be a single note, a phrase, a song or even longer. The songs can be very complex and sometimes unreproducible. The pitches and scales used are not those we use now, neither are the musical harmonies and the upper and lower notes go way beyond anything we may use. But it is generally harmonic and lucid.
It is described as unearthly, but may be soft, gentle sweet and ghostly. Other descriptions include hauntingly beautiful. It can be calming, arouse deep emotions or be profoundly moving. It can induce ecstasy.
It can appear to be played on a musical instrument. Flutes and other reed instruments, pipes – particularly bagpipes or pan pipes, stringed instruments especially harps [including aeolian harps] and violins or fiddles, as well as occasional bugles were mentioned. There was also the mention of drums and the suggestion that at times the songs sound like descant voices…. no words, just melody. People also heard bells.
The Explanation
For an explanation of what may be happening when anyone hears celestial music see Songlines.
If you wish to know more after reading this, then the following pages are also relevant
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Alexander Pope - Oh Death where is thy sting?
- Alexander, Dr Eben - meeting Intelligences
- Alexander, Dr Eben - the light, the tunnel and paradise
- Anita O'Sullivan-Beare - Hears celestial music and composes Love's fadeless Rose
- Arthur James Hill of Roadwater Farm, Washford hears celestial music as he lay dying
- Asclepius - Music and divine song
- Attar, Fariduddin - The Song of the Nightingale
- Aubrey de Vere - Implicit faith
- Aubrey de Vere - Sun god
- Bax, Clifford - The Meaning of Man - And this is the meaning of man, The task of the soul
- Bax, Clifford - The Meaning of Man - The one great song of the whole creation
- Beausobre, Iulia de - out of body in the steam baths
- Beethoven - 5th Symphony
- Beethoven - Für Elise
- Beethoven - The 6th Symphony - Pastoral
- Benjamin, Walter - Illuminations - Theatre
- Berget, Alphonse – The death of his grandmother’s close friend ‘I just heard her singing, like only a dead woman can sing’
- Berlioz - chorus from l'Enfance du Christ
- Berlioz - Harold en Italie
- Berlioz - La damnation de Faust
- Berlioz - Le carnaval romain
- Berlioz - Les nuits d'été
- Berlioz - Les Troyens 01
- Berlioz - Roméo et Juliette
- Berlioz - Symphonie fantastique
- Berlioz - Te Deum
- Berlioz - The Tempest overture
- Berlioz - Waverley overture
- Bingen, Hildegard of - And their sound was like the voice of a multitude
- Blake, William - So sang a Fairy mocking as he sat on a streaked Tulip
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Celestial music and Beauty
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Celestial music and songlines
- Boehme, Jacob – Hears celestial music on his death
- Bouissou, Madame Michael - A shared hallucination of celestial choirs - 'How beautiful those voices were'
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 25
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 52 Suddenly, my mother heard a heavenly music
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 53 In the ruins of Jumieges Abbey, four people hear a chorus of many male voices singing Vespers
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 55 Joseph Clark’s sister hears celestial music as she is dying
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 56 The patient continued to listen to the transcendental music, and when he woke up, he was much better
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 57 A young woman belonging to the Salvation Army dies as mysterious and very soft music resounds in her room
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 58 ‘I saw an angel flying through the room’ and ‘I have heard an angel sing’
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 59 Mrs L C Gilmour, of Borckville Canada hears celestial music from a dying priest
