Observations placeholder
Lindbergh, Charles - The angels in the air
Type of Spiritual Experience
Inter composer communication
In the 22nd hour of his trans-Atlantic flight, fighting to stay awake, Charles Lindbergh suddenly perceived spectral forms in the cabin that encouraged him to stay awake, offering navigation help. They stayed with him until he reached the Irish coast.
A description of the experience
Lindbergh speaks of the phantoms of whose presence he became aware;
from The Spirit of Saint Louis - Charles Lindbergh
They speak with human voices - friendly, vapour-like shapes, without substance, able to vanish or appear at will, to pass in and out through the walls of the fuselage as though no walls were there. . . .
The spirits have no rigid bodies, yet they remain human in outline form - emanations from the experience of ages, inhabitants of a universe closed to mortal men. I'm on the borderline of life and a greater realm beyond, as though caught in the field of gravitation between two planets, acted on by forces I can't control, forces too weak to be measured by any means at my command, yet representing powers incomparably stronger than any I yet know.
I realize that values are changing both within and without my mind. For twenty-five years, it's been surrounded by solid walls of bone, not perceiving the limitless expanse, the immortal existence that lies outside. Is this death? Am I crossing the bridge which one sees only in last, departing moments? Am I already beyond the point from which I can bring my vision back to earth and men? Death no longer seems the final end it used to be, but rather the entrance to a new and free existence which includes all space, all time.
The source of the experience
Lindbergh, CharlesConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Flying [small] airplanesSleep deprivation, insomnia and mental exhaustion