Symbols - What does heaven look like
A symbolic bridge is a means of travelling from island to island - cone to cone. But the very first bridge one must cross to be able to do this is the one that gets you to your own composer. Beyond that there may be numerous other bridges – some narrow some not - that take you to other cones – other things.
This first symbolic bridge is actually a passage or it can be seen as a tunnel or a bridge or some portal that takes you to the Higher spirit. It is often symbolically guarded. There are often two guardians [like Kerberos].
Mircea Eliade – Shamanism Archaic techniques of ecstasy
The ‘narrow passage’ or ‘dangerous passage’ is a common motif in both funerary and initiatory mythologies – we have seen how closely they may be connected, sometimes to the point of coalescence.
In New Zealand, the deceased must pass through a very narrow space between two demons [guardians] that try to capture him; if he is light he gets through, but if he is heavy he falls and becomes the demons [guardians] prey.
‘Lightness’ or ‘swiftness’ – as in the myths of passing very quickly through the jaws of a monster – is always a symbolic formula for ‘intelligence’, ‘wisdom’, ‘transcendence’ and in the last analysis for initiation.
Bridges can be seen as swords, planks, knives, ordinary bridges, walkways, and be wobbly, narrow, with no sides like an isthmus with parapets and so on – all these things have a symbolic meaning and describe the firmness and security or effectiveness of the bridge you have formed. Between each cone symbolically is the Abyss. There may also be guardians at the end of each bridge, for obvious reasons.
Katha Upanishad
A sharpened edge of a razor, hard to traverse
A difficult path is this – poets declare
Just like all portals, unless the person is accompanied by his spirit helpers or has his spiritual key [the ankh, the key, the mace etc], the person may need to provide a password, perform some sort of challenge or task or be given a key. I am not describing a game here – this is exactly what happens in many visions and dreams. The spiritual world appears to protect the cones in the egg and set quite stringent security blocks in place.
As all Intelligences also have composers, it is possible to go from your hill to their mountain, but this is indeed a perilous path where you are likely to meet guardians of a most ferocious kind – unless of course you are meant to be there or are accompanied. As can be seen from my diagram the bridge can appear to be a ladder or a set of stairs.
Mircea Eliade – Shamanism Archaic techniques of ecstasy
By crossing, in ecstasy, the ‘dangerous bridge’ that connects the two worlds and that only the dead can attempt, the shaman proves that he is spirit, is no longer a human being, and at the same time attempts to restore communicability that existed in illo tempore between the world and heaven. For what the shaman can do today in ecstasy could, at the dawn of time, be done by all human beings in concreto; they went up to heaven and came down again without recourse to trance. Temporarily and for a limited number of persons – the shamans – ecstasy re-establishes the primordial condition of all mankind.
The following is also very helpful:
The Perilous Bridge – Alby Stone
In cosmological myth, bridges sometimes lead from the realm of mortals to the land of the dead, or to the abode of the gods. Zoroastrian myth tells of the Cinvat (‘separation’) bridge, ‘the holy bridge made by Mazda’ that stretches over hell to paradise, ‘which is the route of every one, righteous or wicked; the width across the route of the righteous is a breadth of nine spears, each one the length of three reeds, but the route for the wicked becomes like the edge of a razor’ . The bridge is suspended between two mountains, one in the centre of the world, one at the rim. This serves to reinforce the liminal bridge’s status, by linking the range of mountains believed to encircle the earth, that which separates the outside from the inside, with that of the axis mundi, which keeps earth and sky apart. Similar bridges occur in the traditions of the Ossetes, Armenians, and Georgians; and the bridge al-Sirat (‘the path’) of Islamic tradition is almost certainly derived from Zoroastrian cosmology.
