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Pinchbeck, Daniel - The Spirit beings of Ayahuasca
Type of Spiritual Experience
Ayahuasca is principally based on DMT
A description of the experience
Daniel Pinchbeck
The hallucination started to deepen into a realm that I could not recognise, that I lack language to describe. I found myself wandering across a shimmering space with beings that never stopped changing – porcupine quilled, tusked, multi-tongued, amoebic, but even those words are only approximations of entities that could be compared to the darker imaginings of H P Lovecraft.
….. The shaman and the elders..... sang, their words unintelligible, to these creatures, interacting with them, in mystical communion. It seemed that this was the goal of the ayahuasaca ceremony, the arrival point. These were the heavenly people