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Observations placeholder

Keightley, Thomas - White Dwarfs



Type of Spiritual Experience

Inter composer communication

Number of hallucinations: 1


On the island of Rugen in the Baltic, there were beings known as 'White Dwarfs'.

A description of the experience

Thomas Keightley - World Guide etc

The white dwarfs are the most delicate and beautiful of all and are of an innocent and gentle disposition.  During the winter, when the face of nature is cold, raw and cheerless, they remain still and quiet in their hills, solely engaged in the fashioning of the finest works in silver and gold, of too delicate a texture for mortal eyes to discern.

Thus, they pass the winter; but no sooner does the spring return, than they abandon their recesses, and live through all the summer above ground, in sunshine and starlight, in uninterrupted revelry and enjoyment.  The moment the trees and flowers begin to sprout and bind in the early days of spring, they emerge from their hills, and get among the stalks and branches, and thence to the blossoms and flowers, where they sit and gaze around them.

In the night when mortals sleep, the White Dwarfs come forth and dance their joyous roundels in the green grass, about the hills, and brooks and springs making the sweetest and most delicate music, bewildering travellers, who hear and wonder at the strains of the invisible musicians.  They may, if they will, go out by day, but never in company; these daylight rambles being allowed them only when alone and under some assumed form.  They therefore frequently fly about in the shape of partly coloured little birds, or butterflies, or snow white doves, showing kindness and benevolence to the good who merit favour.

The source of the experience

Keightley, Thomas

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