The Cinvat bridge is analogous to that crossed by the Altaic shaman in the spirit-journey to the underworld realm of Erlik Khan. This bridge is as wide as a hair, and the sea below it is strewn with the bones of shamans who have failed the crossing - like the Cinvat, this bridge will not tolerate a sinner . A variation on this motif occurs in North American native myth: the Telumni Yokuts believe that the land of the dead is reached by crossing a stream by way of a shaking bridge that the living cannot use. In the same vein are the sword-bridge that features in a number of Arthurian romances, and the pont où nul ne passe described in a continuation of Chrétien de Troyes’ Perceval. The last is only half a bridge, but when the hero reaches the middle it swings about so that the end that formerly rested on one side now leads to the other.
The road to the land of the dead is said to lead across a bridge in many other traditions. The Semang of Malaysia have a bridge called Balan Bacham that reaches across the sea to the magical island of Belet; also in Malaysia, the Sakai tell of a bridge named Menteg that spans a cauldron of boiling water, into which the wicked fall . For the Moso of southwest China, the otherworld is reached by a bridge blockaded by ‘demons’ [guardians] .
The Norse myth of Baldr’s death tells of Hermóðr’s ride to the land of Hel on Odin’s steed Sleipnir; on the way he crosses the Gjallar brú, the gold-roofed ‘echoing bridge’ over the river Gjoll. Saxo Grammaticus gives the story of Hadingus, who is taken on a journey to the underworld by a mysterious woman; on the road they cross a bridge over a river strewn with weapons . Saxo also tells of a river that separates the world of men from a supernatural realm inhabited by monsters, spanned by a golden bridge forbidden to travellers; and the paradisal land Odainsakr of Eiríks Saga Viðforla is reached via a stone bridge. The most famous bridge in Norse myth is Bifrost, the ‘trembling way’ that is popularly identified with the rainbow. Bifrost stretches from Miðgarðr to Asgarðr, terminating at Himinbjorg, the home of its watchman Heimdallr .
Bridges, like all crossing places, are dangerous. As routes across the body of water that separates the living from the dead, or across the infernal abyss, these mythical bridges are especially dangerous: the soul of the sinner cannot cross, and the bridge distinguishes between the righteous and the damned. Earthly bridges are fixed structures, but these are narrow or broad, as occasion demands, or are endowed with an apparent structural unsoundness that allows only the morally resolute to make the crossing in safety. Sometimes, the danger is there for all, and for the righteous the bridge is a final test. Invariably, the bridge leads to a kind of paradise or to an underworld that will not tolerate the presence of the bad, who fall from it into a place of dissolution or punishment.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- A death in Egypt and a visit to the children in England
- A Lucid dream using Casimiroa edulis
- A prediction of a broken hip
- A premonition of the death of a gerbil
- A shared experience of a loved one's death
- A violent blow was struck on the head of the bed and the curtains were set in motion by an inexplicable puff of air
- A vivid telepathic experience - I knew you would come, I have been calling for you, as your father has had a serious accident and needs your help
- Ades, Eduard and Marguerite - Eduard hypnotises Marguerite
- Ades, Eduard and Marguerite - Mrs Ades feels no pain
- Alexander Skirving and his wife
- Am I possessed?