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 60 The emotion evoked in the participants by this mysterious and divine song was such that their attention was diverted for a few moments from the solemn scene
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 61 Mr. F. H. Rooke De Guildford and his sister hear celestial music on their mother’s death
- Braveheart - Parallel bars
- Bronte, Emily - From Julian M. and A. G. Rochelle
- Bruce Chatwin - Dreamtime
- Bruch - Kol nidrei Op 47
- Buddy Bolden
- Byrne, David - Once In A Lifetime - The God behind the universe is a song
- Byron, Lord - There's music in the sighting of a reed
- C. M. Dyer of Dorset, Great Britain hears fairy music along with his family
- Carl J Barnes flying at 6,000 feet hears celestial music
- Carpenter, Edward - So thin a veil
- Cash, Johnny – Relates the story of his dying brother Jack
- Castaneda, Carlos - The Teachings of Don Juan - Peyote spirit
- Celestial music by the River Tweed – choirs, concerts and bands
- Celtic - Spoils of Annwn - 02
- Censorinus - De Die Natali
- Charles E. Hicks – has a NDE with celestial music and a sight of paradise
- Charles Wesley - Wesley's Chapel London
- Charlie comes
- Christina the Astonishing - Spinning and celestial music
- Chuang Tzu - The Breath of Nature
- Cicero - Republic - Music of the spheres
- Cicero - The Dream of Scipio
- Cohen, Leonard - Sisters of Mercy
- Coleman, Lloyd - The deaf composer
- Composer - Going with the flow
- Copland, Aaron – Jazz influenced music – 03 The Symphony for Organ and Orchestra
- Corbin, Henry - On harmony and songlines
- Count of Eulenburg – 04 1915, August 8th
- Count of Eulenburg – 08 1915, August 15th
- Count of Eulenburg – 10 1915, August 21st
- Count of Eulenburg – 18 1915, November 1st
- Count of Eulenburg – 19 1915, November 8th
- County Donegal - The testimony of the Lough Derg seer
- County Limerick - The wailing banshee of Lough Gur
- County Meath - John Graham hears celestial music 'and it is the grandest kind of music'
- County Roscommon - The lady, the leprechaun and the death coach
- County Sligo - Rosses Point and visions of the Sidhe world
- County Sligo - The Peasant Seer of Ben Bulbin - Encounters with 'the Gentry'
- County Sligo - William Barber hears the Gentry music 'the finest kind of music'
- Crofton Coker - The changeling
- Dante - Paradiso - Jupiter
- Dante - Paradiso - Mars, Courage and bravery
- Dante - Purgatorio - Canto 03 & 04
- Dante - Purgatorio - Canto 12 & 13
- Dante - Purgatorio - Canto 28
- Darius Milhaud - Hearing celestial music
- David-Neel, Alexandra - Podang monastery musicians, the
- Deaf mute hears
- Deaf-mute hears music from Paradise, which he called wonderful, and recovers from serious illness
- Debussy - Danses sacrée et profane
- Delius - A Song of Summer
- Devereux, Paul - I drifted off to sleep to the sound of a heavenly choir
- Diamond, Neil - Songs of Life
- Dickinson, Emily - To hear an oriole sing May be a common thing
- Dickinson, Emily - When winds go round and round in Bands
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Kathleen Snowden has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr S. H. Kelley, of Southport has an OBE
- Dr. Paul Edwards describes the death of the lady with consumption
- Dreaming up original songs
- Dryden, John - From Harmony
- Dvorak - Slavonic Dances
- Einstein, Albert - On music
- Eleanor Merry - The Flaming Door - Celestial music
- Elgar - Dream of Gerontius
- Eliot, T S - Four Quartets - 03 Burnt Norton V
- Eliot, T S - Four Quartets - 10 The Dry Salvages III
- Elliott Cook Carter - Inspired by celestial music
- Embraced by love
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - The Poet - For poetry was all written before time was
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - The Poet - On songlines
- Engel, C - The Khoikhoi and celestial music
- Engel, C - The prevalence of the minor key
- Engel,C - German folk myth
- Engel,C - The Walderiske's song
- Epileptic seizure causes near death
- Ficino, Marsilio - Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus - On harmony and healing
