Observations placeholder
Saint-Saens - Oratorio de Noel
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
I, personally have known cases of telepathy, of prescience of the future..
In the far off days when I lived in the upper part of the Fauberg Saint-Honore, I worked hard. When I was up to my ears in work, I suddenly thought of a lady of my acquaintance. Some moments afterwards - the time it would take to pass through the courtyard and go up the stairs - some one rang; it was the lady of whom I had thought. The first few times I believed it chance; but the twentieth time! This phenomenon lasted several years.
In my youth, a painter, a friend of mine, showed me a picture he intended to submit for the annual Exposition. He had not yet exhibited the work and did not know whether the picture would be accepted. Looking at it, I saw it in the first room of the Palais de l'Industrie, in a certain place at the top of the stairs. On the day the salon opened I went there, and saw the picture placed as I had foreseen.