- An experiment in control over a person's actions
- Andrew Lang - Native American Indians - The Apache crystals
- Artāy Virāf - Chapter 2 and 3 - An OBE
- Artāy Virāf - Chapter 5 - The Chinwad bridge
- Assassination attempt warning
- Aymar Vernay, Jacques - Dowsing to find murderers
- Ball, Dr Martin - The Spirit Being of Salvia Divinorum
- Became a vegetarian
- Became afraid of water
- Bernart de Ventadorn - Can vei la lauzeta
- Bertha Hurley sees the dying Mrs Ewans
- Bingen, Hildegard of - And their sound was like the voice of a multitude
- Blackmon Sanders, Reverend Constantine - Finding money
- Blithe spirit - The Proposal
- Blood pressure tablets and cheese
- Bob’s head
- Böcklin, Arnold - Der Kampf auf der Brϋcke 1892
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Inner and Outward courts and the abyss
- Born again Christian swearing and cursing
- Bouissou, Madame Michael - Diagnosing illness
- Bouissou, Madame Michael - The images were as though they were being wound round some invisible spool
- Bouissou, Madame Michael - The mummy at M. Berger's
- Bouissou, Madame Michael - The prophecy of the house in Guerande
- Bouissou, Madame Michael - The same symbolism is valid for everyone
- Bouissou, Madame Michael - The Second World War- The Jewesses' tale
- Bouissou, Madame Michael - What I should like is to hear my child live through your words; I should like to hear you speak of her as though she were still living
- Bouissou, Madame Michael – The Second World War- The man was there, frozen blue, but his gaping mouth seemed to be twisted in an ironical leer
- Braveheart - Bridge to the tunnel
- Braveheart - Crossing the bridge
- Braveheart - Islands, bridges and pencil cases
- Broken neck playing rugby produces near death experience
- Bugs crawling over them
- Car accident and hearing voices
- Carlson, Chester – Inter mind communication with Dorris
- Case study of acute stroke victim with auditory hallucinations
- Case study of man with an acute stroke and auditory hallucinations
- Case study of stroke victim who heard her dead mother
- Cassidy, Joe - 'Sees' a car accident
- Cayce, Edgar - Dancing brooms and table lifting
- Chandogya Upanishad
- Charles Fort - 0 Concepts - Bridges
- Cheese and dreaming
- Child with problem-solving gift
- Childbirth experience 04
- Cirlot on bridges
- Cohen, Leonard - Ballad of the Absent Mare
- Colonel Jones's father has a vision of his sister in a coffin
- Concussion
- Corbin, Henry - The Earth of the Emerald Cities
- Costanzi Theater fire
- Crichton, Michael - from Travels - Channelling
- Croad, Mrs Carrie - Blindsight by reading other people’s minds
- Croiset, Gerard - A suspicion that his stepmother had poisoned his late father
- Croiset, Gerard - Death in the woods of Arnhem
- Croiset, Gerard - I'm sorry, but this man is no longer alive. I see clearly that he has hanged himself from a tree
- Croiset, Gerard - Mrs. A. Land, of Museumplein 7, in Amsterdam sends missing Mr Xs picture and his toothbrush as a bridge
- Croiset, Gerard - Raises doubts about the conviction of Dr. Sam Sheppard for his wife Marilyn’s murder
- Croiset, Gerard - The Brick in the Jeweler’s Window
- Croiset, Gerard - The Coffee Smugglers
- Croiset, Gerard - The first reawakening of his psychic powers
- Croiset, Gerard - The Skeleton of the German Rapist in Rotterdam
- Croiset, Gerard - The Wallet of a Stranger
- Croiset, Gerard - The Wierden Hammer Assailant
- Croiset, Gerard - Traversing back nine years to solve a 1940 murder of two young Dutch children
- Croiset, Gerard - Working with the Reverend Father Grauw of the Our Lady of Peel Convent from Sevenum on the murder of a boy
- Custance, John - Adventure into the Unconscious - Changing the traffic lights
- Daling Gomchen
- Dangerous book
- Danielou, Alain – On drugs you are possessed by the spirit being of the drug
- Danny my heart is yours
- David-Neel, Alexandra - Phurba and the lama, the
- Demonic creatures running over him
- Denis - Trinity evening 1891
- Denton, Professor William and Elizabeth - The history of objects
- Diagnosing illness when in trance using auras
- Didier, Alexis – Helps the manager of the Mont-de-Piete find a thief
- Dixon, Jeane - Knows of her mother's death
- Dixon, Jeane - Prophesies President Kennedy's assassination
- Dixon, Jeane - 'prophesies' future presidents