- Ficino, Marsilio - Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus - On music, ratios and the planets
- Ficino, Marsilio - Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus - On the intervals of the spheres
- Genesis - Mad mad Moon
- Gennadius
- George Barth - Letter to 'Spiritual Magazine' January 1863 – The Death of his son
- Godwin, Joscelyn - Music, Mysticism and Magic - The Sound of the Sun
- Godwin, Joscelyn - On Shabda Yoga
- Goethe - The death of Goethe and celestial music
- Grandma Moses - Better than music! For I who heard it I was used to the birds before
- Grey, Margot - Divine love and nirvana
- Hafez of Shiraz - Thirty Poems - The rose has come into the garden
- Hagman, Larry – The Liver transplant
- Hannah and her multiple NDEs and OBEs
- Harner, Michael - The ayahuasca experience
- Harold Dedman of Herts, Great Britain hears comforting music
- Heine, Heinrich - Oft he sat in the gloomiest corner at home
- Her dying mum was singing with the angels
- Heraclitus - Fragment 22B1
- Hermes Trismegistus - Fragment
- Hesiod - Theogony - Mnemosyne [Memory] and the Three Graces
- Hesiod - Theogony - The gods
- Hesiod - Theogony - The Muses
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - The Hum
- Hodgson, Dr Richard – Hearing transcendental music
- Holderlin, Johann and Brahms - Hyperion's song of destiny
- Homeless man turns haunting noises in his head into Symphony
- Homer - The Odyssey - The Sirens
- Hugh Brody – The Other Side of Eden - Dunne-za and maps
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Nymphs and the Songlines
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Rivers and streams
- I was astonished to find my room flooded with the musical strains of an extraordinary fine orchestration
- I was in a large building filled with beautiful music
- Images of Paradise in the NDE 01
- Images of Paradise in the NDE 05
- Incidents in My Life - D D Home - Séance witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hall, Lady Dunsany, and Mrs. Adelaide Senior on Easter Eve, 1866.
- Isaac ben Soloman ibn Sahula - Commentaries on the Song of Songs
- Isaac ben Soloman Ibn Sahula - Commentaries on the Song of songs
- Isaac Loeb Peretz - A portion of that melody with which the Lord once created the Universe
- Isaac Loeb Peretz - Celestial music
- Isle of Man - A fleet of fairy boats each side of the rock
- Isle of Man - Evidence from a Member of the House of Keys
- Isle of Man - The Glass House and the Fairy Music
- Isle of Man - The Testimony of George Gelling, of Ballasalla
- J F H Von Dalberg goes out of body and hears music
- J. W. Skilton – Goes OOB to paradise
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Atoms and Bells
- Jeremy Narby - Shamanic songlines
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 044 Section 3
- Johann Simon Mayr - The Zibaldone - Songlines
- Jonathan Ott - Journal of Psychedelic Drugs - Mushrooms and no toast
- Jones, Sir William - A Hymn to Narayena
- Joscelyn Godwin - On Moses, Joshua and celestial music
- Joscelyn Godwin - Shabda yoga and the inner sound
- Joscelyn Godwin- Harmonies of Heaven and Earth - Moses and Joshua hear celestial music
- Joscelyn Godwin- Harmonies of Heaven and Earth - The Zaddik
- Joseph of Cupertino - Ascends to the ceiling with the crockery
- Joseph of Cupertino – And his death, ‘Oh, what chants, what sounds of Paradise’
- Just after Mrs L's death, between 2 and 3 am, I heard a most sweet and singular strain of singing outside the windows
- Kabir - Breathe in that Word
- Kabir - Inside this clay jug there are canyons
- Kabir - The flute of interior time is played
- Kabir - What comes out of the harp? Music
- Karnataka and South India - 03 Airavatesvara Temple
- Keightley, Thomas - Idyllen Volkssagen und legenden
- Keightley, Thomas - White Dwarfs
- Kepler, Johannes - The planets’ songs are polyphonic
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - Misc. Quotes - On music
