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Observations placeholder

Phantasms of the Living - Volume i - Sees the headless body of her brother



Type of Spiritual Experience


The terror is that of whoever was witness to this, as it is their perceptions that are being used to form the message

A description of the experience

From Phantasms of the Living -  volume i

[in Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death – F W H Myers]

From Mr N T Menneer Principal of Torre College, Torquay

My wife, since deceased, had a brother residing at Sarawak, and at the time to which I refer, staying with the Raja, Sir James Brooke.

The following is an extract from the second volume of the Raja of Sarawak by Gertrude L Jacob page 238.  “Mr Wellington” (my wife’s brother) “was killed in a brave attempt to defend Mrs Middleton and her children”.  The Chinese, it appears, taking Mr Wellington for the Raja’s son, struck off his head.

And now for the dream.  I was awoken one night by my wife, who started from her sleep, terrified by the following dream.  She saw her headless brother standing at the foot of the bed with his head lying on a coffin by his side.  I did my best to console my wife, who continued to be much distressed for some considerable time.  At length she fell asleep again, to be awoken by a similar dream.  In the morning, and for several days after, she constantly referred to her dream, and anticipated sad news of her brother.

And now comes the strangest part of the story.  When the news reached England I computed approximately the time, and found it coincided with the memorable night to which I have referred.

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Overwhelming fear and terror


Dreaming and lucid dreaming