- Dixon, Jeane - Helps Roosevelt
- Dixon, Jeane - Reads Evelyn's mind
- Dixon, Jeane - Reads the Russian Ambassadors mind
- DMT - Circus, clowns and Jokers
- DMT - Frightening encounter with the DMT beings
- DMT - Geometric crystalline entity
- DMT - Kali, Drugs and dreams
- DMT - Meeting the spirit imps of DMT
- DMT - Seeing elves via DMT therapy
- DMT - Seeing the spirit being of DMT
- DMT - Send in the clowns number one
- DMT - The enormous octopus and the DMT beings
- DMT - Universal shaman and the DMT being
- Do not eat the rind
- Donor fell from an apartment window
- Donor shot in a flash
- Donor's murderer apprehended
- Dorothy's lungs give up
- DPT & Cannabis - Alien abduction
- DPT & Cannabis - Meets the spirit being of the drugs
- Dr Hayden helps the insurance company
- Dr Norris remote heals
- Dream of dying sister
- Dream of friend's suicide
- Dream of son's accident
- Eating disorder from donor
- Elburz
- Eliade, Mircea - The Moon as the place of souls
- Elizabeth Lloyd Mayer's daughter's stolen harp
- Escher - Metarmophoses II
- Farrelly, Frances - Diagnosing diabetes and blood clot
- Farrelly, Frances - Diagnosing TB in the ear
- Farrelly, Frances - Meteorites and missing people
- Farrelly, Frances - Remote diagnosis using blood
- Farrelly, Frances - Sensing the sadness in a ring
- Fawcett, Lt Colonel Percival Harrison - Nina Fawcett and his colleagues try to find Percy through mediums
- Felix Fossato of Turin hears the cry from his sick sister
- Fiance's misfortune
- Flamel, Nicolas - Uraltes chymisches Werk A Eleazer 1760 3rd illustr.
- Flying ointment
- Forewarning of mother's death
- Foster, Charles H - Give my love to Frank
- Foster, Charles H - Mind reading examples 2
- Foster, Charles H - New York DayBook, June 7, 1873
- Geologist uses his feet to find oil
- George Harrison - Any Road
- Georgina Bernstein's cries of anguish reach her sister in New York
- Ghostly figures after a heart transplant
- Giordano Bruno – A definition of magic and the magician
- Good working well obtained by dowsing
- Gracie takes DMT and sees the elves
- Green porcupine
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Ancestral memories
- Hamilton, Dr Allan - Thomas the little boy with multiple burns
- Harmaline, 5-MeO-DMT & DMT - by Netrunner
- Harriet's husband's heart
- Healer H - Old clothes and a crocodile
- Healing hands
- Hearing voices she can't understand
- Heart lung transplant 005313
- Heart lung transplants
- Heart transplant
- Heart transplant taste changes
- Her grandmother dreamed of the death of her mother
- Her old nanny visits her to tell her she is dying, but 'all was well'
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - Drowned in the horrible dark brown treacle of a man’s anger
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - It was worded as an Order, 'Say that he likes budgerigars'
- Hi-ah Park – 03 The point of mu a, ecstasy, the death of ego
- Hi-ah Park – 04 The naerim kut
- Hiroshige - A sudden shower
- Hiroshige - Drum bridge at Meguro and Sunset Hill
- Hiroshige - One hundred Famous Views in the Provinces
- Hiroshige - View of a long bridge across a lake
- Hobson, Dr Allan - The effects of a stroke 03 - A monkey mama is floating in the air in front of him
- Hokusai - Views of famous bridges
- Holderlin, Johann - Patmos
- Husband sees wife falling
- I was woken up very suddenly by something incredibly violent
- Inducing convulsions in patients
- Ingo Swann’s granny
- Into The Flood Ibogaine, iboga Total Aklaloid Extract by Xorkoth
- Jacques Hadamard - The mathematical problem of the mother of Leonard Eugene Dickson
- Japanese islands
- Japanese Shinto print
- Joseph's transplanted heart wanted to trick or treat
- Julian of Norwich - AFTER this the Fiend came again with his heat and with his stench
- Julian of Norwich - Meets the goblin of her illness
- Kabir - The flute of interior time is played
- Kahuna - On bridges and 'mainu'
- Karen Simons' dead father sits beside her in her truck
- Karnataka and South India - 02 Temple architecture
- Khnopff, Fernand - Memories
- Khunrath, Heinrich - Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeterna 1602
- Kidney and heart transplants
- Lalla - The road I came by wasn’t the road I took to go
- Lalla - Three times I have seen the lake