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On the Systems of the universe
- Khristophorous Gallowglaich - Time stood still
- Knud Rasmussen - The Little Diomede Diviner
- Knud Rasmussen - The Netsilik Eskimos, the story of Orpingalik
- l lost sight of the light and music, I felt so bereft at being left behind
- Lalla - Dance Lalla, with nothing on
- Lalla - Those are waiting on; the unobstructed sound
- Laubscher, B J F – Try and listen with me, I am hearing the most beautiful music; it seems to be drawing me, but it is far far away
- Led Zeppelin - Stairway to heaven
- Legrand - And the art of creativity
- Lehmann, Rosamond Nina - Emotionally shattered by the death of her daughter, she has an OBE
- Lethbridge, T C - ESP Beyond Time and Distance – On Cones and the Egg
- Lethbridge, T C - ESP Beyond Time and Distance – The Harmonics of the cones
- Levi-Strauss, Claude - The Other Face of the Moon
- Lewis, C S - Prince Caspian - The Water wall
- Louis XVII of France hears celestial music as he dies
- Lowell, James Russell - Thick rushing like an ocean vast
- Ludlow, Fitz Hugh - A stream of celestial music
- Ludlow, Fitz Hugh - Caves
- Ludlow, Fitz Hugh - Celestial music
- Ludlow, Fitz Hugh - Hears music
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - Testimony of Mr. James Hutchinson, Chairman of the London Stock Exchange
- Martin the child prodigy and the incredible states of bliss and awe whenever he surrendered to the inner music he felt pouring through his soul
- Mattheson, Johann and celestial music
- McKenna, Terence - First experiments with DMT - fear
- Meeting Morrison and God on the Moon by Rhythm King
- Meeting relatives
- Meeting relatives, friends, and loved ones on the NDE 03
- Ménière's disease and musical hallucinations
- Michaux, Henri - Report from Poddema
- Minds on replay: musical hallucinations and their relationship to neurological disease
- Minnie and Ada
- Mirabai - Murali sounds
- Miss M, an 18-year-old girl, hysterical and cataleptic goes out of body and hears celestial music
- Miss Russell from Edmonds, Washington hears a full celestial orchestra in a state of depression
- Monroe, Robert - The place of pure peace
- Moody Blues - The Word
- Morrells, Luce and an apocalyptic dream
- Morrells, Luce and glace fruit and ambassadors
- Morrells, Luce and the dark coral angel
- Mozart - Hadamard - Mozart describes how he achieves illumination
- Mr. Herwig, a distinguished German violinist dies, and provides celestial music after his death, like rays of sunlight turning into sounds
- Mrs Jennie D, who seemed to be a congenial soul, visits Mr Weymouth after her death
- Mrs L. Opfolter-Hull’s grandmother OBE where she of floated up towards the most beautiful choir she had ever heard, during her baby's birth
- Mrs Mitchell hears celestial music in the dentist
- Mrs. Emma Powell goes out of body hearing ‘the most beautiful- music I have ever heard’
- Mrs. F. Downing of North Ipswich’s brother Fred - So many children, so much music
- Mrs. M. A. Larcombe - You may be sure your friend, Anne Cox, has gone to Heaven
- Music coming from the bedroom of a Salvation Army Worker
- Musical hallucinations and their relation with epilepsy
- Myths and legends - The Fairy Mythology - The Fairy’s Enquiry
- Myths and legends - The Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland – The Fair Folk
- Narada - Sangita Makaranda - Celestial music
- Nerval, Gerard de - I seemed to myself a hero living under the very eyes of the gods
- Newton, Sir Isaac - The Pipes of Pan - Music of the spheres
- Nunn, Dr Chris - 01 The mountain of God, the gulf of infinity and the arc of created being
- Oliver Sacks - A choir of angels
- Oliver Sacks - Mrs O'M hears choirs singing
- Oliver Sacks - Musical prodigy
- Oliver Sacks - The twins, numbers and celestial music
- Olivier Messiaen - Inspired by celestial music
- Organisation of Pictish society – Roles - The Hermit
- Organs and angels
- Out of body from chloroform
- Out of body from dentist
- Parker, Shelley E - My near death experience
