Symbols - What does heaven look like
An elf is the Spirit being of a non flowering plant – principally ferns, and fungi. It is thus the personification of a plant spirit being.
It is worth adding that the archetypal image – the template – that we have built up for this type of spirit being is so universal now, that it I presented back to us by the spirit world in visions. Thus we ‘see’ what we expect to see and the image is constructed for us as we would expect – even down to the pointy ears and elongated body.
Michael Parkes
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- Brittany - Corrigans, Lutins, Nains and Follets
- Dinnshenchas – The shape shifting of Faifne the poet and his sister Aige
- DMT - Seeing elves via DMT therapy
- Ecclesiastical History of Iceland - Finnus Johannaeus - The Alfa folk of Iceland
- Elves of Freshfield woods
- Evans-Wentz, W Y - Alchemical and Mystical Theory [1911]
- Evans-Wentz, W Y - The Fairy Faith in Celtic countries - The testimony of Mrs X
- Frost, Robert - Something there is that doesn't love a wall
- Gautier, Theophile - The portrait from life of an elf
- Gnomes in the garden
- Halloween
- Holy Cow, Aliens, Soul Marriage, and Divinity - Ayahuasca by Mitra 01
- Joscelyn Godwin - Celts and Scandinavians
- Keightley, Thomas - Store Hedding Zealand
- Keightley, Thomas - Stromkarl
- Keightley, Thomas - The Elfdans
- Keightley, Thomas - The Elle-king's soldiers
- Keightley, Thomas - White Dwarfs
- Manley Hopkins, Gerald - The Starlight Night - Elves
- McKenna, Terence - On the realm of DMT
- Mr. Hart - 1634, Wiltshire, England - Dancing elves, a paralyzed witness
- Paul Devereux - On elves
- Pinchbeck, Daniel - Mushrooms 1
- Pinchbeck, Daniel - Mushrooms 2
- Poetic Edda - Sayings of the High One [extract]
- Poetic Edda - The Ballad of Alvis [exract]
- Russell, George William - Aerial clashings in an ever-changing musical silvery sound
- Sir James Frazer - The Golden Bough - Greek gods
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Lunar Pitris
- Thomas Keightley - World Guide to Fairies - Elyll and Ellyon
- Thorlacius - Noget Om Thor og Hans Hammer
- Wikipedia - Fairy ring folklore