- Lame Deer - Native American Indians - On rattles
- Laubscher, B J F - Outa Jantjes and the case of the phantom woman and child
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – Black magic
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – Healing a poorly toe using the pendulum – distance healing
- Lethbridge, T C - Ghost and Ghoul - The importance of the bridge
- Lethbridge, T C – ESP Beyond Time and Distance – They knew that when they died, they were not extinguished
- Lethbridge, T C – Witches: Investigating an Ancient Religion – Remote healing using ‘the box’
- Lilly, John - The brain is not the mind
- Lincoln, Abraham - Goes to the Army of the Potomac
- Lincoln, Abraham - Nettie draws the secret war map
- Lincoln, Abraham - Nettie prophesies Lincoln's death
- Lincoln, Abraham - News from the front
- Lindbergh, Charles - The angels in the air
- Liver transplant patient meets his donor
- London Bridge is falling down
- Lyon White's Mum Peggy talks to her dead father
- M A Czaplicka - Siberian shamanism
- MacLaine, Shirley - The Gifts and Prophecies of Maria
- Madame Belot sees her dying husband in Algiers
- Madame d’Esperance - Shadow Land - 17 Reading closed and sealed letters
- Maid and poesy
- Margaret Foos sees blindfold
- Maria R. Zierold
- Marian Griffiths - senses the death of her brother
- Mario's new heart stops him dancing
- Mary Kingsley - Charms from a Bantu medicine man
- Mary's heart fights back
- McKenna, Terence - The 'Tykes' of DMT
- McMoneagle, Joe - Finding General Dozier
- McMoneagle, Joe - Finds a Soviet plane in Zaire
- McMoneagle, Joe - Remote views the Abrams XM-1 heavy tank
- Messing, Wolf - An explanation by Messing of how he was able to perform telepathy
- Messing, Wolf - Playing chess blindfold – and winning
- Messing, Wolf - Sometimes the public will hinder me unconsciously; their stray thoughts echo like a discordant chorus
- MI5, the War office man and Vicky
- Michaux, Henri - Miserable Miracle Mescaline - Down the vault
- Michaux, Henri - Miserable Miracle Mescaline - The Spirit being of Mescaline
- Mircea Eliade - And the Manacica people
- Mircea Eliade - Belet
- Mircea Eliade - Shamanic bridges
- Mircea Eliade – The Na-khi – The Psychopomp role
- Mircea Eliade – The Turkic Rainbow bridge
- Misery of a poor man
- Miss Salt and her lover
- Moitessier, Bernard - Tamata and the Alliance - Seeing Francois
- Monk hears another choir
- Monsieur Alexandre Drouart dies in his sleep
- Monsieur Thadee Cuneo d’Ornano has his head carried away at the entrance to a tunnel
- Morrells, Luce and a little box like a TV
- Morrells, Luce and the exhausting train
- Mr A Villinger prophesies the death of his manager
- Mr Bernard Springett gets a message from a soldier in the trenches
- Mr Rouge's daughter sees her dead brother
- Mrs Agnes Paquet –England - Annales des Sciences psychiques 1891
- Mrs Grieve on Yarrow
- Mrs Jane O'Neill of Cambridge
- Mrs M A Richardson sees her wounded husband
- Mrs. W. Bezemer solves the case of the stolen platinum
- Murray, Gilbert - Telepathic experiments with his family
- Music Therapy - Catherine O’Leary and Martha with Psychological trauma and extreme unhappiness
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - And the jackal story
- Myers, F W H - Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death – Bridges
- Myths and legends - Maol a Mhoibean
- New heart turns him into an African
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Superman
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from The Second Seclusion 02
- Noodled by narcotics, and seeing how brain compression algorithms at work
- Norse - Simek - Bil-rost
- Olivia sees pictures from objects
- Organ donor drowned in bathtub
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - more experiments with a lead pipe
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - War time location of prisoners
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - describes his every move
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - describes the process
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - describes the process in more detail
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - diagnoses wounds and pain in a stranger
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - elephants and crocodiles