- Parmenides - On Nature - 01
- Pete Townshend of the Who hears celestial music
- Philo - On celestial music
- Pink Floyd - Saucerful of Secrets
- Plato - Republic X - 03 Tale of Er
- Plutarch – The Vision of Aridæus 01
- Professor Arthur Lovell - At 2 o'clock in the morning, my father died, two minutes later we began to hear on the outside of the window a wonderful song
- Pythagoras - Hikmat al-ishriq - An out of body experience 003475
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - Celestial music
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - Music heard
- Pythagoras - Marcilio Ficino describes the musical ratios of Pythagoras
- R. K. Beggs – has an NDE from drowning and hears celestial music
- Rachmaninoff - Plays his own Piano Concerto No. 3 (1939)
- Rahel Varnhagen - Letters - Hears celestial music
- Raymond Bayless hears unearthly and inconceivably beautiful celestial music
- Reichel-Dolmatoff - On ayahuasca
- Report on Spiritualism of the Committee of the London Dialectical Society, 1873
- Robert Bell - Morning Star, October 1860 – Testimony of Dr. Gully, of Malvern confirming Bell’s testimony
- Rolle, Richard - Incendium Amoris - About enlightenment
- Rolle, Richard - Incendium Amoris - And ghostly music
- Rolle, Richard - Incendium Amoris - Ecstasy, song and fervour!
- Rolle, Richard - Incendium Amoris - Hears celestial music in chapel
- Rolle, Richard - Incendium Amoris - Mystic heat and music
- Rolle, Richard - Incendium Amoris - On celestial music
- Rolle, Richard - Incendium Amoris - The discordant sound of human music
- Rolle, Richard - Incendium Amoris - The hermit's life
- Rumi - Mathnawi - We have all been parts of Adam
- Rumi - Misc - Tis said, the pipe and lute that charm our ears
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - The birds have flown to freedom
- Russell, George William - Aerial clashings in an ever-changing musical silvery sound
- Russell, George William - Candle of Vision
- Russell, George William - Our being is musical
- Ruth Hall has an NDE and goes to paradise hearing celestial music
- Ruth Murray Underhill - Native American Indians - The Papago
- Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – The Music of the Spheres
- Saint Brendan - 08 The Voyage of Saint Brendan
- Saint Chad - an invisible concert of music had been heard above his cell
- Saint Servulus hears celestial music as he lay dying
- Saint-Saens - Requiem
- Saint-Yves d'Alveydre - On music
- Saint-Yves d’Alveydre – The Archeometer – Revelation 06
- Samavedas – 01 Book 06 Chapter 02, DECADE III Soma Pavamana
- Samavedas – Book 03 Chapter 01, XVIII Soma Pavamana
- Sarah Jenkins - An extremely lengthy case of celestial music, collectively perceived
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - On music
- Schubert - 'Mein Traum'
- Schumann, Robert - A melody which the angels had sung to him
- Schumann, Robert - Hearing one note played constantly
- Scotland, Barra - John MacNeill's testimony
- Scotland, Isle of Skye - Music at Dun-Osdale
- Seven Ages of Man - 06 Dwarfs/The Neanderthals – Keightley and Mithen
- Sheila Berry - Attempted suicide
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe - I pant for the music which is divine
- Shi Kuang - And the ghostly music of the River Pu
- Shostakovich - Oliver Sacks on the source of Shostakovich's inspiration
- Snell, Joy – Ministry of Angels – Hears celestial music. No earthly music that I have ever heard is half so gladsome
- Snell, Joy – Ministry of Angels – The little crippled girl and her spirit helpers
- Socrates - Plato Crito - Hears music and voices
- Sri Aurobindo - Krishna
- Steiner, Rudolf - The Inner Nature of Music and the Experience of Tone 1906
- Stobart, Henry - A view from the Bolivian Andes – The inspiration from the sirens
- Stockhausen - On 'sounds' 1972
- Suhrawardi - Hikmat al-ishriq - The Music of the Spheres
- Suicide attempt by taking an assortment of pills
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Smithy [Abstract Patterns]
