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Observations placeholder

Custance, John - Adventure into the Unconscious - Changing the traffic lights



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

John Custance – Adventure into the Unconscious

Friday 7th  Went to Melchester in Land Rover, noted that most guesses on the way regarding colours and places of meeting cars etc were more or less right.  Took this as a good omen for main objective, Melchester light test.  The external indications – a red bus – were that the first lights would be red.  They were, but just turned to green as I arrived.  In a sense this was a negative result, but I had inner indication that this was a sign that all other lights would be green for me, and in fact I would be able to get back to the auctioneers and out of town without stopping.  As I started inside the yard somebody hit something sounding like a gong which gave me the virtual certainty that I would succeed in this.

Did so, including the tricky exit into the street.  Passed several places where traffic is normally held up and through three sets of lights, only having to slow down once.....

I have had only one or two failures either in  car or on horseback except for one curious exception.  When on horseback I cannot guess about cars and when in a car I cannot guess about animals.  It even looks as though I formed a unit with my means of transport

The source of the experience

Custance, John

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Manic depression

