Observations placeholder
Braveheart - Bridge to the tunnel
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
I am flying along the path of a long bridge high above it. A long way underneath the bridge is shimmering sea. The bridge is like a huge suspension bridge. A bit like the humber bridge though much longer. The sky is cloudless and the sun hot. I am in my naked very long haired form. I no longer have my ankh but a hunter watch - a watch on a chain with cover that opens.
The traffic on the bridge is going only one way and consists of people walking some pushing carts with belongings. The bridge leads to a mountain on an island. Where the bridge meets the mountain there is a large tunnel entrance. Flying around this are black beings and standing in front of the tunnel blocking it is what looks like a huge gladiator. It has a small head and three legs huge arms each holding a large fiery torch. It is iron grey.
The people traffic is jammed up because the gladiator being blocks them. I approach gliding though the air. The flying black beings swarm around me. As I get closer to the gladiator being it moves to attack me with fire from the torches which spurt long flames towards me. I raise myself to vertical and stop out of range. I open my hunter watch and see the face of a woman. I draw my face towards hers. I seem to enter the hunter watch!
I find myself behind the gladiator being in the tunnel. I propel myself towards it and with great force knock it out. It is very heavy and ungainly and plunges towards the sea. The people traffic moves again