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Observations placeholder

Dixon, Jeane - Reads Evelyn's mind



Type of Spiritual Experience


This may have been prophecy, but it could equally well be Jeane reading little Evelyn's thoughts.  Children often harbour secret ambitions and keep them secret in case their parents don't approve or someone thinks they are being silly.

I think little Evelyn, even then, had a secret wish to fly and parachute from planes but had told no one.  Jeane, because she was close to her sister simply picked up those thoughts and relayed them to her father - this is not prophecy it is inter composer communication.

Mind reading.

A description of the experience

Ruth Montgomery – A Gift of Prophecy

On Jeane's sixteenth birthday Mr. Pinckert bought her an automobile, as was his custom with each of his children.  As she slipped behind the wheel a vision flashed before her eyes and she confided:

"Father, when little Evelyn is sixteen she'll ask for an airplane instead of an automobile, and you'll get it for her. I can see her shooting out into the air in some strange way, too, without the airplane."

Herr Pinckert chuckled at this fantasy. Neither Jeane nor any of his other children had evinced any interest in planes.

Nevertheless, on Evelyn Pinckert's sixteenth birthday she requested and received an airplane of her own. She became one of America's best-known aviatresses; made parachute jumps in the manner that her older sister had foreseen and became the only woman ever engaged by US military forces to teach aerobatics to army fliers.

The source of the experience

Dixon, Jeane

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