- Tallis, Thomas - If ye love me
- Tallis, Thomas - Lamentations
- Tallis, Thomas - Miserere Nostri
- Tallis, Thomas - Spem in Alium
- Tartini - Violin Sonata in G minor 'Devil's Trill Sonata'
- Tavener, John - Celtic Requiem
- Tavener, John - Compilation
- Tavener, John - The Protecting Veil
- Taylor, Bayard - A long undulating cry of victory and of joy, Vivant Coelum
- Taylor, Bayard - The formidable whispering turned into a choral song, a grand hymn sung by thousands of voices, which spread very quickly from one hill to another
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - In Memoriam A H H - So word by word, and line by line
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - The Vision of Sin - Then methought I heard a mellow sound
- The atheist who decided she couldn't stand anymore, slit her wrists and has a NDE
- The Book of Taliesin - The Battle Of the Trees - 03
- The celestial music played to everyone at Mr and Mrs Parker’s daughter’s funeral in Woodland, USA
- The Cinematic Orchestra 'Breathe' - Live At The Barbican
- The death of Peter Emil Nielsen - The angels are singing! How beautiful it is
- The Divine Inspiration of Johannes Brahms - I and my Father are one
- The elderly lady, who had never heard such beautiful music in all her life
- The light is usually described as bright and white and associated with strong feelings of love and compassion
- The Lotus Sutra - 18 Benefits of the Teacher of the Law - 2 The benefits of becoming a 'seer'
- The Lotus Sutra - 22 Wonderful sound - 1 Adorned with Pure Light
- The meaning of the patterns on the tiles
- The Move - hearing the grass grow
- The music made such a deep and lasting impression that I have never lost its perfect satisfaction
- The near death experience of Thomas Say, the Quaker
- The sad notes of a wind harp were heard three times by several people as Lily died
- There burst upon my ear from the direction of the church-yard, what seemed to be the splendid roll of a full brass and reed band
- There was the sick woman, her hands raised in rapt astonishment, the music sounding within the room
- Thomas Keightley – The Fairy Mythology – Elves and Celestial Music
- Thünen, Johann Heinrich von - On October 18, the anniversary of Alexander's birth, particularly beautiful and harmonious sounds were heard - my wife found great spiritual consolation in the phenomenon
- Timothy Wyllie is healed of pneumonia during a NDE
- Tu Fu - A Song of Music in Brocade City
- Tyaga the Road of Fire - 12
- Ur - Bull's head of the Gold lyre 2600- 2400 BC Mesopotamia
- Vaughan Williams - Symphony no 6
- Vaughan Williams - Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis
- Verdi - Va, pensiero (Nabucco)
- Vignoli, Tito - Melody and harmony
- Vignoli, Tito - On music
- Villa Lobos - Bachianas Brasileiras no 5
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 11 My pocket handkerchief dropped through the air into my lap, with my latch key that I had left in my trousers pocket, knotted into one corner of the handkerchief
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 14 Adah Isaaks Menken [deceased] possesses Home
- Vision of Timarchus
- W.Y. Evans-Wentz - The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries - Celestial music
- W.Y. Evans-Wentz - The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries - The Magic Wand
- Wadsworth Longfellow, Henry - Fata Morgana
- Wagner - On the spiritual
- Wales - The Testimony of John Jones of Pontrhydfendigaid
- Wales - The Testimony of two Anglesy centenarians
- Whitman, Walt - Leaves of Grass - Celestial chorus
- Whitman, Walt - Leaves of Grass - My voice goes after what my eyes cannot reach
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 06
- William Collins - An Ode for Music
- Wilson, Brian - Good Vibrations
- Wordsworth, William - Mid the dark steeps repose the shadowy streams
- Xam bushmen - And the moon
- Yeats, W B - Collected poems - The piper piping away
- Youmans, Dr Edward Livingstone - Hearing celestial music