Observations placeholder
Geologist uses his feet to find oil
Type of Spiritual Experience
Dr Shafica Karagulla, born in the Lebanon but whose research took her to the USA and the UK, was a neuro-psychiatrist who spent eight years researching ordinary people who appeared to have extraordinary abilities. She started off being a skeptic as most scientists are [including me] but over time the evidence seemed overwhelming and she set up a research project to find out more. What brought her into the area was a book about Edgar Cayce, what kept her going was an open mind and an insatiable curiosity. Where she is remarkable is that she had no experiences of her own to confirm her eventual conclusions, but like all the very best scientists forgot her own life and concentrated on the observations and evidence.
Her research subjects were carefully chosen. She rejected all those who claimed they had these abilities but instead by a laborious process of enquiry and referral managed to find those who carried on normal professions and who never talked about their abilities but just used them.
A description of the experience
Breakthrough to Creativity – Dr Shafica Karagulla
A well-known geologist who was a world exploration man for one of the big oil companies discussed [with me] how he located the precise spot for drilling.
When he was locating an oil field or oil deposit he used all of his knowledge of geology. He did a vast amount of walking over areas which he was exploring. When his geology told him there must be oil deposits present, then he said he asked his feet. As he walked up and down over an area he sensed whether there was much or little oil and its grade or quality. When the company was ready to start drilling he again applied his geology, but settled on the exact spot because of the feeling in his feet.
He never discussed this with his oil company. However, he had a fabulous reputation for locations of oil bearing areas and the right spots for drilling. I would classify his ability under dowsing because he insisted he felt a frequency