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - experiments
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - experiments using documents in lead pipes
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - finding a missing bracelet
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - finding the missing brooch
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - Four archaeological experiments
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - Helping to catch a murderer
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - mixed envelopes give mixed messages
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - reading the mind and secret desires of Mme X
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - reads Mme Geley's letter
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - relates a wartime poisoning
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - Remote viewing by request
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - Seeing a missing relative
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - sees an old urn, cotton wool and photographic plates
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - sees the blood spurting from his wound
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - the dead man's box and the meteorite
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - the essential role of the bridge
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - the last letter of a dead man
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - the letter from Spain
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - the stolen documents
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - the test with the watch
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – Dr. Dufay, of Blois and the prisoner who hanged himself
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – Mlle de Berly diagnoses the illness of Jeanne M
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – Mme Morel and psychometric studies
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – Mme Morel and the role of the bridge in exploring perceptions
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – Mme Morel describes the person from a letter supplied by Canon Berthucat, the Principal of the College of Lourdoueix-Saint-Michel
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – Mme Morel finds the lost diamond star
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – Mme Morel sees a theft
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – Mme Morel sees the gold hidden, and prophesies it will be found again
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – Mme Morel, in deep hypnosis, finds the body of a dead man
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – Mme Morel, Mme R, in September, 1920, and the missing platinum brooch
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – Mme Viviana, hypnotized, tells what she can see of the writer of a letter
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – Report of a seance that Mr. Hereward Carrington had with Reese, May 3rd, 1911
- Otto Reimann
- Paul Devereux - Inca paths
- Pauli, Wolfgang - Scilla and Charybdis
- Peter Jansen – finds the culprit of a theft
- Phantasms of the Living - Volume i - Sees the headless body of her brother
- Pinchbeck, Daniel - DMT experience
- Pinchbeck, Daniel - DPT - the jaded emptiness and sublime beauty of the evanescent empire
- Pinchbeck, Daniel - DPT experience
- Pinchbeck, Daniel - Ten years of therapy in one night – 02
- Pinchbeck, Daniel - The Spirit beings of Ayahuasca
- Plato - Critias - Atlantis and Athens
- Polynesian Researches – Ellis – Death prayers and possession in the Sandwich Islands
- Potanin - Kam out of body
- Potatoes cause hallucinations
- Premonition of husband's accident
- Price, Pat
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - Adjusting the diet to help attain wisdom and prophesy
- Ramon Medina Silva - And Waterfall stimulation
- Reading minds
- Reading minds and complex bridges
- Reichel-Dolmatoff - South American shaman initiation
- Remote viewing of apartment
- Reverend Wales and the scientists
- Rimbaud, Arthur - After the idea of the Flood had receded
- Ritter, Johann Wilhelm – Experiments with Divining rods and pendulums
- Rod Fryer hears his brother call out
