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Strassman, Rick - DMT and the large crystalline prisms
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
DMT the Spirit Molecule – Rick Strassman MD
The empty space in the room began sparkling. Large crystalline prisms appeared, a wild display of lights shooting off into all directions. More complicated and beautiful geometric patterns overlaid my visual field. My body felt cool and light. Was I about to faint? I closed my eyes, sighing, and thought ‘My God!’
I heard absolutely nothing, but my mind was completely full of some sort of sound, like the after effects of a large ringing bell. I didn’t know if I was breathing. I trusted things would be fine and let go of that thought before panic could set in.
The intensity was so great that my body could not contain it. Almost out of necessity, I felt my awareness rush out, leaving its physical container behind.
Out of the raging colossal waterfall of flaming colour, expanding into my visual field, the roaring silence and an unspeakable joy, they stepped, or rather emerged.
Welcoming, curious, they almost sang.
‘Now do you see?’
I felt their question pour into and fill every possible corner of my awareness ‘Now do you see? Now do you see?’ Trilling, sing-song voices, exerting enormous pressure on my mind.
There was no need to answer. It was as if someone had asked me, on a blazing cloudless midsummer afternoon in the New Mexico desert, ‘Is it bright? Is it bright?’
The question and the answer are identical. Added to my ‘Yes!’ was a deeper ‘Of course!’ And finally an intensely poignant ‘At last!’
I started with my inner eyes and we appraised each other. As they disappeared back into the torrent of colour, now beginning to fade, I could hear some sounds in the room, I knew I was coming down.
I felt my breathing, my face, my fingers and I was dimly aware of an encroaching darkness. Were there flames, smoke dust, battling troops, enormous suffering?
I opened my eyes.