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DMT - Seeing elves via DMT therapy
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
DMT the Spirit Molecule – Rick Strassman MD
‘DMT is far better than any therapy ever was for me. All therapy reminds me of is how bad things were and are. On DMT I saw and felt myself as a good person, as loved by the DMT elves’
I asked ‘Elves!?’
‘There was a sense of many visitors. They were jovial, and they had a great time giving me the experience of being loved. With each dose there was more and more of a fulfilling safe and comfortable familiar feeling.
‘It would be great to do DMT maybe once a year to put a perspective on things and see where I’m at and heal me. The freedom in my abdomen is still there. The clenching is back again a little bit, but on a more consistent basis. I can remember that I was able to really clear it out’
I added ‘it can be a useful reference point’.