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Observations placeholder

Child with problem-solving gift



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Flammarion, C., Carroll, L,
Death and its mystery: before death, proofs of the existence of the soul

A very remarkable case of the transmission of thought is this, which was reported by Dr Quintard to the Society of Medicine at Angers:

A child of seven, Ludovico, possessed a gift for solving problems similar to that of the celebrated Inaudi. The child’s father finally noticed one day, first, that he hardly listened to the reading of the problems that were given him, and secondly, that his mother’s presence was the one condition necessary for the success of the experiment.

She always had to have the required solution under her eyes or in her mind. From this he deduced that his son did not calculate but divined, or, to be more exact, that the mother transmitted her thought to him; and he resolved to make sure of the matter. Consequently, he asked her to open the dictionary and ask the boy which page she was looking at, and the boy answered at once: “It is page four fifty-six,” which was correct. Ten times he repeated this and ten times we obtained the same result.

When a sentence of any length was written on a tablet it was enough for it to pass under the mother’s eyes for the child to be able to repeat the whole of it.

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Being a child



Flammarion, C., Carroll, L, (1922) Death and its mystery: before death, proofs of the existence of the soul, London T.Fisher Unwin, Ltd