- Romano, Jacques - The case of the 'Pomerantz hotel'
- Rosalie and Emilie
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - The Blessed Damozel
- Saint-Saens - Oratorio de Noel
- Sales, Francois de - Bells ringing on his death
- Schiller, Lori - The Voices yelled so loud they woke her up
- Schiller, Lori - Voices were speaking in some other language
- Seabrook, William Buehler - Justine's hood
- Seeing a wreck
- Seeing historical events in detail
- Seeing laser lights or weirdly colored bugs or gadgets doing weird patterns
- Seeing pictures blindfolded
- Sensing sorrow
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - All of the excellent virtues are of a middle way
- Sharing the vision of her dying mother
- Shereshevsky, Soloman - If I imagine something is going to happen, it does
- Sheridan, Clare – The bloody history of the sacred tomahawk
- Sherman, Harold - February 21st 1938 - Monday
- Sherman, Harold - Fire: December 7th, 1937
- Sherman, Harold - The story of the light switch
- Shunsho
- Sinclair, Mary Craig - Experiments
- Six year old Daniel
- Soav - Loud rhythmic tinny sounds
- Songs of Valley Spirit 01
- Spencer, Stanley - Landscapes 02 - Boatyards
- Sri Aurobindo - 03 Book III Canto II - 01
- Sri Aurobindo - To Weep Because
- Stead, William - part 09 - Passing the pillars of light
- Stead, William - part 11 - Meets the spirit being of the glue
- Sternfels, Florence - The death of Dolly Miller
- Stevenson, Dr Ian - Birth marks and past life trauma
- Stevenson, Dr Ian - Joseph accesses his dead uncle's perceptions
- Stevenson, Dr Ian - Past life as hit and run victim
- Strassman, Rick - DMT and the large crystalline prisms
- Strassman, Rick - DMT and the pulsating entity
- Styka, Jan - A premonition about his grandson Caspar
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 1806
- Sylvia, Claire - A liking for chicken nuggets
- Sylvia, Claire - A sudden preference for big blondes
- Sylvia, Claire - All I want is a beer
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism - Bridge
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Double disc and Z rod [Crannog]
- Talking to her heart
- The 'Answer Man' gives answers
- The accident in the hammock
- The blind protocol and its place in consciousness research
- The body of Monsieur Etienne Lerasle in Cher is found by Madaure Morel, who lived in Paris using his handkerchief
- The bridge or barrier in the NDE 01
- The bridge or barrier in the NDE 02
- The death of Escolan
- The psychometric powers of Senora Maria Reyes de Z
- The Reverend Stanley dowses
- The role of Spirit helpers in an NDE 03
- The suicide of the Duke of Abrantes
- The Tai Chi Grand Master and the rainbow bridge
- Tholen, Warner - Finds the man responsible for the murder of his own new-born baby girl
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 07 - 3 Plum cake
- Tibetan Buddhism - Chogs sang
- TIKHAL - Alexander Shulgin - Black goblins on DMT
- Tiny ghost
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – Psychometry
- Twain, Mark - Dan DeQuille and thought transference
- Vaughan, Dr Alan – Douglas Johnson was handed such a sealed envelope with a picture inside, he accurately described the picture in minute detail
- Victim of drive by shooting
- W.Y. Evans-Wentz - The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries - The Narrow Bridge
- Wadsworth Longfellow, Henry - Haunted Houses
- Wales - The Nature of Things - Cook describes ancient cremation
- Waterhouse, John William - I am half sick of shadows said the Lady of Shallott
- Watson, Lyall - Bridges
- Watson, Lyall - Telepathy experiments
- Watson, Lyall - The inter communication of harvester ants
- Watson, Lyall - The Persian cat called Sugar
- Wendy has NDE from surgery
- Whiteman, J H M relives walking in the park as a child
- William Burroughs
- Woman gets new heart, goes sex crazy
- Yasna – The Bridge of Separation
- Yassawi - 05 HIKMET 8
- Yassawi - 11 from HIKMET 34
- Yeats, W B - Anima Mundi - Bridges
- Yeats, W B - Anima Mundi - Flowers on his pillow
- Yeats, W B - The Phases of the Moon - And now he seeks in book or manuscript What he shall never find
- Yeats, W B - The Phases of the Moon - Hunchback and Saint and Fool, that came under the three last crescents of the moon
- Zoroastrian - Symbols and concepts - The Bridge