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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Dixon, Jeane - Knows of her mother's death



Type of Spiritual Experience


This was not prophecy, her close links with her family enabled her to sense what was actually happening

A description of the experience

Ruth Montgomery – A Gift of Prophecy

Jeane’s psychic attunement to her family has always been acute. …Shortly after her honeymoon, while on a business trip with her husband to New York, a strange premonition seized her as they walked into their hotel. "Jimmy," she said, clutching his arm for support, "we're going to have a tragedy in our family. Shall I call California?"

Patting the trembling hand on his sleeve, he soothed: "No, honey, it's just because you're away for the first time. You're probably homesick. If you'd like some music to cheer you up, I'll take you to Luchow's for dinner."

Accompanied by a friend of Jimmy's, they went to the famous German restaurant, but Jeane was too upset to touch her food. "A death is very near me," she insisted. "It's either my mother or my father."

When the three returned to the hotel, a telegram was waiting. Jeane's mother, who had seemed perfectly well when they bade her good-bye earlier in the week, was dead. By telephone Jeane learned that her mother had accidentally struck her ankle against a chair. Apparently a leg infestion suffered the previous year had not entirely cleared up and she dropped dead of a blood clot that prevented circulation to the brain.

The source of the experience

Dixon, Jeane

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

